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Doug's Bell-Ringin' Blog--who *buys* this stuff??


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Just...go have a look, if you're inclined. I have so many thoughts (and a few zinger-quality snarks!) but I just don't have the wherewithal, right now.

Fair warning: It's 3 minutes of your life but hours of puzzlement. I srsly do not get it.


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If he wouldn't talk out of the side of his mouth I could watch it, but... sadly, no...

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I'm confused...what are we snarking on, exactly?

However, I will say that I think calling Hitler a "Bully" is an understatement, not to mention it's really silly phrasing.

"Bullies must be stopped." Ok, then.

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Were I superstitious, I'd think that I wasn't supposed to post on this topic. My computer shut off three times and then flashed a blue screen once, too. ????

I grew up in the Philadelphia area, and there is a shrine in my hometown in the Old Zion Church where they hid the Liberty Bell from the British in 1777. I was not quite ten years old during the Bicentennial celebration, and I've been to see both bells many times (the shrine at Old Zion Church has a replica also). I also had family that fought in the War for Independence, so I developed a holy awe about those symbols of the bloodshed that purchased our freedom. I was also fascinated with the way that they repaired the bell and that they were so overjoyed that they rang the bell so much that it broke.

I almost wept when I saw that video, partly because the didn't talk much about the bell itself, but they didn't show that reverent attitude that I saw modeled at the shrine and in Philadelphia regarding that Bell and what it meant. It was more like some kind of showing off of Doug's family and favorites, like you'd go kiss the Blarney Stone or something. (And I don't get the impression that they let everyone ring that bell.) They didn't even talk about the idea that the establishing of US was God's providential act, etc.

Maybe we missed the ceremony that they may have had (it would have made for a better video), or perhaps they discussed the history beforehand?

That Bell meant a great deal to me as a kid, and if I had a chance to ring that bell, I would have approached it as something of an holy honor.

So I don't get what that whole thing was about.

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I'm confused...what are we snarking on, exactly?

However, I will say that I think calling Hitler a "Bully" is an understatement, not to mention it's really silly phrasing.

"Bullies must be stopped." Ok, then.

Of course, there are no bullies at vision forum... :think:

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This is a little further down on the blog, but does anyone else think that Virginia's face says "please get me away from this weirdo?" http://www.visionforum.com/news/blogs/d ... 1/07/9509/

Count me in. And when dad's teeth are whiter than the baby teeth of a toddler ... whew, that's some mayjah bleaching, that's how I see it.

I think, in answer to those unsure of my POS (point of snark) on this is not so much Doug as the 500-some folks hanging on his every word. Are they *so* starved for entertainment?

Granted, the clip starts as Doug glares with satisfaction up at the hordes who are applauding whatever it was he just said before the clip begins. It's my danged Lutheran upbringing, again, but the men I'm used to seeing on the podium or at the center of attention act humble, whether or not that's what in their hearts.

Doug has all the pridefulness of Joyce Meyer as he boldly regards the applause encircling him. So that was snark #1.

Snark #2: He's going to have the replica bell rung 13 times. Slightly-to-moderately interesting. Unsurprising that Joe Morecraft is called out to ring in representation of Georgia (the state, I presume), surprising that the Rev. Doc Morecraft can walk that far. That last phrase wasn't snark, I'm seriously surprised to see him out of the wheelchair. That's actually a good thing.

There's also Charlie Zahm, a fine baritone and the #1 solo singer of VF/NCFIC/churches-with-"providence"-and-"family"-in-their-names, and that's fine. We all haz our rockstars.

There's some guy from New York...and as has been pointed out before, there are Phillipses. (Did I miss Faithy?) This is snark #2, as others have pointed out -- the boss's family get to ring the bells. So frippin' what?

But snark #3 is who's running the show. Yes, our own Peter "The Gargoyle" Bradrick, who's feverishly consulting his Smartphone, keeping The Boss* on-script. I'm guessing that if the attendees didn't notice the silliness of the bell-ringer lineup, they didn't notice Kelly's Husband acting as prompter.

But by gum, I did. And so I have to ask, Is the storied Doug Phillips *so* consumed by his work that he can't remember anything as straightforward as 13 people to ring a bell, especially when at least 4 of them are members of his household? Goodness me.

I've been out of the corporate world for quite a while. Maybe that's how it's done, these days. Maybe that's how it always was. [Old guy voice] In my day, girly, CEOs were *real* men who remembered their *own* routines!!! dagnabbed whippersnappers ... [/Old guy voice]

My final snark was going to be why the girls were wearing medieval costumes for an event apparently based on, and around, Colonial American symbols and events ... but that's just me.

That's not the people who gathered in that hall to cheer Doug and his ninny-hammered ideas of motivational speech and

special-events-to-remember. What about those guys?

Do they *think* about what they're cheering?

Do they reflect on value received for money paid to be part of such .... festivities?

I'm supposing the answers to both those questions are "yes, and they obviuosly like what they hear and feel they got good value."

I just have to wonder how in the world they come to those conclusions!!!

