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Abducted in plain sight - Netflix


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Just watched Abducted in plain sight on Netflix. It took me four attempts.  A young girl is groomed and abducted by a neighbor, more than once. Both parents had sexual relations with the abductor. The parents allowed the abductor to lie with their daughter on her bed as part of his "therapy". They didn't report her missing for five days when she was abducted the first time.

The WTF is strong with this one.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Add me to the list of bewildered people. Yes, it was a different time, but what The Actual Fuck were those parents thinking?

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I could understand the first abduction and how that was handled (different times, clearly naive, seemingly squeaky clean Mormons), but everything after that? It seems as if they just didn't want to deal with it.

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I think part of the problem is that this should have been a 4 or 5 part series, not just 90 minutes. It was too compressed and there was no way to really understand anything.

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On 2/18/2019 at 1:32 AM, nelliebelle1197 said:

I think part of the problem is that this should have been a 4 or 5 part series, not just 90 minutes. It was too compressed and there was no way to really understand anything.

That's a very good point. I did think it was quite disjointed, it seemed to assume from the beginning that the viewer was familiar with the story. A multi part series would have allowed the story to be unpacked more slowly. 


Although that wouldn't have made it any less disturbing. 

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holy cow this doc. I was yelling at the tv while watching it. The parents, ALL the grown ups, were completely failed her! The perps brother has some serious issues. I really don't have words. It's one of the most bizarre cases I have ever heard of.

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This whole movie had my jaw dropping over and over.  My opinion is that the Broberg family were already some sort of local outcasts.  When a new family moved to town they just embraced them a little too openly it seems.  It doesn't seem like the Brobergs had a large support system in their community because you would think that others would start noticing warning signs and clue them in.  To me, the Broberg parents weren't so much innocent as wanting to play CYA to keep their own secrets from coming out.  

What I found the most shocking is that the Broberg daughters see their parents as total victims, even after they went against FBI recommendations, etc. to keep their kids safe.  I think it's okay to say that your parents made horrible mistakes but weren't 100% to blame for the whole situation.  

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  • 4 months later...

This was absolutely insane! What kind of therapy has the predator LIE beside the child? I'm not going to lie, I had many moments where my brain froze trying to process the crazy on the screen & had to go back and rewatch the entire thing.



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