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Fundie Diet Plan


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The In a Shoe lady has poster her diet plan. As I wouldn't mind losing few lbs, I thought maybe she'd have so good tips. Take the good, leave the bad, right?

Um, not so helpful. Here is her list of "tips" for getting more movement in the day:

"When I needed my purse, I got it myself.

When I needed a glass of water, I got it myself.

When one of the little ones wanted a drink, I got it myself.

And a hundred other examples..."

My husband does occasionally get me water or what have you, but I generally get my own things. I've thought about training my dog to fetch drinks, but so far she's been uncooperative.

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Gee, I do all that stuff already, yet here I am in plus sizes...

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Guest Anonymous

Wait, is this the woman who doesn't use her kids as little slaves, right? So she's doing this as opposed to....what? Waving her wand and saying "Accio Drink?"

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Why didn't I read this sooner???? Here I've been sweating and cursing my way through a Jillian Michaels DVD when all I had to do was get my own purse and water? Shoot.

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There is a lot to snark at in the above list (and the blog post) but but...I'm just stunned that somebody would think of getting up to get their OWN water as something they could do for themselves. I mean, WTF??? Who was getting it for her prior to this week????

I've thought about ways to add activity to my day--things like taking the stairs to my 5th floor apartment, or getting off the bus one stop earlier, stuff like that--but I just thought getting my own glass of water was a given.

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You guys need to get your own purse and follow Wendy Jeub's fantastic diet of bacon wrapped in bisquick pancakes.

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Kim Coghlan blogs and 'supervises'.Her 6 or 7 older daughters do every other thing around that house-

here's what we do currently. The list changes about every 3 months. This is more often than hubby and I prefer, but not nearly as often as the children would like.

Maybe old but you get the jist.

Deanna (16yo): clean & straighten living room; plan and cook dinner; rinse dinner dishes; iron

Kaitlyn (14yo): burn trash; clean & straighten dining room; put away clean dishes; iron

Lydia (13yo): Lydia has requested all outdoor and animal duties: feed & water animals (chickens, dogs, cat); keep yard picked up; take out compost; "first shift" on dinner dishes (clear & wipe counters, put away leftovers, set up coffee for following morning); iron

Megan (11yo): clean & straighten bathroom and kitchen; wash dinner dishes; iron

Natalie (9yo) & Becca (8yo): hang all laundry to dry; sort and fold dry laundry, put away towels and diapers; clean & straighten laundry room; breakfast & lunch dishes; clear & wipe table after dinner.

Rachael (5yo): clean and straighten deck (under Lydia's supervision); help clear table after dinner.

Perry (3yo): empty small trash cans in bedrooms.

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Ok, I don't like saying this about SAHP, but seriously, WHAT does she do all day?

She needs FOUR children to do the ironing?? W. T. F.

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Blogs and supervises the worker ants and feeds the baby and home schools.

By Deanna from last year.This is meant as a joke but has a huge amount of truth in it.

... Look at the woman! She's living in the lap of luxury.

This is a picture of a woman for whom mandatory dish washing, laundry washing/folding, dinner cooking, bed making etc. are a thing of the far past. The main part of her duties consists of shopping (not for long) blog maintenance, and general parental oversight.

She's been promoted to management.

Not that I mind. When we gave her the Netbook for Christmas she said "Wow, I like having rich kids." But she's been getting foot/hand massages, not to mention all of the cocoa, cocoa-mocha, frappucinos, chocolate milk, snacks, shoulder rubs, hair brushings, etc that she's been getting for years.

Again, I'm not complaining. She's earned it. Just today though I made her a ready made cocoa-mocha first thing in the morning (first thing for her. It was 10:30), and for brunch I think it was Megan that made her a cheese and bean chimichanga.

The late rising isn't normal, but the rest of it is. Far cry from the old days, eh Mom?

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No wonder they have so many kids. It's a few years of nursing and cooing and by their 3rd birthday, they are put to work to lighten your load.

That's why the quiverfull findie women are so happy and promote their lifestyle. They are doing less for their dozen kids than most mother's with two kids do for their homes/families.

I was put to work early, but I wasn't the servant!

Can you imagine being a kid in that house? "You, kid #4. Stop sweeping the floor and bring me my purse!"

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Isn't this why you have kids, so they can fetch you random things throughout the day? That is what my dad told me!

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Hmmm...I'm not real fond of household chores, myself. Perhaps I should have children after all... :think:

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That is a serious amount of ironing!! I bet my husband wishes one of our kids ironed his workclothes when he is ironing them in the morning at 6:30am.

I just got back from the damn track where my trainer( husband) made me do the 20 minutes of walk/jog. I hate the Couch to 5K. :violin:

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I never iron. Know why? I hang everything up! I hang dry most of my stuff too so it goes from washer to hanger then to closet! Easy peasy.

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I never iron. Know why? I hang everything up! I hang dry most of my stuff too so it goes from washer to hanger then to closet! Easy peasy.

When my mom taught me to do laundry, she told me to remove the clothes immediately as soon as the dryer stops, and then to lay flat all the big pieces. It's like a Pavlovian response for me now; as soon as the dryer stops I drop whatever I'm doing and remove the clothes. I lay all the big pieces flat and sometimes I will wait to fold them or hang them up, but they are not crumpled up as they cool down. I rarely have to iron anything, but some fabrics need it no matter what (I try not to buy those). If I worked in a more professional setting I might iron things anyway, but I don't work anywhere that formal.

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Guest Anonymous
The In a Shoe lady has poster her diet plan. As I wouldn't mind losing few lbs, I thought maybe she'd have so good tips. Take the good, leave the bad, right?

Um, not so helpful. Here is her list of "tips" for getting more movement in the day:

"When I needed my purse, I got it myself.

When I needed a glass of water, I got it myself.

When one of the little ones wanted a drink, I got it myself.

And a hundred other examples..."

My husband does occasionally get me water or what have you, but I generally get my own things. I've thought about training my dog to fetch drinks, but so far she's been uncooperative.

I tried it on my cat. Charlie says:

"Listen, if I could stand on my hind legs, pour liquid into a glass, get said glass between my paws and bring it to you, I wouldn't have to stay in this nuthouse. I could make serious money doing the same stuff on stage."

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So she's doing this as opposed to....what? Waving her wand and saying "Accio Drink?"


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Dude. Had I known that having 8 children would allow me to lie on the couch, update my blog with useless and condescending tips, and never have to do a lick of housework, I might have been all over that.

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Since it looks like she does almost nothing, no wonder she needs a diet plan.

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She has ten kids-8 girls and 2 boys from 18 to 1 but yeah,she is like the queen termite pumping out babies for her drone daughters to care for.

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Shoot, shouldn't have asked my sister to bring me my purse a few hours ago. I could've lost like three pounds right there!

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She does exercise, though, doesn't she? Hasn't she mentioned family walks and jogs in the past?

And they live in the country, so wouldn't they all pitch in on some heavy maintenance occasionally?

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