[frustrated smiley would go here if I had time to find it]

That's my snark.

*Apologies to Mr. Springsteen

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By the time my computer would let me post, I'd forgotten about Bradrick.

Basically, I've found this video to be more like a whole group of dogs vying to pee on their territory. That's definitely what Peter's doing. "Hey look! I'm important!" I guess I didn't think much of the CEO and presentation stuff. If you've seen Doug operate in situations like that, it's typical. He does more fussing with his boy staff that follow him around carrying his train that it doesn't really catch my attention anymore. Doug could do all that stuff himself, and it would probably be less work to carry his own camera and papers as opposed to criticizing and instructing the boys he mentors on how to get it right. I never got that, save that it must be part of Doug creating his own little sub-culture world to show his importance to himself and his followers. As far as expending energy, most of what I've seen him do with those boys and his assistants like Broderick was more fuss than actual pragmatic work. I watched him walk into a meeting with his father once, and his father was running the meeting. Howard didn't have an entourage. Doug had three people carrying papers and they ran around and put on a show that was all about Doug proving to everyone in the room that he was important. I thought it was creepy. My husband said he wanted to puke when Doug then talked about mentoring these boys. (My husband couldn't figure out what they were there to do and learn. Carry papers and to be a sounding board/whipping post for Doug, I guess.) It's all about being and feeling and creating importance.

Creepy about the white teeth. I just noticed that when I saw that photo of Doug squeezing Virginia at Iona when I was looking back through VF blog pictures the other day because I couldn't believe that was Faith singing (in the thin eyebrow photo). It's a lousy photo, really. (She does have very thin eyebrows in other photos, though.)

I did catch the comment about the Puritans and Massachusetts, though. It's the greatest state in the colonies because of that, I'm sure. Or maybe it's Virginia now because Doug lived there. (Oh my goodness!)

Don't forget that cults hand out acknowledgement and attention as a reward for good behavior and exclude others to keep them cognizant of the fact that their existence and worth is dispensed to them by the cult leadership. You CRAVE it. So that was a high honor to be able to stand up there with the big shots and ring the bell. And I don't think it meant anything to them.

I guess that's what ticks me off, because when people have gone on those Faith and Family Tours, when they get to Dabney's homestead, Doug practically makes people take off their shoes to walk on the holy ground. Hail, Dabney! But the Liberty Bell replica is treated like the Blarney Stone.

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Were I superstitious, I'd think that I wasn't supposed to post on this topic. My computer shut off three times and then flashed a blue screen once, too. ????

Aha! That proves that Dougie is in league with the devil and the devil is trying to stop you from spreading the truth. :lol:

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I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I clicked on the banner about "when girls should be girly". Apparently Cpt. Dougie and Company have published a collection of CDs on questions they get asked. Here is one collection in the series:

The Biblical Theology of Miscarriage: How to Have Hope in Tragedy (CD, 57 mins.)

What happens to babies who die in the womb? How should we grieve their loss, and what is their eternal destiny? Doug Phillips, whose wife Beall lost two children prior to birth, offers biblical hope to families in this very personal message on miscarriage. Doug asks mothers, “What if miscarriage was God’s means of showing mercy and love to a human soul, and what if He chose you to be the honored vehicle to usher that child into eternity?â€

There is a one minute freebie of Dougie opining on the subject.

I would never snark on how someone chooses to grieve over a miscarriage, but really, that quote is just weird and I'm not sure I would find it comforting. Also, I don't think the Bible has anything to say on miscarriage.

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Ohhh, I see...What a STUPID video. Oh. My. God.

Did they seriously yell "HAZZAH!!!" after each ring?? No.

And, can I just whine about the "Reformation 500?"

The REFORMATION started in FIFTEEN SEVENTEEN. 1517. (For the benefit of the interns--Hi Interns!)

The VF "Reformation 500" was celebrated for the year of John Calvin's birth, if memory serves. It's just...beyond stupid. IF you're going to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, you do it on October 31, 2017.

And I don't really see how any of that fits into the Liberty Bell. Nor do I see how wearing costumes in imitation of the English nobility AT ALL represents or honors the intent of our founding fathers. It was my impression they were trying to do away with the aristocracy.

But what do I know? Like "Dr." Potter, I'm only ABD.

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I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I clicked on the banner about "when girls should be girly". Apparently Cpt. Dougie and Company have published a collection of CDs on questions they get asked. Here is one collection in the series:

There is a one minute freebie of Dougie opining on the subject.

I would never snark on how someone chooses to grieve over a miscarriage, but really, that quote is just weird and I'm not sure I would find it comforting. Also, I don't think the Bible has anything to say on miscarriage.

Can someone tell me just how the subject of miscarriage fits in with teaching your girls not to be "girly"?

Is this to keep the heat off of himself because Beall's womb hadn't yielded proper fruit since Virginia who is how old? 4 or 5? Isn't about time for Doug to explore adoption now like Voddie?

