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Oh, for crying out loud, Skylar, really?


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So I was reading Skylar's blog (crazyjewishconvert.blogspot.com) this morning, as I am wont to do, and came across something that really bothered me. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but as much as she says she's Modern Orthodox in outlook, her blog seems like it's trending further and further to the right lately (whether this is down to the rightward swing in the Orthodox community as a whole or her personal views, I don't know). This was what ticked me off (italics mine):



Haskalah: A movement in Eastern Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries that is also called the "Jewish Enlightenment." When Jews were allowed to integrate into secular society, they did so. That's not good or bad in itself (hello, your writer self-identifies as "modern orthodox"), but it did lead to the wide-scale assimilation we saw prior to the Holocaust (and as some theorize, that assimilation was a large driving force that led to the Holocaust.).


Um... :shock:


A couple of people took her to task about her statements, and she's defending herself by saying, "What? Some people do say that! It's not victim blaming, it's a psychological insight!" Personally, I've read a hell of a lot of books about that period in history, the history of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in particular, and I've never seen one that even alluded to the Haskalah, at least by name, let alone said that Jewish assimilation was what prompted European society to go along with the Holocaust. In fact, the only context in which I've ever heard that said has been from very Haredi quarters, usually along the lines of, "Well, if those apikorsim hadn't assimilated, Hashem wouldn't have punished us with the Holocaust!" For one thing, Jews had been horribly persecuted throughout Europe for hundreds of years prior to the Holocaust. For another, if you read Mein Kampf, Hitler focuses his ire on stereotypical Jews- namely, those who are visibly identifiable as Jews; at one point, he describes a Hasidic Jew in one of his rants. And if you look at Nazi propaganda, the images overwhelmingly portray the usual, disgusting Jewish stereotypes, not assimilated Jewish people living as your neigbors.


Anyway, I'm just curious to hear what others think about this and whether it seems as much a case of blaming the victim to the fine folks here at Free Jinger as it does to me. I have to admit, I also lost a lot of respect for Skylar when she went off at Chavivah over at kvetchingeditor.com (also an Orthodox convert who recently went through what sounds like it was a nasty divorce) after Chavivah wrote a post basically saying that she's been really struggling, religiously speaking, and is dating a non-Jewish guy. Skylar since went back and deleted her comments, but the responses indicate that they amounted to, "How could you? People like you are the reason everyone's conversions get revoked! You're runing peoples' lives!" Various parties pointed out how paranoid this sounded.

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Is she saying that Hashem was punishing us, or that it was a natural consequence? That would color how I see it.

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Well, she's denying that she agrees with this viewpoint at all (while declining to actually get specific about places she's read it/heard it said), but in the comments, she says the following in response to a couple of comments that take issue with her mentioning it:

I never said it wasn't controversial, but I was under the impression it was widespread (in the sense of being discussed in many places) and "mainstream." I've read it from Jewish books to my western civilization course in college. So yes, historical and psychological scholars to victims of the Shoah (granted, victims who were and remained traditionally-observant). I disagree about it being per se victim blaming (though it could certainly be used that way) because I see it as an analysis of psychology rather than being a statement about the assimilated Jews. For example, some people blame gays for "ruining" traditional marriage. That says more about the people doing the blaming than the gay community. That is the analogy I would use instead of the Banker Jews analogy.
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I hate that, "if we were more observant it wouldn't have happened". BULLSHIT. It happened because Hitler was a mass murdering fuckhead. (to quote Eddie Izzard)

Look, i know its hard as hell to read about the Shoah and want to rationalize it a little bit, but my theory? G-d was on a coffee break a LITTLE TOO LONG that decade. (ok that sounds flip, but the only ONLY idea i can come up with is G-d was somehow absent for a length of time, that's the ONLY way my mind can grapple with such horror)

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I've only heard it from neo-nazis. If the damn Jews had just stayed in their place, this would not have had to happen, etc.

If the haredi believe it was a punishment from God... well, that makes my heart hurt a little bit for us as Jews. The haredi were so affected by it in terms of numbers. I don't know if this is self-blame or if they are using it as an example to warn their own children away from assimilation. Either way, it is a sad way of looking at a sad event, but I can't heap criticism on them.

