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Texas judge interrupts jury because God told him to


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Judge Jack Robison apologized to jurors for the interruption, but defended his actions by telling them “when God tells me I gotta do something, I gotta do it,” according to the Herald-Zeitung in New Braunfels.

The jury went against the judge’s wishes, finding Gloria Romero-Perez guilty of continuous trafficking of a person and later sentenced her to 25 years in prison. They found her not guilty of a separate charge of sale or purchase of a child.


Just another piece of shit in the judicial system. Maybe he'll run for senate. :angry-banghead:

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Local standards and all that, but how the FUCK do people like this get on the bench, or stay on it, since there was prior reprimand in Robison's case?

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Long time Republican judge elected without opposition.  Hello, Democrats?  DEMOCRATS?  I hope he's not running unopposed again. 

There's something about this that seems possibly bi-polar or some other mental condition; it's definitely way out of the realm of normal behavior for a judge.

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This judge may receive only a minor reprimand.  He is a state district judge, handling cases from two central Texas counties.   

The defendant was on trial for sex trafficking (teenaged girl) and the attorney asked for a mistrial, which was not granted. 

It's incomprehensible to me and every other thinking person how this guy can continue as a judge, but there you have it.

Here are some notes from the: Austin American-Statesman Harsh penalty unlikely for Texas judge who gave jury advice from God



Despite complaints against a state District Court judge who said a visit from God led him to intervene in jury deliberations, court watchers predict only minor punishment, if any, will be handed down by the state agency tasked with prosecuting judicial misconduct.

The legal observers say Judge Jack Robison’s behavior at a recent sex trafficking trial in Comal County violates the code of ethics that requires jurists to maintain impartiality and is grounds for a review from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Robison, who has not returned calls for comment, twice interrupted deliberations on Jan. 12 to tell jurors he thought the defendant was not guilty.



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