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A Response to the Happy Homemaker [with edit]

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Jacinda at the HappyLittleHomemaker.com (first discussed here) has recently learned of our humble forum, only to discover that some of her more questionable comments have been held up for scrutiny and ridicule.

Her response, of course, is that she’ll be praying for us – which, as most people here are aware, is fundie-speak for, “Go fuck yourselves.†(In other words, I'd take her "kindness" a little more seriously if I thought she actualy meant it, which I don't.)

I feel this need to clarify a few things for Jacinda in response to her latest post, “Please Pray!â€

She writes…

But all in all, most people are very kind and wonderfully helpful. Every single comment since the New Year has been published with the exception of maybe one or two. I albsolutely love hearing feedback. Yes, even from people who disgree with me. When a different view point is expressed in a loving way, it's hard to view the person or their opinion as arrogant, bull-headed, or naive. Usually, I'm challeneged in a good way by these comments and enjoy investigating their view point further. I learn so much this way and am thankful for those readers who have backbone enough to respectfully disagree without becoming emotional.

Jacinda may not realize it, but she has bought hook, line, and sinker into a dangerous and inhumane philosophy that is more likely to damage her family than to help anyone. She may be a nice person, but she’s also part of what I’ll call "The Machine."

“The Machine†is an apt term for the collective of mass marketing organizations that have glutted American evangelical Christianity with all kinds of shiny new lifestyle products and seminars and tea parties and other wankery, commercializing the Bible and twisting Scripture to the point where it’s barely recognizable.

Vision Forum and the Pearls are but two especially loathsome modules within this Machine, and Jacinda is beholden to them both for her religious philosophy. And right she is to hang on so tightly to their lies; she has likely invested enough money in them.

The Machine is dangerous – for more on why I believe that, read here– and Jacinda serves it.

She continues…

I have always wanted this blog to remain public. My vision for it was that those who are unfamiliar with biblical femininity and glorious homemaking might stumble across it one day and be encouraged to give this radically different lifestyle a try.

Jacinda’s blog exists in part to proffer goods and services generated by The Machine, and to convince other people to buy into her chosen lifestyle – and yet she seems genuinely upset to discover that her public blog might also draw its share of vehement critics who are familiar with her version of “Biblical Femininity†and yet find it to be at least distasteful.

She continues…

Truth be told, I was tempted to have a pity-party for myself…. So I though to myself, how can I bless these poor women who don't know what it means to have the love of Jesus reigning in their hearts?

So her first instinct was self-pity, but only until she found that self-righteousness soothed her ache far more effectively.

Pray that they would continue to "stumble" across irritatingly biblical blogs, bump into godly homemakers wherever they go, be confronted with the power of God's Word when they're trying to fall asleep at night, "accidentally" turn on the radio to Christian Psalms or Hymns which speak of the salvation to be found in Jesus Christ…

I’ve been studying The Machine for years, including all the little lady bloggers who work as small cogs and are treated with about as much respect by the people who sell “visionary products†to them.

Jacinda thinks the bulk of us react unkindly to her because we dislike Christianity. She’s more or less wrong on that score. Far more people were outraged by how she projected her own religious prejudices onto a sick one-year-old – and so beholden was Jacinda to the various warped nonsense she has imbibed about child-rearing that she actually had to wonder whether her ill one-year-old was crying from pain or merely out of some Machiavellian desire to manipulate her for personal gain.

Because children are at once a gift from God and yet also sinful little monsters who start manipulating their parents from the second they’re born until they’re finally broken down with the rod by age two. [EDIT FOR CLARITY: Nowhere did Jacinda indicate she hits her kids, and I apologiz for having been unclear on that point. I was speaking, here, generally about some of the Pearls' child-rearing advice, which I suspect is part of where Jacinda got this whole 'kids are deranged sinners' crap.]

That is so fucked up there are barely words to categorize something so twisted – and we all have the Pearls and other fundie parts of The Machine to thank for spreading that dangerous nonsense.

(BURRIS’ NOTE: The average one-year-old will be taking her first steps, as well as developing gross motor skills. She is just beginning to understand that words mean things. She might have a vocabulary of a half-dozen words, if she’s especially bright, and can understand the basics of simple questions.