If certain Jews or certain people believe that assimilation was a cultural factor that led to the Holocaust, it IS victim-blaming and it is also not historically accurate as far as I know. Again, this kinda takes me by surprise; I have heard this from anti-semites, but never Jews (and certainly not converts) themselves.

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I've only heard it from neo-nazis. If the damn Jews had just stayed in their place, this would not have had to happen, etc.

If the haredi believe it was a punishment from God... well, that makes my heart hurt a little bit for us as Jews. The haredi were so affected by it in terms of numbers. I don't know if this is self-blame or if they are using it as an example to warn their own children away from assimilation. Either way, it is a sad way of looking at a sad event, but I can't heap criticism on them.

If certain Jews or certain people believe that assimilation was a cultural factor that led to the Holocaust, it IS victim-blaming and it is also not historically accurate as far as I know. Again, this kinda takes me by surprise; I have heard this from anti-semites, but never Jews (and certainly not converts) themselves.

Even if I had not converted, even with my family being Catholic, my great grandmother's maiden name would have caused me, my mother, grandmother and sister all to be sentenced to death essentially. Her last name before she was married was a classical "Jewish" last name- there's NO other ethnicity that uses that last name- like Cohen. So they were assimilated beyond assimilation. I didn't discover this stuff until I started working on my conversion and my dad mentioned it, thinking it might make the process easier.

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So I was reading Skylar's blog (crazyjewishconvert.blogspot.com) this morning, as I am wont to do, and came across something that really bothered me. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but as much as she says she's Modern Orthodox in outlook, her blog seems like it's trending further and further to the right lately (whether this is down to the rightward swing in the Orthodox community as a whole or her personal views, I don't know). This was what ticked me off (italics mine):

Um... :shock:

A couple of people took her to task about her statements, and she's defending herself by saying, "What? Some people do say that! It's not victim blaming, it's a psychological insight!" Personally, I've read a hell of a lot of books about that period in history, the history of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in particular, and I've never seen one that even alluded to the Haskalah, at least by name, let alone said that Jewish assimilation was what prompted European society to go along with the Holocaust. In fact, the only context in which I've ever heard that said has been from very Haredi quarters, usually along the lines of, "Well, if those apikorsim hadn't assimilated, Hashem wouldn't have punished us with the Holocaust!" For one thing, Jews had been horribly persecuted throughout Europe for hundreds of years prior to the Holocaust. For another, if you read Mein Kampf, Hitler focuses his ire on stereotypical Jews- namely, those who are visibly identifiable as Jews; at one point, he describes a Hasidic Jew in one of his rants. And if you look at Nazi propaganda, the images overwhelmingly portray the usual, disgusting Jewish stereotypes, not assimilated Jewish people living as your neigbors.

Anyway, I'm just curious to hear what others think about this and whether it seems as much a case of blaming the victim to the fine folks here at Free Jinger as it does to me. I have to admit, I also lost a lot of respect for Skylar when she went off at Chavivah over at kvetchingeditor.com (also an Orthodox convert who recently went through what sounds like it was a nasty divorce) after Chavivah wrote a post basically saying that she's been really struggling, religiously speaking, and is dating a non-Jewish guy. Skylar since went back and deleted her comments, but the responses indicate that they amounted to, "How could you? People like you are the reason everyone's conversions get revoked! You're runing peoples' lives!" Various parties pointed out how paranoid this sounded.

I'm sorry, I normally like Skylar, but she needs to learn herself some Eastern European Jewish history. The Haskalah pretty much disintegrated into Zionism after the pogroms of the early 1880s. The Haskalah is not synonymous with widespread assimilation.

Also, how much of a history nerd am I, that I am offended more of her lack of grasp on Eastern European Jewish history, then her offensive implication that the Holocaust was possibly caused by widespread assimilation.

Of course, I just finished a course on Eastern European Jewish history, so I'm pretty gung-ho about it, and I hate how much of modern Judaism is misconstrued because of a lack of understanding of it.

