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Multiple dead after shooting at Quebec City mosque


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My apologies if this is in the wrong thread - please move it if I have erred.


This is from about an hour ago:

"Quebec City Police have confirmed via Twitter a shooting at a mosque in Quebec.

The shooting left people dead and wounded, the department said. Police would not confirm the number of dead or injured.

Two people have been arrested and the investigation continues, the department said."

I believe there was an attack on a mosque in Dallas last night as well.

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How awful. I can't imagine how scary it is to be shot at your place of worship.

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They had a pig's head left on their step earlier as well and I think a note that said 'Eat it.' Disgusting. 

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You can't fight terrorism with terrorism. I have a feeling this is going to get very ugly.

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The suspect in the deadly attack on a Quebec City mosque was known in the city’s activist circles as a right-wing troll who frequently took anti-foreigner and anti-feminist positions and stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump.

He was radicalized after hearing a speech by Marine Le Pen.

The other suspect was actually just a witness. He was helping an injured man but ran away when he saw police officer with a gun come in, thinking the police officer was the shooter. The police officer saw someone fleeing the scene and arrested him.

It was just a misunderstanding and he was never charged, but that didn't stop media outlets from releasing his name as a suspect. Because he's Muslim Trump supporters were blaming this attack on Muslims. Not sure how they're reacting now that we know the real shooter is one of them.

Meanwhile, the White House is somehow using this as a reason to support Trump's immigration policies. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/01/30/the-white-house-just-cited-the-quebec-mosque-attack-to-justify-trumps-policies.html

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