She might have the barest hint that cause precedes effect and that she can influence “what happens next†by doing something specific now. But she won’t have any clue about manipulation or about wants versus needs or about delayed gratification. She has all her fingers and toes and internal organs ready for her use, but her brain is still developing in major ways as part of a process that won’t stop completely until she’s in her 20s.

You, Jacinda, were worried about being manipulated by a child with the mental capacity of a smart, little hamster – and I doubt you could even really specify to what end she would be manipulating you. Besides hugs and cough syrup, what exactly was the pay-off of her master plan?)

She continues…

Please, please pray that the Lord would save these lost souls who so desperately need His grace the same way each one of us does too.

I just don't believe Jacinda actually means that - so, in closing, I'll tell her to get bent.

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Also, why does she say "I found it so fascinating that the Lord arranged for Charity and I to read Luke 6 for devotions at lunch time"? Very curious--did she get a heavenly phone call while she was prettily polishing her husband's shitter doing kingdom work?

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Also, why does she say "I found it so fascinating that the Lord arranged for Charity and I to read Luke 6 for devotions at lunch time"? Very curious--did she get a heavenly phone call while she was prettily polishing her husband's shitter doing kingdom work?

That wasn't nearly as irritating to me as her bad grammar. The sentence should have read, "The Lord arranged for Charity and me to read Luke 6..."

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Actually, it doesn't bother me to have people pray for me, so Jacinda can pray all she wants. I appreciate having the Almighty's attention directed to me (but of course I do believe in an Almighty so I can see where it would annoy those who don't.)

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I will find that SHE find's God's grace and love. It is simply amazing what happens when you let go and le God, when you quit trying and simply believe in Jesus and what He did for you. When you look a the Bible for what it actually says and not whar others have shoehorned in the text.

I'll trade this freedom and peace for NOTHING!

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It doesn't bother me if people pray for me because I don't go to their particular church. In a way, that blogger reminds me of a fundie neighbor who said she was praying for my family because we didn't go to church every Sunday. The fundie neighbor died a few years ago, and my family still doesn't go to her church.

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Burris the Sage nails it again.

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Guest Anonymous

Pray that they would continue to "stumble" across irritatingly biblical blogs, bump into godly homemakers wherever they go, be confronted with the power of God's Word when they're trying to fall asleep at night, "accidentally" turn on the radio to Christian Psalms or Hymns which speak of the salvation to be found in Jesus Christ…

Hmmm. So this "praying" is about annoying me into salvation? At least the missionaries (usually) brought food and medicine as a bribe. (It would be tough, but I would sit through a sermon for a free inhaler for my daughter with asthma.)

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I note that she took the post about punishing a sick 1 year old down. Kathryn31 was able to find it a few days ago, and now it's gone. It's still in google cache though:

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... google.com

Thanks for your prayers, dear, but anyone who is so out of touch with her maternal instincts as to post that has nothing to teach me about glorious homemaking. Inglorious cruelty, more like.

It's going to take a Bach cantata and 2 hours in the garden to cleanse my brain of that Pearl-escent load of BS.

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I note that she took the post about punishing a sick 1 year old down. Kathryn31 was able to find it a few days ago, and now it's gone. It's still in google cache though:

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... google.com

Thanks for your prayers, dear, but anyone who is so out of touch with her maternal instincts as to post that has nothing to teach me about glorious homemaking. Inglorious cruelty, more like.

It's going to take a Bach cantata and 2 hours in the garden to cleanse my brain of that Pearl-escent load of BS.

After reading this link, I'll join you taking the Bach cantata in the garden. I'll bring the red wine and savery snacks of your preference.

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I'll just read it while listening to Rhianna's version of "Love the Way You Lie"...the whole happy homemaker thing and all that.

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You might want to fix the link in your post, Burris. She is .org, not .com.

As for Jacinda, bless her heart.

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Why do these women bloggers think that those of us who are Christians and disagree with their opinions need to be prayed for?

The 12 disciples didn't always agree with Jesus, they questioned him and then received their answers.

I do need to be prayed for, for healing, for discernment about things going on in my family, and for other non specific things. But I belong to a congregation of believers that prays for one another without ceasing. For me it's as natural as breathing, but these bloggers seem to think it's work to pray. Of course if that's all they have in their lives to look forward to beyond their family, it's their choice.