Either way :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Not Jewish, but I'm really interested in Judaism- focused lots of school projects on it, took classes on Jews in Russia, and now I'm traveling in Europe dragging my ladyfriend to Jewish sites wherever we are. (Jewish cemetery in Prague is fascinating and chilling!) It is victim blaming and stupid and cruel to say, and not historically supported. : (

On another note, I find her blog irritating and I saw her comments at kvetchingeditor when they were posted and they were quite mean. I was not impressed.

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Not Jewish, but I'm really interested in Judaism- focused lots of school projects on it, took classes on Jews in Russia, and now I'm traveling in Europe dragging my ladyfriend to Jewish sites wherever we are. (Jewish cemetery in Prague is fascinating and chilling!) It is victim blaming and stupid and cruel to say, and not historically supported. : (

On another note, I find her blog irritating and I saw her comments at kvetchingeditor when they were posted and they were quite mean. I was not impressed.

Yeah, like I appreciated that she called Lina out on her BS, but she's starting to become irritating lately.

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Ugh, now I'm reading Chaviva's page and people are so fucking obnoxious.

I could date a non-Jew and have children and I and my children would still be Jewish and nobody would whine about it. They might judge me, but they wouldn't tell me that I was hurting other people, just myself. It's so fucked up that converts are treated differently.

And I'm still angry at Orthodox hatred on the Haskalah. Not that I don't have my own critcisms of the Hasklah, because I do, but I have just as many of the Hasidim and the Mitnagdim and the Mussar movement and every Jewish group or thinker from Eastern Europe.

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Yeah, like I appreciated that she called Lina out on her BS, but she's starting to become irritating lately.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

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Also, how much of a history nerd am I, that I am offended more of her lack of grasp on Eastern European Jewish history, then her offensive implication that the Holocaust was possibly caused by widespread assimilation.

No, that was my first reaction after, "Wait, what? Unless those 'some people' you're talking about are all either neo-Nazis or Haredim, how in the world is this mainstream at all?" was, "Um, hello, pogroms, anyone?" But then, I have a history degree and tend to get pretty annoyed when people start taking blatant liberties with historical accuracy (in the context of an argument- doing it for dramatic effect or whatever in a movie is one thing, but if you're trying to spin it to make some point, at least be accurate).

Glad to know it's not just me, then. I found it really offensive and am in complete agreement with Jared's comment. Aside from the fact that this argument has zero historical basis, it's victim blaming and offensive (which is probably why it's frequently used by anti-Semites).

On another note, I find her blog irritating and I saw her comments at kvetchingeditor when they were posted and they were quite mean. I was not impressed.

Yeah, I didn't see the actual comments, but I saw the replies, and I gathered that they were pretty harsh. I'll admit to grinning a bit when ChicagoCarless called her out by pointing out that however much she wants to tow the RCA line, she's not Orthodox yet, so maybe she should just sit down. Personally, while I'm have a really hard time imagining myself dating a non-Jewish guy (for a variety of reasons), I'm glad she's happy after all of the crap she's been wading through, and I think it took some serious ovaries to post what she did; she knew she was going to get major backlash. I also found it telling which of her regular (Orthodox) readers were supportive and kind and which ones started piling on and browbeating her. Some people are dicks.

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No, that was my first reaction after, "Wait, what? Unless those 'some people' you're talking about are all either neo-Nazis or Haredim, how in the world is this mainstream at all?" was, "Um, hello, pogroms, anyone?" But then, I have a history degree and tend to get pretty annoyed when people start taking blatant liberties with historical accuracy (in the context of an argument- doing it for dramatic effect or whatever in a movie is one thing, but if you're trying to spin it to make some point, at least be accurate).

Glad to know it's not just me, then. I found it really offensive and am in complete agreement with Jared's comment. Aside from the fact that this argument has zero historical basis, it's victim blaming and offensive (which is probably why it's frequently used by anti-Semites).

Yeah, I didn't see the actual comments, but I saw the replies, and I gathered that they were pretty harsh. I'll admit to grinning a bit when ChicagoCarless called her out by pointing out that however much she wants to tow the RCA line, she's not Orthodox yet, so maybe she should just sit down. Personally, while I'm have a really hard time imagining myself dating a non-Jewish guy (for a variety of reasons), I'm glad she's happy after all of the crap she's been wading through, and I think it took some serious ovaries to post what she did; she knew she was going to get major backlash. I also found it telling which of her regular (Orthodox) readers were supportive and kind and which ones started piling on and browbeating her. Some people are dicks.

