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Ex-Quiverfull Woman Writes about Evangelical Politics


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When you have nothing but time on your hands you can make a big stink about anything and everything. Not only do homeschool kids have time their parents do as well.  This is probably another reason the men work for themselves. They need tons of free time to do garbage like this and to make babies, babies they can't feed house or support, but they keep having them. This is also why they always live out in the middle of no where.  You can't have a family of 15 in a 3 bedroom anything (apartment, trailer, house, tent, camper) in a small town or big city, to many nosey neighbors to complain about your dirty, shoeless, hungry kids running around. 

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Just found this. Here's a particularly chilling quote:


Christofascists have been wanting someone like Pence in the White House and, until now, didn’t have a way to get one in. They know Trump is easily manipulated and will change his mind with the wind if it makes him feel more powerful and famous. Trump couldn’t care less about policy, a fact he’s made quite obvious. The Right has given a tyrant power and fame; he will do whatever they want him to do in order to keep it. This way they can sneak Pence in on a piggyback while filling Congress with even more evangelical conservative Republicans. Compared to Trump’s abrasive and terrifying behavior, Pence seems much less threatening. This is not the case. Pence has a proven track record of legalizing discrimination and acting against women and marginalized people. Those of us who didn’t leave the far Right are being elected to federal positions or are taking over states and cities. With Pence in office, even the reasonable-seeming incumbents – who have been and are still at the mercy of the Tea Party – are growing more bold in their attempts to further the Christofascist agenda: To Take Back The Country For Christ.


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Why can't we just try to be more like Pope Francis and preach love and peace? I'm not even Catholic and he is my hero because of the love and mutual respect he encourages. I don't want to breed for their Jesus, sorry. 

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As a regular Christian I'll never forget when I was in 9thschool and my church leader cried because President Obama said gay people should get married and thought as a Christian that it was such a disgusting thing to say. It's when I actually googled my Church and learned it was evangelical. I was SO confused because my family is super liberal but I guess because my church doesn't preach it 100% of hate that we just deal with it? and there isn't a great alternative?

Now my Church's attendance level is dropping and part of me wonders is it because they are realizing that they can't support something that doesn't practice what they preach. This article really has taught me that more people need to realize we have a war against fear mongering, evangelical "Christians" that only care about "their" message, not actually what Jesus REALLY professes (ie: Love, Tolerance, something I strive to do everyday). Because they are just going to do what they need to do to make sure their message wins and that their livelihood is the only way and that honestly terrifies me.

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Sharing an article a friend posted on FB. The author grew up in the Quiverfull movement and refers to it as Christofascism. Most of what's in here is stuff we already know. I actually wish the author had gone more into their background and how they escaped the Quiverfull movement. (There is only one author; I am using this person's preferred pronouns.)


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This was posted on a friends fb and interestingly, at least one person found it to sound like satire but a few of the players like HSLDA and Teenpact I remember from here. Seems like stuff we have heard before but I don't recognize the group Christofascit group, so thought I would just put this here to learn more.


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22 hours ago, Childless said:

I wonder if I can go to Canada as a refugee.

It's not so easy. "Americans, it’s actually quite hard to move to Canada"


OTTAWA — For realtor Valarie Sampson, Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the presidential election is great news. By midday Wednesday, the website for her brokerage firm on Cape Breton Island in rural Nova Scotia had already gotten 3,200 hits, mainly from election-spooked Americans.

That’s because the website for Sampson’s RE/MAX-affiliated brokerage firm is linked directly to “Cape Breton if Trump Wins,” a website set up last winter by local disc jockey Rob Calabrese to try to lure Americans anxious about the prospect of a Trump presidency to settle in this scenic but economically challenged corner of Atlantic Canada.

The website, which has attracted 2 million visitors since it was set up as a bit of a lark by Calabrese and his wife, has a down-home, slightly whimsical feel to it with lots of alluring photos of gorgeous beaches, quaint fishing villages and music festivals, combined with practical advice. “How much would it cost for a 3-bedroom lakeside home in your state? About a jillion dollars? You would need to BE Donald Trump to afford a place like that. But in Cape Breton, we have the most affordable housing market in North America.”

By noon Wednesday, the Cape Breton site had had about 40,000 visitors since Election Day, and unlike the website of the Canadian government’s immigration department, which crashed in the immediate aftermath of the vote, it was still running. Calabrese is hoping at least some of those visitors will set down roots on the island, which is losing 1,000 residents a year, but he admits the immigration process for newcomers isn’t easy.

“You just can’t show up at the border and expect to move here,” explained Jonathan Leebosh, an immigration lawyer with Ernst & Young on the other side of the country in Vancouver, British Columbia. “If you don’t have a permanent resident’s visa, they won’t let you in.”

Leebosh said that Canada is an open country that is looking for well-educated migrants but he warns that Americans fleeing Trump will find that there are many others in line. “They’re competing against others who already have job offers,” Leebosh said.

The Canadian government has announced its intention to accept 300,000 new permanent residents in 2017 but that number includes immigrants with family ties and refugees, as well as economic newcomers. And would-be migrants to the province of British Columbia, where house prices have soared to stratospheric levels in part because of an influx of Chinese buyers, will have to remember something. “B.C. means Bring Cash,” Leebosh said.

Cash may not be much of a problem for the likes of actresses Lena Dunham or Barbra Streisand, who vowed to leave the United States for Canada or other countries if Trump were elected. It wasn’t immediately known what their moving plans were in the wake of the election, but the Twittersphere was full of sarcastic comments from critics anxious for them to follow through with their threats.

“What if Canada no longer wants Lena Dunham,” tweeted conservative talk-show host and onetime Republican congressman Joe Walsh. “What if Mexico doesn’t want her? Or France? What if no country wants her?”

Migration trends aside, there has been lots of hand-wringing among Canadian economists, business executives and politicians over a possible hit to the Canadian economy from a Trump presidency, particularly when it comes to trade. (The sole exception was the oil industry, which hopes Trump will allow the Keystone XL oil-sands pipeline to proceed.) Although Trump has targeted Mexico with his criticism of the North American Free Trade Agreement, if the deal is scrapped by Washington, Canadian exports will be hit hard, too.

“It’s going to be rough weather in terms of Canada-U. S. trade,” said Lawrence Herman, a Toronto trade lawyer who notes that if Trump wants to reopen NAFTA, Canada will have little choice but to sit down with Washington and renegotiate.

Trump can credit his victory on his surge in Rust Belt states, such as Ohio and Michigan, where he got substantial support from white working-class voters, who may be no less thrilled to see jobs move north than south. “Trump says he wants to bring back jobs and investments, so what’s his position going to be if GM decides to put a major new investment in Canada?” Herman wondered.

And when Trump calls on U.S. allies to pay more for their mutual defense, Canada may find itself the subject of sharp criticism for its level of military spending, the lowest among NATO members as a portion of GDP, Herman said. Added to that is the end of the brief bromance between the President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Canada-U. S. relations function most smoothly when there are good relations at the top. A much-cited example is the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan first negotiated free trade with Canada’s Brian Mulroney.

As for Trudeau himself, he made public the usual congratulatory message to the new president and in response to a question at a meeting of youth here, was upbeat:

“We’re going to work with neighbors, and I’m going to work with President-elect Trump’s administration, as we move forward in a positive way not just for Canadians and Americans but the whole world.”

I can understand the appeal of moving. I seriously examined moving to Iceland. However, it's not feasible for me, so I am staying put and fighting.

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