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For the Bible Tells Me So


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This is a great documentary on fundamentalists. It covers all religions: Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists. It's about them and their views on homosexuality. It's very interesting. I highly recommend it. For those of you that have Netflix, you can find it on there.

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Guest Anonymous

Is it on instant? (I would look myself, but my wii needs to be hooked up and I can't move the things necessary to do that)

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Yes, it's on instant. I scrolled past it just a couple of days ago and I would have watched it except I wasn't in the mood for a documentary.

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Is it on instant? (I would look myself, but my wii needs to be hooked up and I can't move the things necessary to do that)

Sign into the website. I check there before bothering with the Wii, it's so much faster. You can also add to the Instant Queue instead of searching on the Wii. :)

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Guest Anonymous

Aha that's true I just didn't feel like bothering with trying to remember the account info *blush* I'll be so happy to get my wii set up here and then I can watch all sorts of crazy documentaries haha.

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It's not available on Canadian Netflix, because nothing good ever is. I tried to find a YouTube link but all I could find was those fake ones. If anyone finds it online could you please post a link?

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Ooh I saw this last year and thought it was excellent.

ETA: I think we saw it on PBS or one of the movie channels like IFC. In any case, it's worth checking searchable TV listings for it if you can't get it through Netflix or a library.

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I just watched it, and as everyone said, it was great. I especially liked different how they covered the different ways somebody could interpret the Bible passages. It was interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!

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I managed to find it on Megaupload, download it and watch it. Here are my thoughts:

-Jake's parents are amazing.

-I felt sorry that Anna's mother only changed her tune because of a horrible tragedy

-I've been a Gene Robinson fan since I first heard about him a few years ago. Has anyone read his book?

-Also the cartoon was great, This can be found at any public or university library "except at Bob Jones University" classic.

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I'm glad others have enjoyed it. It's one of the better documentaries I've seen in awhile. And it says all the stuff I wish I could say, but can't put in words when I'm debating with some ignorant person about homosexuality and the church.

I managed to find it on Megaupload, download it and watch it. Here are my thoughts:

-Jake's parents are amazing.

-I felt sorry that Anna's mother only changed her tune because of a horrible tragedy

-I've been a Gene Robinson fan since I first heard about him a few years ago. Has anyone read his book?

-Also the cartoon was great, This can be found at any public or university library "except at Bob Jones University" classic.

Gene is amazing. I really admire him after seeing this. One of my favorite pastors growing up was a homosexual man. Unfortunately someone "forced him out of the closet" and the bishop asked him to leave the church. A couple years after that though, the ELCA finally allowed homosexual ministers. I wish it could've happened before he lost his job.

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Oh. I'm confused I thought he was still an Anglican bishop. I know the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, didn't invite him to the Lambeth Conferences but he is still a bishop. Rowan, despite marrying William and Catherine, can be a bit of a tool. (I obviously don't know him. It's just my opinion based on statements of his etc.)

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  • 1 year later...

It was a wonderful documentary and I was in tears at the end. My dad actually met Gene Robinson a few times and admires him greatly. It's just so heartbreaking that people would go to all this effort to promote hatred and cruelty. I was reminded of that seeing the Chick-Fil-A debacle this summer, and I thought of it while watching this. Hopefully the tide is turning - I think we've come quite far even in the five years since the documentary was made.

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