I'm rambling, I'm tired and I think I'm going to listen to the Faure Requiem to bring some peace back into my space.


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That wasn't nearly as irritating to me as her bad grammar. The sentence should have read, "The Lord arranged for Charity and me to read Luke 6..."

Oh, trust me, I noticed that, but I didn't want to get accused of being MEAN, or of picking on details instead of ideas... :twisted:

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Oooooooh! A trade of positive energy! I'll be happy to draw down the moon in her name when the time is right! :lol:

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I will find that SHE find's God's grace and love. It is simply amazing what happens when you let go and le God, when you quit trying and simply believe in Jesus and what He did for you. When you look a the Bible for what it actually says and not whar others have shoehorned in the text.

I'll trade this freedom and peace for NOTHING!

This!!! :clap:

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Jacinda at the HappyLittleHomemaker.com (first discussed here) has recently learned of our humble forum, only to discover that some of her more questionable comments have been held up for scrutiny and ridicule.

Her response, of course, is that she’ll be praying for us – which, as most people here are aware, is fundie-speak for, “Go fuck yourselves.†(In other words, I'd take her "kindness" a little more seriously if I thought she actualy meant it, which I don't.)

I feel this need to clarify a few things for Jacinda in response to her latest post, “Please Pray!â€

She continues…

I really doubt that people will come to the Lord from a blog.... or from such a young mother who veiws her baby is able to manipulate herself because she is filled with sin.

She continues…

I don't need her prayers or blessings, I'm already a Christian that has Jesus... just not the brand she has.

I'm already a stay at home Christian mother. I talk to the Lord all day not just before bed. I don't listen to the radio so that isn't going to happen. Do you know where I found God? In my bible and not on the internet or from TV or from the radio, newspaper, blog ect. She is just fooling herself if she thinks she has all the answers.

She continues…

I'm not lost and remember not all who wonder are lost

Sorry to highjack your post Burris, but my back is screaming and I wanted to be quick when posting this.

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Just read the cached post. Wow. I am so sad for her children.

Anyone who would believe that is incredibly sick and self righteous. When my babies are sick, my thoughts are "God, how can I better serve them?", not "how are they manipulating me?"

But, then again, I am the wrong kind of Christian. :roll:

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Disciplining our children does not mean that we beat, abuse, scream at, or intentionally hurt them in any way, shape, or form. God forbid we ever do that. When we speak of "discipline," we're using it in the biblical context which means to lovingly correct and instruct.

Kindly telling our daughter that she may not have a temper is a form of discipline.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hmm...your daughter isn't allowed to be angry? Not have a temper? What is up with that? Emotions are normal people. And while certainly there are limits to one can allow I don't understand why it is so wrong to be angry, to have a temper.

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Treemom, if I remember correctly, Jesus had a temper. I recall very distinctly in the book of John where he gets pissed and overturns tables and throws the moneychangers out of the temple.

I find this story very comforting when I get overwhelmed by anger. Watch out tables!!!

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I think she has trouble understanding that for some Christians, Christ is our Lord--not Doug Phillips, the Botkins, the Pearls, et al.

Nice catch on the old post about discliplining the one year old! Not my brand of Christianity, thank you very much.

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You might want to fix the link in your post, Burris. She is .org, not .com.

As for Jacinda, bless her heart.

You beat me to it!

And since I'm of the camp that hears "I'll pray for you" as condescending clap-trap, allow me add this especially for Jacinda: :banana-fingers:

And if Steve Maxwell is praying for us out of some misguided form of pity, ditto for them.

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Bless her happy homemaker heart for praying for me. It is just so special.

Still she is very young and I suspect not very educated (either in the school of university or the school of hard knocks). Her wisdom has not been gained through diligent study or hard work but rather through swallowing what she had been fed. I doubt she would ever willingly examine her beliefs and challenge them - and if her whole life is built on the framework VF and the Pearls - she is wise to not question anything. Questioning might lead to thinking and a thinking woman is dangerous. Better for her to tot out the platitudes she has learned and indeed I find her children to be adorable.

The person who interests me more is "Mrs B". Who is is busybody? Why has she taken it upon herself to be an informant. There is a story there and I would like to know it.

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