Is it any of Skylars business who Chaviva dates? i mean REALLY? ok yes, it was posted on the internet, but like you and chicagocarless pointed out- Skylar isn't orthodox yet, so who is she to judge? She's getting to be a bit "frummier than thou" lately and its starting to grind my gears.

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Agree. Though it sounds like her beit din is coming up shortly, and I can't help but wonder whether that may have something to do with it. Trying to prove her Orthodox mettle beyond a doubt before she shows up to talk to the rabbis. I think she said at one point that she was open about her blog and that her rabbi(s) knew about it (I mean, I assume they do, since she's using her own name). It's interesting to go back and read older posts and then go forward and read her more recent ones. She's definitely frummed out even from where she was when she started this process. I find it grating, too.

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Skyler says "In case the argument is new to you, my understanding is that the argument is that the widespread assimilation raised the hackles, so to speak, of non-Jewish Europeans."

While this has a grain of truth to it, it vastly simplifies a MUCH more complicated situation. And why the hell should the Haskalah be blamed for reforms that were instituted by Tsar Alexander II in the first place that let Jews participate more widely in Russian society? Before, you know the reforms he instituted when the goyim of Eastern Europe started freaking out about the disproportionate representation of Jews in academia and certain professions.

Of course, the real point is that anything the Jews did raised the hackles of non-Jewish Europeans. They could have stated isolated in their little shtetls practicing Hasidism and mitnagdism and whatever ultra-right wing version of Judaism you think would have pleased God and non-Jews would STILL have despised them.

ETA: Alexander's original reforms were because the non-Jews of Eastern Europe thought they would like Jews more if they were integrated into the larger society. It didn't work, obviously. People who hate Jews hate Jews. End of fucking story.

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Damn, what exactly did Skylar say? I really did like her but I agree she's shifting way more to the right. I feel awful for all the crap that Chaviva had to read; people suck.

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Agree. Though it sounds like her beit din is coming up shortly, and I can't help but wonder whether that may have something to do with it. Trying to prove her Orthodox mettle beyond a doubt before she shows up to talk to the rabbis. I think she said at one point that she was open about her blog and that her rabbi(s) knew about it (I mean, I assume they do, since she's using her own name). It's interesting to go back and read older posts and then go forward and read her more recent ones. She's definitely frummed out even from where she was when she started this process. I find it grating, too.

If she was so worried about what her beit din would think and /or find the blog, she should have made it private, i hate to say it, but if she published all this stuff AFTER she became official as like a "how too" guide, it'd be less irritating.

I mean yes, i'm a convert too, albiet reform, and I drive my other reform from birth friends insane because i don't eat pork or shrimp, but I dont' get all high and mighty about it. If they really press I just shrug and say "i won't eat it but if you want some, go and eat it. I don't care if you eat it" I dont' lecture them about how they're making all Jews look bad.

Basically from the gist of other folks comments in response, she said stuff about how Chaviva is making converting harder for other people who want to convert Orthodox. :roll: I didnt 'see the original comments but there have also been comments on her blog how someone isn't going to read her blog anymore because of her (Skylar's) attitude towards Chaviva.

And moreover, making comments like that.... that's just bad form, whether you're Reform, Orthodox, Humanist or non practicing. If I were her beit din I'd have a serious problem with her being so cruel to someone else.

ETA HOORAY! i'm a homeskool Hero!!! SDRT FOREVAH!

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The thing is, once someone converts they are Jewish. They are free to make the same questionable life decisions that the rest of us make.

If I were male, I would be concerned about a marriage to a non-Jew just because of the whole matrilineality issue, but a Jewish woman dating a Christian guy? Who cares? The kids will be Jewish, both by birth and by virtue of the Jewish home that the mother will create for them. They'll have to be Reform, but no one is harmed by it.

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Aw, you included humanist. I think I love you!

