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The real Pope


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Bawden matter-of-factly reflected on the 21 years that have passed since 1990, when he was voted in as pope by six people who gathered at his parents’ second-hand store in nearby Belvue.

LOL! Not like the Pope really has any validity to me but at least the office is somewhat recognised. This dude was voted in by a bunch of morons in his parent's store. It amazes me how batshit some people can be.

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LOL its a guy who thinks he is something he is not. 6 people voted him in back in what 1990.. I keep hoping someone will take down Fred Phelps because I'm sick of WBC trying to protest everything everywhere .. they are way to close for comfort I'm tired of them people.

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LOL its a guy who thinks he is something he is not. 6 people voted him in back in what 1990.. I keep hoping someone will take down Fred Phelps because I'm sick of WBC trying to protest everything everywhere .. they are way to close for comfort I'm tired of them people.

Not only that but one of the 6 is dead and the others have pretty much said 'Yeah, fuck you guys, we're out of here!'

Also, one was his mother and I'm pretty sure the Catholic church doesn't let women vote on oh-so-important matters.

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The Real Pope That's Recognized by the World as Leader of the Roman Catholic Church: You can't do all this, I'm Pope, I have to keep head of sta-

Ciao. What have you been reading, the Gospel According to Saint Bastard?

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Sedevacantists are, in my opinion, a real curse, but having several popes is actually quite common in the history of the Church, only the other ones had far more recognition than this one.

But as every protestant is his or her own little pope, I find this guy rather charming, elected by SIX people! :P

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I have friends who used to be active in the Society of St. Pius X in St. Mary's. They knew this guy and said he was always a real nut case. Of course, a lot of the people in the Society are nuts too.

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I can't stop giggling at the image of six people in some crappy storefront somewhere, very seriously voting for some dude as the pope. Is this The Onion? Or a long-lost Monty Python sketch?

(My pets just voted me High Primate of the Apartment, but I wouldn't put too much stock in it. They don't have opposable thumbs so I wrote all the ballots myself).

ETA - I fully anticipate some sort of Great Schism situation when my husband gets home. The cats will all be on his side, the dog's loyalties will be torn. Maybe I can convince them that I'm the only one who can perform the necessary ritual for the transubstantiation of the tin cans into delicious mushy food.

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Here he is in full regalia. I beliee this was taken in his mom's living room.


Fuck that shit! I'm pope! Totally doesnt matter that I'm Jewish I'm a woman I was elected by my dogs. I was totally annointed and now lay claim to the riches! I mean, I totally have a picture too!


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Here he is in full regalia. I beliee this was taken in his mom's living room.


Where do these people get the regalia from? Cut up old curtains? Go to the costume rental shop? It looks pretty convincing, even if he looks a tad young for a pope.

(And seriously? Who'd want to be POPE? Can't have a girlfriend, can't be seen at a party in public, always surrounded by a male nomenklatura, always have to be serious and dignified? No WAY. I think women are just to clever to go in for this kind of pomp and circumstance.)

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There are store for vestments, it is not really difficult to buy something like that. Especially in this picture, he is wearing nothing too fancy by (traditonal) Catholic standards, a black cassock like every priest can own, a white alb over it, which is also regular garb for traditional priests, and a white stole, which is also not reserved to the pope.

It would besimple to get a white cassock sewn as the pope has, basically it is a frumper with buttons down the front. ;)

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I read about this bloke in Thomas Frank's book "What's The Matter With America" (which I think is called "What's The Matter With Kansas" in the US). Fascinating stuff.

Frank said that he visited him and did not think he was mentally ill (he seems to have found him quite likeable.) The mum seems to be the driving force. There's a chapter on him and how he came to his beliefs which is well worth a read.

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Here he is in full regalia. I beliee this was taken in his mom's living room.


Are you sure this isn't Rowan Atkinson??

Sorry, somebody else noticed it first.

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I read about this bloke in Thomas Frank's book "What's The Matter With America" (which I think is called "What's The Matter With Kansas" in the US). Fascinating stuff.

Frank said that he visited him and did not think he was mentally ill (he seems to have found him quite likeable.) The mum seems to be the driving force. There's a chapter on him and how he came to his beliefs which is well worth a read.

I haven't read the book, but as soon as I read the article, "What's the Matter with Kansas?" popped into my head immediately. There really is something wrong with Kansas, methinks.

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Fuck that shit! I'm pope! Totally doesnt matter that I'm Jewish I'm a woman I was elected by my dogs. I was totally annointed and now lay claim to the riches! I mean, I totally have a picture too!


Well, I can see by the picture of your awesome dog you are the REAL DEAL and noone should ever doubt your totally legit voting system. Pope Buzzard it is. :clap:

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THANK YOU Clibbyjo! Its good to know who your supporters are! I hear there are some enemies around here somewhere...

My first order of business is to annoint patron saints. I believe its time Anderson Cooper recieved his proper title.

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Here he is in full regalia. I beliee this was taken in his mom's living room.


Looks like he pulled off her Sunday best table cloth and used it as vestments. That whole family has to have a serious case of the crazies. It is one thing to have delusions but to have those delusions encouraged by your parents and friends? Weird!

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Where do these people get the regalia from? Cut up old curtains? Go to the costume rental shop? It looks pretty convincing, even if he looks a tad young for a pope.

(And seriously? Who'd want to be POPE? Can't have a girlfriend, can't be seen at a party in public, always surrounded by a male nomenklatura, always have to be serious and dignified? No WAY. I think women are just to clever to go in for this kind of pomp and circumstance.)

Agreed, it looks like his mum sewed it from the living room curtains.

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This get-up is not fancy at all by Roman Catholic standards. I occasionally go to the cathedral masses with my husband and kids, and the bishop--a mere bishop!!!--has a better hat, a cool staff, and also looks slightly like Mr. Bean.

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  • 11 months later...

Sorry to burst the guys bubble. But if they want a REAL POPE it would be me. That is my maiden name, so it's in my blood to be the real Pope. We've always had a saying in our family that you don't want to piss off the Pope, and to this day, my husband uses it. When I get that angry at someone, watch out.

I'm not, just citing the expression we've always used. Blood trumps an election, I say.

OMG please tell me this does not make me fundy royalty! :shock:

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