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Voting Check-In


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Today was the first day people could early vote in Iowa so I stopped at the local elections annex and did my civic duty today.  Thought I'd start a thread so people could check in when they voted.


Straight fornicating D all the way down the line too.  That's one vote that Kimmy, Rod Blum, Shannon Lundgren, et al won't be getting.

Fornicate you, Republicans.




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I need to check when early voting starts here too. I don't think we have much of a chance of unseating my (asshole) congressional rep, but I'm certainly going to give it my damnedest.

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1 minute ago, Destiny said:

I need to check when early voting starts here too. I don't think we have much of a chance of unseating my (asshole) congressional rep, but I'm certainly going to give it my damnedest.

We have that fornicate stick Rod Blum who gets pissy when people don't genuflect in front of him or Fuck Face.  Abby has a good chance of unseating him.  Especially now after Kavadouche got in. 

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I got my absentee ballot (I get one for being disabled so I don't have to navigate the election place on a crowded voting day).  It's going back in the mail tomorrow.  Straight D as well.  I love both our congresscritters  Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. 

The guy running against Kaine was on the school board or something here locally for us.  He is a racist, nazi apologist and just gross.  It freaks me out that there are so many essentially white nationalists running for office in 2018

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I do feel slightly useless here in California. I couldn't vote for a republican for senate even if I wanted to. As was the case in 2016, both candidates are democrats. There's no republican candidate for my congressional district either.

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Two votes in this house for Lt. Col. Amy McGrath in the Kentucky 6th. Joe Biden is coming to campaign with her on Thursday. The orange menace is coming to campaign for Tea Party Andy Barr on Saturday.

We won't be voting until Election Day, I don't think.

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32 minutes ago, Curious said:

 The guy running against Kaine was on the school board or something here locally for us.  He is a racist, nazi apologist and just gross.  It freaks me out that there are so many essentially white nationalists running for office in 2018

You're referring to Corey Stewart, who dreams of being a Confederate general, despite the fact he's from Minnesota. He's a complete and utter douchecanoe. I don't know if you saw either of the recent debates, but he was trying to imply that Kaine is guilty of sexual harassment. The current polls have Kaine up by 20 points. I can't understand why he's not up by 90 points. Oh, wait, I do understand -- travel south on I-81 and make a right off any exit south of Roanoke. You'll be in Dumpyland, where they think Stewart is A-OK.

Stewart is actually the Chair of the Board of Supervisors in Prince William County. I can't believe he's gotten elected there four times, considering that PW has a huge number of minorities.

I love Warner and Kaine as well. They actually seem to care about making things better. I've gotten to know their local and DC office staff members since Agent Orange slimed his way into the WH. They've been great every time I call.

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1 minute ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Stewart is actually the Chair of the Board of Supervisors in Prince William County. I can't believe he's gotten elected there four times, considering that PW has a huge number of minorities.

I don't think he started letting his freak flag fly quite so high until 45 got into office.  We've lived here 20 years and I knew who he was by name, but I've never heard any of the crazy he spouts now come up.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

You're referring to Corey Stewart, who dreams of being a Confederate general, despite the fact he's from Minnesota.

Corey Stewart is fascinating to me in a abnormal psychology sort of way. 

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Just went online to check my voter registration status.  I'm GTG when early registration begins. 

Also, remember to GIVE MONEY TO YOUR CANDIDATES! Getting ready to give to MJ Hager (who is not even in my district but is simply awesome) and Beto. 

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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Just went online to check my voter registration status.  I'm GTG when early registration begins. 

Also, remember to GIVE MONEY TO YOUR CANDIDATES! Getting ready to give to MJ Hager (who is not even in my district but is simply awesome) and Beto. 

Is there a list of candidates? I can’t give to them all, buoI can afford a few

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37 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

Is there a list of candidates? I can’t give to them all, buoI can afford a few

Gina Ortiz Jones could sure use your help. She's trying to knock off Republican Will Hurd to gain control of TX-23. This is a swing district. Hurd beat his Democratic opponent by less than 2% the last time, so the odds are pretty good that she can win next month.

Also, Ted Cruz will cry in his beer if Gina wins. :twisted:



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12 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

Gina Ortiz Jones could sure use your help. She's trying to knock off Republican Will Hurd to gain control of TX-23. This is a swing district. Hurd beat his Democratic opponent by less than 2% the last time, so the odds are pretty good that she can win next month.

Also, Ted Cruz will cry in his beer if Gina wins. :twisted:




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I want to donate to Beto.  I’m sure he has a lot of money pouring in, but Ted Cruz has to go. Or maybe whoever is running against King in Iowa. I don’t think he or she can beat King, but it will still be money well spent. 