But seriously -- how does miscarriage fit in with how you raise your children? Do they talk about framing a picture of POC to hang on the wall? He talked about this and made a huge deal about it at the Baby Conference last summer. What does that have to do with girls? You could work miscarriage into a sex talk, perhaps. You could offer a series on dealing with miscarriage.

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Can someone tell me just how the subject of miscarriage fits in with teaching your girls not to be "girly"?

Is this to keep the heat off of himself because Beall's womb hadn't yielded proper fruit since Virginia who is how old? 4 or 5? Isn't about time for Doug to explore adoption now like Voddie?

But seriously -- how does miscarriage fit in with how you raise your children? Do they talk about framing a picture of POC to hang on the wall? He talked about this and made a huge deal about it at the Baby Conference last summer. What does that have to do with girls? You could work miscarriage into a sex talk, perhaps. You could offer a series on dealing with miscarriage.

To clarify, they are two separate CDs one does not necessarily have anything to do with the other except that they are both part of the 6 part FAQ series. But really, would could Dougie possibly ramble on about on this topic for 57 min. You can get all 6 parts of the series for the low low price of $32 +S/H.

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I'm guessing that the "miscarriage" stuff is an example of why girls need to be spiritually strong? Or something?

That Liberty Bell things is stupid, stupid, stupid. They are NOT ringing the Liberty Bell - they are ringing a REPRODUCTION of the Liberty Bell, which means NOTHING.

I'm reminded of a man I knew who ran a (smallish) cult - he would go to historical sites, owned by the government, that had some thin connection to the type of history he liked. And, once there, he would stage these elaborate pagents and declare that it was this epic event. Which it wasn't - it was just a gathering of his followers. And special favors were *absolutely* meted out to those who were "worthy" of his "favor." Doug strikes me as absolutely the same, only on a much larger scale.

I scrolled down a bit and watched the trailer on "episode one" of the WWII series. Did you know that WWII was the most devastating war in 1000 years? Tell that to WWI survivors - wait, can't find them, since most of them died in the war. Anyway, also? The fight between Churchill and Hitler was over theology. Trufax, people, trufax.

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HAHAHAHA!!! I suppose this is why they give their children epistomologically whatever names...so they can enhance the "meaning," "cool factor" etc. of their little ceremonies? Liberty, Belle, Jubilee, Virginia, Providence. Oh, and then there's Sophie. Guess her parents didn't get the memo.

Peter looks oh so intensely important.

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Providence -- is that that youngest little boy of Doug's? The thin little blonde boy. Does anyone else think that he looks like he's lost and a little pathetic? (As opposed to Honor Howard who looks like a little, conceited snot?)

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Those poor kids in the front -- they probably lost some hearing at this event.

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Dougie let the other men ring his bell, eh?

And yeah, I'm with antifundie on the whole Hitler thing. Way to trivialize the Holocaust with your insipid phrasing there, Dougie. Oh, and let's not forget your tacky commercial ventures.

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Don't forget that cults hand out acknowledgement and attention as a reward for good behavior and exclude others to keep them cognizant of the fact that their existence and worth is dispensed to them by the cult leadership. You CRAVE it. So that was a high honor to be able to stand up there with the big shots and ring the bell. And I don't think it meant anything to them.

Zoot - I mean, brainsample (I want to call you Zoot, don't know why!) :D - on second reading, this explains so much of what I've not understood about the VF fanbase.

It's a cult. And why do people join cults? Because they are intelligent and looking for answers they don't seem to be getting in mainstream lifeways.

So, who buys this stuff? Cult members. D'uh. Honestly, I don't know how I missed that! :think:

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Zoot - I mean, brainsample (I want to call you Zoot, don't know why!) :D - on second reading, this explains so much of what I've not understood about the VF fanbase.

It's a cult. And why do people join cults? Because they are intelligent and looking for answers they don't seem to be getting in mainstream lifeways.

So, who buys this stuff? Cult members. D'uh. Honestly, I don't know how I missed that! :think:

When what they do doesn't make sense, look at the criteria for Spiritual Abuse -- the shortest being David Henke's model:


Lifton's criteria has the "dispensing of existence" (just states this same thing using different language). But looking at this, the Liberty Bell ringing is a total cult watching fest!

You have Doug and Braderick running round being boss, being the big authoritarians who tell the minions what to do.

The whole thing is a show of how special they are to God and how image conscious they are, right down to the "historyonic" dress.

Doug even makes a reference to the Puritan colonies in Massachusetts, so we have the squelches criticism included for us without us having to work too hard.

Perfectionism is all part of the package.

And they major on minor fringe doctrine.

Part of one of the major characteristics that I see is that everyone is in denial about their inclination to sin, so they set up rules to control sin. In so doing, they deaden themsleves, and they loose the ability to feel. In order to deal with that, everything else tends to be larger than life. They use the extremes and the weirdness to keep themselves distracted and medicated. Otheriwise, they'd have to face their feelings of grief, regret, anger, desire to control their fate, - just like regular people do who are not addicted. They use the extremes of this religion like a drug. This video is a little bit wacky because it's another display of an extreme view -- a majoring on minor things (American liberty) which they've merged with Christianity.

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