*sniff* But she left out us Conservatives. I know we're a "dying movement," but c'mon! :(


Anyway, yeah, I agree with ilovtchochkes. Like Chaviva doesn't have enough on her plate right now, for one, and for another, I'd also be asking some pretty hashkafa- and mussar-related questions if I were one of the rabbis on Skylar's beit din and saw that. I suspect she came to that realization herself, hence her deletion of the offending posts.

As far as the content itself, it makes Orthodoxy look bad. If your community is making you that paranoid and unhinged that you view every other convert as someone potentially capable of undermining your religious practice and earning you a "deconversion," or, if you go with what Skylar has to say and think you're not really paranoid if they're out to get you, which means that every convert you meet could potentially get you "deconverted" if you slip up, well, I'm going to go ahead and question your sanity for letting people have that kind of power over you, for one, and for actually trusting their judgement, for another. Frankly, this kind of bullshit is a large part of the reason I have zero interest in pursuing an Orthodox conversion. There are the egalitarian issues, as well, but they pale in comparison to this crap. The Torah is binding and from Sinai and all the rest, and I'm supposed to trust the judgement of people who behave like this to tell me what constitutes Torah and halacha and what doesn't? Thanks, but no thanks. As a Conservative convert, if I fall off the Jewish wagon, I might be a bad Jew, but at least I'm not going to have sharks circling me, itching to yank my conversion papers while I try and sort myself out.

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I recently read Kochava's blog back to the beginning and yeah, while I can't put my finger on specific things without a search, she does come across as being hypersensitive to the possibility of conversions being revoked in some way - whether that's because you're screwing up or because the rabbi/beit din (can't remember the details) turns out to have done questionable things and then all the conversions they allowed are suddenly under scrutiny.

I'm trying to look at her More Frum Than Thou as a version of the way in which moving into any new major identity means you get tested more than the people who were born into that identity. I became a UK citizen and in order to achieve that, I had to take a multiple-choice test, prove I spoke English, and swear an oath to Her Majesty in a ceremony held by the council. [Oh, and pay several thousand dollars for various visas and the citizenship itself, which by the Home Office's own evidence cost far more than the actual time/work they take to process.] No one born here has to go through anything so ridiculous. And having once been smacked down for not knowing how Buying Rounds In The Pub works, I am always paranoid that I don't make tea correctly. :)

I get that she's very aware, from her interactions with Born Jews [sic], that she doesn't have the 'right' answers for Jewish Geography and all that. Yes, it is something she will have to live with for the rest of her life, just as I have lived in the UK for over a decade and yet still get told 'oh but you don't sound Scottish yet' and have it implied that I don't understand things because I'm Not From here. And I do sometimes cringe when other immigrants do stupid things, because it does feed into the whole Daily Mail/Tory/middle England paranoia, which only makes life harder for people like my husband, who isn't British yet.

But none of this gives me the right to go to anyone's personal blog and berate them for ruining things for the rest of us.

And the problem I have with chicagocarless's comment is that he is tacitly giving Kochava the right to behave like that after she *is* Orthodox.

[edited to improve my chronology]

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I know Skylar somewhat, and I do think she meant to imply the Holocaust could be seen as a natural/psychological consequence of assimilation, not as a punishment. I don't agree with that either per se, but it is somewhat more understandable of a reasoning: Jews started being allowed to enter secular society, Jews became good at their jobs and quite powerful, ecomomic recession happens, BAM, Jews are being used as scapegoats because THEY TOOK OUR JOBS. I think the situation is much more complicated than that, obviously, but better that reasoning than the one that goes 'those damn Reform Jews! if they hadn't assimilated, the Holocaust would never have happened! PUNISHMENT!'. Which is a reasoning I've heard from at least one Orthodox Rabbi, by the way - so it's not even just Neo-Nazis and Haredim.

Skylar and Chaviva also have something of a history that goes back way before this post, I believe - and I agree, I think the fact that she's up to go to the mikvah sometime soon probably has something to do with it.

Eh, sometimes I disagree with her on certain issues, but she's quite vocal about her support for gay marriage and other liberal issues, which is pretty cool within the Orthodox world, so I generally like her. :)

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LucySnowe, I am sad people are being arses to you. You are certainly a fellow Scot in my book, if you like to be, and very welcome to Scotland - new citizens are great and make us stronger!