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Early voting hasn't started yet in my area, but I think my plan is to invite my youngest sister out for Pokemon and shopping, and then drag her to go vote with me while we're out. She won't bother, on her own, but if I take her there she'll vote.

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

Early voting hasn't started yet in my area, but I think my plan is to invite my youngest sister out for Pokemon and shopping, and then drag her to go vote with me while we're out. She won't bother, on her own, but if I take her there she'll vote.

This reminds me of my childhood voting experience. Each election day, we would wait for my dad to get off work and then my whole family would go to the polls. We would watch mom and dad go into the little booth, close the curtain, and then come out. I believe that was before the big kids voting push, but I learned from a very young age that voting every time you had the opportunity was very important. Unfortunately, I live in a state with all mail-in ballots, so I worry that the next generation won't see the importance of doing their civic responsibility, although it is much easier to vote for everyone.

The other drawback two completely voting by mail is I'm concerned about voter coercion. If you disagree with your spouse or significant other and are going to the polls, what you do behind the closed screen is your own business. When filling out mail-in ballots, I could see spouses or significant others telling their spouses or significant others exactly how to vote or even marking their paper for them.

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15 hours ago, Howl said:

I sent Beto a love offering today.  Can't early vote for a week or so. 

Mr. Cartmann99 and I are early voting on October 26th. We'll go get doughnuts afterwards because that's our tradition.. :doughnut:

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On 10/8/2018 at 6:43 PM, 47of74 said:

Straight fornicating D all the way down the line too.  That's one vote that Kimmy, Rod Blum, Shannon Lundgren, et al won't be getting.

Fornicate you, Republicans

I'm right there with you 47of74.  Steve King needs to go too.

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On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 1:12 PM, Audrey2 said:

This reminds me of my childhood voting experience. Each election day, we would wait for my dad to get off work and then my whole family would go to the polls. We would watch mom and dad go into the little booth, close the curtain, and then come out. I believe that was before the big kids voting push, but I learned from a very young age that voting every time you had the opportunity was very important. Unfortunately, I live in a state with all mail-in ballots, so I worry that the next generation won't see the importance of doing their civic responsibility, although it is much easier to vote for everyone.

The other drawback two completely voting by mail is I'm concerned about voter coercion. If you disagree with your spouse or significant other and are going to the polls, what you do behind the closed screen is your own business. When filling out mail-in ballots, I could see spouses or significant others telling their spouses or significant others exactly how to vote or even marking their paper for them.

This is what we always did with my son. He always came with us to the polls, came into the booth with us, and we'd let him pull the lever or scan the ballot. Politics has always been a big conversation topic in our house, so he's definitely involved. He's pissed that he's not able to vote until next year. He wanted to be involved in the mid-term elections. This is his last year in high school, so it's a lot of elective classes. It's mostly US Gov, Law, some Rights and Justice class, Environmental Science - I think we created a monster. A good monster, though!

Compared to my childhood which was the complete opposite. My parents would go out on election night to vote, never discuss who they voted for, or why, because it was "private". It wasn't a topic for children in my house. I guess it was good in it's own way though. I got to form my own opinions and turned out way left of my family!

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3 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

This is what we always did with my son. He always came with us to the polls, came into the booth with us, and we'd let him pull the lever or scan the ballot. Politics has always been a big conversation topic in our house, so he's definitely involved. He's pissed that he's not able to vote until next year. He wanted to be involved in the mid-term elections. This is his last year in high school, so it's a lot of elective classes. It's mostly US Gov, Law, some Rights and Justice class, Environmental Science - I think we created a monster. A good monster, though!

Compared to my childhood which was the complete opposite. My parents would go out on election night to vote, never discuss who they voted for, or why, because it was "private". It wasn't a topic for children in my house. I guess it was good in it's own way though. I got to form my own opinions and turned out way left of my family!

My parents were political junkies.  I clearly remember going with my mom to the 1968 presidential elections.  I was forced allowed to stay up late and watch the returns that year.  I've watched the returns like a person viewing a train wreck four years since. 

In 1972 my mom  refused to get out of bed the next day.  In 1980 it was my turn to cry.  In 1992 I thought the world was finally going to be okay. 2000 I I, well nuff said. In 2008 I cried tears of joy and a little sadness.  My dad had died and I missed him terribly and he would have loved Obama,  

Two years ago I was glad my dad didn't live to see this shit pile.  Like my mom in '72 44 years ago I couldn't get out of bed the next day.

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Early voting starts in two weeks and I feel like going now so I can be first in line.

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