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Springs1/Springs131 - What is your ideal dining experience?

Maggie Mae

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This is more of just general blogger snark, but this person "springs1" and "springs131" has been terrorizing the internet for quite some time with rants about waitstaff. Here is her blogger profile  https://www.blogger.com/profile/16330862403978274454 Here is her reddit profile https://www.reddit.com/user/springs131

Beyond that, she tends to show up and comment on stories about tipping, food service, and other topics. Her trademarks are calling people IDIOTS, using excessive amounts of CAPITAL LETTERS, and loves being able to bold and italics random words. 

A Quote: 


1. NEVER make small talk until the food and drink orders have been taken, because people want to eat, drink, and talk with the people THEY are with, NOT the waitstaff.

2. When taking the order always WRITE THE ORDER DOWN no matter HOW SIMPLE, because it's easy to forget.

3. Make sure the order is correct BEFORE taking it to the customer as far as things that are visible. This is so the server won't be embarrassed when the customer states the order is wrong and the server has more work to send it back or go get things that are missing.

4. Always ASK the customer if they want another refill or if they want bread, unless the customer can only get bread unless they order a certain thing, then they are SUPPOSE to get bread.

5. When taking the order, DON'T ask, for example: If a customer states ONLY lettuce, onions, and cheese, DON'T ASK "Do you not want the pickles or tomatoes?" If they state ONLY, that is what they mean. DON'T WASTE TIME asking something that is being told already.


It's a huge rabbit hole and I've been down it for way too long. She shows up everywhere. I even found her ranting on a shaving forum, (linked from somewhere else.) Apparently, she's been doing this for almost 20 years! 

If you struggle with disordered eating, looking into this person might not be a great idea. If she's a real person, she's got some serious issues around diet. But beyond that, her expectations for dining out (and she does NOT got to high-end restaurants) are absurd!  

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Oh. My.  Goodness.   This poor woman has some serious issues.  I envision her up all night, seething - left eye twitching - going over and over in her head all the things that EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE has EVER done to WRONG HER!!  

Shes probably exhausted!   :2wankers:


Ugh, sorry!  Fat-fingered the wrong toggle, and now can't get rid of the spoiler box.  


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44 minutes ago, Rubaiyat said:

Oh. My.  Goodness.   This poor woman has some serious issues.  I envision her up all night, seething - left eye twitching - going over and over in her head all the things that EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE has EVER done to WRONG HER!!  

Shes probably exhausted!   :2wankers:


At one point she was telling a tale of how she was HURT by a SERVER who tried to STEAL from here. That TIP MONEY is HER MONEY until she declares it theirs or something and it's SO RUDE AND MEAN AND UNCARING that the LAZY servers would cheat her out of $0.04. Seriously. Four. Cents. 

I also enjoyed her long discussions over which chain restaurant has the best ranch. 

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I've seen this chick on an old message board I frequented years and years ago.  Can't believe she's still at it with this stuff.  Read some of her LiveJournal.  That is one crazy ass rabbit hole.

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12 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

At one point she was telling a tale of how she was HURT by a SERVER who tried to STEAL from here. That TIP MONEY is HER MONEY until she declares it theirs or something and it's SO RUDE AND MEAN AND UNCARING that the LAZY servers would cheat her out of $0.04. Seriously. Four. Cents. 

I also enjoyed her long discussions over which chain restaurant has the best ranch. 

Whoa; with those emphasized words it made me immediately wonder if she's related to Our Lady of Plexus.

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