As for buying rounds, what is ruder than getting that wrong is commenting on someone getting it wrong! The correct procedure if someone doesn't take their turn is for everyone to assume they are kind of financially embarrassed ;) and someone else to stand up and say the equivalent of "Och, it'll be me...I still owe yous aw a drink, don't I? Same again?" If the person realises their error and offers to buy, the prospective drinks buyer makes a small protest "No, no, dinnae worry, I won on the fitba', this is my round" or whatever else seems convenient. If the person insists, one presumes they have money to pay, and then you say "Guid o ye, same again here, it's a..." At any rate failure to buy, unless it is a pattern, should be thought of as a very minor offence ;)

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Aw thanks, JesusFightClub. Thankfully the main occurrence was a very long time ago and the person is demonstrably whacko (and not even Scottish herself). She only mentioned it after other people began noticing that she was treating me like crap, claimed she understood it was a cultural misunderstanding on my part and *then* tried to get our entire circle on her side, and subsequently changed her story by an order of magnitude! It was basically an excuse to be the victim of Bad Behavior.

Sorry, I mean 'Bad Behaviour' of course. ;)

As for immigrants to Scotland, I just heard someone in Leith being absolutely thrilled about all the Poles who've moved in over the last few years; he said it really revitalised the area.

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I recently read Kochava's blog back to the beginning and yeah, while I can't put my finger on specific things without a search, she does come across as being hypersensitive to the possibility of conversions being revoked in some way - whether that's because you're screwing up or because the rabbi/beit din (can't remember the details) turns out to have done questionable things and then all the conversions they allowed are suddenly under scrutiny.

I'm trying to look at her More Frum Than Thou as a version of the way in which moving into any new major identity means you get tested more than the people who were born into that identity. I became a UK citizen and in order to achieve that, I had to take a multiple-choice test, prove I spoke English, and swear an oath to Her Majesty in a ceremony held by the council. [Oh, and pay several thousand dollars for various visas and the citizenship itself, which by the Home Office's own evidence cost far more than the actual time/work they take to process.] No one born here has to go through anything so ridiculous. And having once been smacked down for not knowing how Buying Rounds In The Pub works, I am always paranoid that I don't make tea correctly. :)

I get that she's very aware, from her interactions with Born Jews [sic], that she doesn't have the 'right' answers for Jewish Geography and all that. Yes, it is something she will have to live with for the rest of her life, just as I have lived in the UK for over a decade and yet still get told 'oh but you don't sound Scottish yet' and have it implied that I don't understand things because I'm Not From here. And I do sometimes cringe when other immigrants do stupid things, because it does feed into the whole Daily Mail/Tory/middle England paranoia, which only makes life harder for people like my husband, who isn't British yet.

But none of this gives me the right to go to anyone's personal blog and berate them for ruining things for the rest of us.

And the problem I have with chicagocarless's comment is that he is tacitly giving Kochava the right to behave like that after she *is* Orthodox.

[edited to improve my chronology]

Thank you! This was exactly my feelings with her comments. Sometimes I find it quite annoying that Quebecors I meet for thefirst time, don't get the clues that I am not just French, but that I lived in Québec for quite a time, that I am feeling more Franco-Quebecor, than just French. But I don't blame it on other french people's attitude, there's a clear prejudice that make some Quebecors blind to the fact that French people come in all forms and colors and opinions.

She does not want to blame the Orthodox establishment since she wants to be integrated, but seriously, it sounds that it's essentially a problem of the establishment's policies, rather than individuals' behavior. A system that can't process cheaters, is going to have problems anyway.

And also she always seems to point out how long it takes for the conversion, but I've been waiting for my new citizenship for a year and a half and of course I don't know if I'll ever get it. I understand she has to be a break on life's events like getting married and stuff, but what boggles my mind is that she WANTS this process. She accepts the terms of the game of an establishment that seems eager to have attitudes bordering harassment (or she's just paranoid). There's a certain blindness that comes with her position, but it's utterly annoying.

I did not like her behavior with the Lina thing, like she could have started by sending Lina a warning, rather than just publishing an article about how Lina is a fake jew in comparison to her being in the right lane. that was incredibly rude, and I think immature.

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