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Major new investigation into Jeffrey Epstein, wealthy FL sex offender


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The Miami Herald has just published this unbelievable investigative story on how Jeffrey Epstein avoided serious prison time for running a large, multi-national sex ring that preyed on underage teenage girls. The original case, back in the mid-2000s, is the one that also involved Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz -- and yes, because it's Florida, Mar-A-Lago is mentioned.

[Trigger warning for descriptions of abuse in article & related videos]


Despite substantial physical evidence and multiple witnesses backing up the girls’ stories, the secret deal [with prosecutors & the FBI] allowed Epstein to enter guilty pleas to two felony prostitution charges. Epstein admitted to committing only one offense against one underage girl, who was labeled a prostitute, even though she was 14, which is well under the age of consent — 18 in Florida....[Alexander] Acosta [top Federal prosecutor in FL, now US Secretary of Labor], in 2011, would explain that he was unduly pressured by Epstein’s heavy-hitting lawyers — Lefkowitz, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, Jack Goldberger, Roy Black, former U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis, Gerald Lefcourt, and Kenneth Starr, the former Whitewater special prosecutor who investigated Bill Clinton’s sexual liaisons with Monica Lewinsky. That included keeping the deal from Epstein’s victims, emails show.

Much, much more at the Miami Herald link.

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I couldn't read to the end of that article.  This is so far beyond horrifying in every way, and to think that this guy basically walked after a short prison stint with......wait for it......12 hours away from jail every day on work release.  I hope every single person who set up that plea deal on either side, gets boils and dies in poverty, sooner rather than later. 

Bet Dershowitz stops getting TV gigs from here on out.      

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29 minutes ago, Howl said:

I couldn't read to the end of that article.  This is so far beyond horrifying in every way, and to think that this guy basically walked after a short prison stint with......wait for it......12 hours away from jail every day on work release.  I hope every single person who set up that plea deal on either side, gets boils and dies in poverty, sooner rather than later. 

Bet Dershowitz stops getting TV gigs from here on out.      

@Howl, let's hope so!

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I am not going to read the article, thank you for the trigger warning.  But I hope he gets what he deserves.  Which is every bad thing possible that could be done to him.  He richly deserves it, and so much more.

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A guy as rich and sexually addicted as Epstein didn't just stop his predatory activities abusing girls.  I truly hope he has stopped for the sake of girls everywhere, but likely he'll get caught again and sent to prison forever; this has Bill Cosby written all over it.  Unfortunately, he's likely doing this aboard a ship in international waters or in a foreign country. 

I laud the Miami Herald expose; excellent journalism. 

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On 11/30/2018 at 5:29 AM, Howl said:

A guy as rich and sexually addicted as Epstein didn't just stop his predatory activities abusing girls. 

No, it's highly likely that he hasn't stopped though it's not clear who, if anyone, is checking on him. Nor is it clear how much time he now spends in the US mainland where he's a registered sex offender in at least two states (FL & NY). He apparently spends most of his time at his property in the US Virgin Islands. 

He will not be in attendance at the trial that starts tomorrow (Dec 4) -- just his lawyers will be there.


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  • 7 months later...


Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Sex Trafficking of Minors: Sources

Jeffrey Epstein was reportedly arrested on Saturday and will appear in New York court on Monday to be charged with sex trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement sources

Updated 07.06.19 



The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

I'm guessing this won't be like his previous plea deal, work release gig! 

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  • 11 months later...

I binge-watched Filthy Rich yesterday.  Probably shouldn't have.  It made me so incredibly angry I could barely see straight.

Once I started I felt obligated to finish because as a fellow survivor, I wanted to hear the victims' stories.  

What a bunch of lying scumbags.  All of them.  Alan Dershowitz - UGH.  I totally believe he was involved with Virginia.  I've always hated him and thought he was as crooked as a split-rail fence.  And it's so obvious Prince Andrew is guilty it's just ridiculous at this point.  Mummy won't disown him, but I think once she dies, he's toast.

I was so happy to hear that Ghislaine was arrested, because at the end of every episode when it said "Ghislaine Maxwell denies all allegations" I was literally talking to the screen saying "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, WHY ISN'T SHE IN JAIL?" 

I think Epstein was whacked in jail because he had bulletproof evidence (photos, video) against Trump and the Clintons.  Full stop.  I doubt anyone could convince me otherwise.  It made me think of a Joe Pesci line in The Irishman...."If they can whack a President, they can whack a Union President."  They can whack a billionaire in jail, too.

Pedophiles never, ever part with their collections.  I hope there is video somewhere of Fuckface Von Clownstick committing sex crimes and that it comes to light before he dies, so he can die in jail.  Far-fetched, I know, but a girl can dream.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, a trove of evidence was recovered from Epstein's mansion; I sure there were materials that are highly incriminating to many powerful men.  Who has control of those materials? 

It is thought by some people that at least part of Epstein's wealth came from blackmailing wealthy men.  However, it seems word would get around that Epstein was a blackmailer and men would be much more cautious, but when were men ever that smart about such things?

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