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Breitbart/Fox news fake news story forces Jewish family to flee home


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Jewish parents asked their kids be excused from A Christmas Carol performance. Said performance was later cancelled due to the time involved. Breitbart and Fox said it was cancelled in reponse to the family's "complaints." After reading the comments on the Breitbart story suggesting publishing the family's hoem address, the family has left their home to ensure their own safety. Happy Holidays, right?

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“News reports alleging that a Jewish family has ‘fled’ Lancaster County are untrue and damaging,” said Nancy Baron-Baer, a regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, which works to fight anti-Semitism. “We spoke with the family, who explained that they went on a previously-planned vacation for the holidays. Stories like this can sow fear in the Jewish community and beyond, and it is important to stop the spread of misinformation.”




Source: http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/jewish-family-removes-child-from-hempfield-school-amid-backlash-over/article_435f7280-c7ba-11e6-8bad-e7ec3754fa69.html

Breitbart and Fox are still bullying asses, though.

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