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TN Conservatives Seek Protections For Religious Bullies


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The Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT) is using the suicide of Jacob Rogers — who was bullied relentlessly for being gay — to promote state legislation that would protect bullies who harass other students for their sexual orientation


A person's religion should have no bearing on how laws apply to them. Bullying is wrong. It doesn't matter if the bully believes that his religion allows him to intimidate the other person.

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the bill creates specific protections for students who share any “religious, philosophical, or political views†that are “unpopular,â€

If this bill becomes law, I hope some teenagers decide to start a Santoria club at school (live chicken sacrifice after school!) , maybe a Satanic support group, too. Perhaps even an honor killing to hammer home the point that Christianity isn't the only "unpopular" religion.

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These are the same fucking idiots, who forbid girls from graduating while wearing pants. There was a girl in my class that was clearly a lesbian. No one cared, except the school board. She refused to wear skirts or dresses. They told her she could not walk at graduation unless she wore a skirt or dress. Until the year she graduated, 1999, girls could only wear skirts or dresses and publicly graduate from my high school. There was a law suit and eventually the rule was dropped. She is generally considered a hero for equal rights among those of us who remember the "scandal"

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so lets not act like Jesus and hate others not like us. How christian of them. Any of these with Family in it is so far from helping families it is pathetic.

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Bullying is disgusting, yet it happens in almost every class in the world.

Kids get bullied because they are more quiet, have disabilities, are too skinny, are too fat, there can be any reasons why a bunch of misparented, horrible kids team up to torment them.

There is at least 1 kid in every class who's life is a living nightmare.

Anybody who bestows that is part of it and is a felon.

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well if the non Christians bulled the uber Christians you would see a bill the stop it instantly and see persecution screamed out.

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THIS. :evil:

How ironic that they scream for hate crime legislation when it comes home to roost for them. When it was Matthew Shepard, they just said (and I heard this all the time from conservatives): "ALL crimes are hate crimes and the law already protects the gays, blacks, etc." I would always reply that no, that all crimes are NOT hate crimes (are muggings "hate crimes?" Home invasions?...the answer is no), and that those crimes need to be distinguished by the law.

That usually shut them up.

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Bullying is disgusting, yet it happens in almost every class in the world.

Kids get bullied because they are more quiet, have disabilities, are too skinny, are too fat, there can be any reasons why a bunch of misparented, horrible kids team up to torment them.

There is at least 1 kid in every class who's life is a living nightmare.

Anybody who bestows that is part of it and is a felon.

This. So are kids now allowed to bully a fat kid to suicide b/c the Bible says gluttony is a sin? (Notwithstanding the fact that many people with weight problems have medical problems, not simply a lack of self control.) Bullying is wrong and mean for any reason. Nowadays, with facebook and cell phones and the internet, going home after school doesn't make it stop. (I know that makes me sound like I'm about 80, but I swear I'm not, facebook just wasn't started until I was in college).

Keep your religion and your opinions about other people to yourself unless you are specifically asked. And even if you are asked, remember the advice from your mother and Miss Manners and "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." The world will be much better for it.

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Conservative Christians are still allowed to share their views, they just are not allowed to harass others or create a hostile learning environment. They don't need to keep repeating their beliefs over and over. To quote my favorite singer: "Yes I know what you think of me, you never shut up."

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