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Yo Jacinda


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unless the values of the general populous

Populous is an adjective. Populace is a noun.

:pray: Take time away from the joys of toilet-scrubbing to educate yourself.


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Populous is an adjective. Populace is a noun.

:pray: Take time away from the joys of toilet-scrubbing to educate yourself.


Knowledge is for weaklings and fools dontcha know. :lol: Edumakashun is for the libruls who are out to destroy the truth! :evil:

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This part of her post really stood out:

Either the Bible will define for us what is good, or we will adopt the worldview that favors debt, fewer children, retirement, and a tyrannical government. Saying "good-bye" to God's standard inevitably welcomes drywall over children, security and debt over leaving an inheritance to our children's children.

Drywall over children? What does that mean? I'm thinking The Cask of Amontillado

Also, why is retirement listed among the great socialist evils? This is the first time I've seen a fundie be anti-retirement -- is this a common thing, a new trend, or just Jacinda being nuts?

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Drywall over children? What does that mean? I'm thinking The Cask of Amontillado


I also can't understand the economics of these families. More children somehow=less debt? I have yet to see how that could possibly happen, unless you have obedient Botkinettes or Maxwell children to hawk your wares without pay.

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This part of her post really stood out:

Drywall over children? What does that mean? I'm thinking The Cask of Amontillado

Also, why is retirement listed among the great socialist evils? This is the first time I've seen a fundie be anti-retirement -- is this a common thing, a new trend, or just Jacinda being nuts?

I read that five times and I still don't understand what she is trying to say. 'security and debt over leaving an inheritance...' - for most of the world, security means lack of debt and the ability to have a financial safety net. Or, is she talking things like physical/national/safety kind of security? And if she is, there is nothing wrong with that either.

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