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The anti-abortion crowd is already at it


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Why does my state have to be filled with so many politicians who are total assholes: 



A Hoosier lawmaker hoping to permanently end abortion in Indiana could get an assist from a U.S. Supreme Court reshaped by Republican President-elect Donald Trump.

State Rep. Curt Nisly, R-Goshen, said Tuesday he plans to file a "Protection at Conception" proposal when the Republican-controlled General Assembly convenes in January.

If enacted into law, it would prohibit all abortion in Indiana in all circumstances and authorize the criminal prosecution of any doctor or woman who participates in an abortion.

"It's time to bring the Roe v. Wade era to its logical conclusion," Nisly said. "My goal is to deregulate abortion right out of existence in Indiana."

That asshole even wants to ban abortion in cases of rape and when the mother's life is in danger, and he wants to prosecute women if they have an abortion to save their own lives. I'm so angry I can't even see straight right now. This fucker thinks he gets to force women to die for his beliefs and if we're not willing to die like good little incubators then we get sent to jail. 

FUCK YOU Curt Nisly. 

It's only been a week since the election and the right-wingers are already emboldened to ramp up their war on women. FUCK YOU, Curt Nisly. 

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Anti-abortion activists don't seem to realize how much extra government resources would be necessary if abortion was treated as the worst thing ever. Miscarriages, stillbirths, and even heavy periods would have to be investigated as potential homicides. All females of childbearing age, which could include girls as young as nine up to women in their fifties would have to be regularly examined to ensure that they weren't hiding evidence of an abortion done on the sly. An entirely new branch of government devoted to nothing but preventing abortions and miscarriages (let's call it the Unborn Children Protective Agency) would have to be created to enforce these rules. In the pre-Roe v. Wade era, abortion was criminalized, but it certainly wasn't seen as the worst thing ever; in many communities, it was common knowledge who the local abortionist was, and everyone looked the other way. Abortion was unsavory, mostly because of the grey market nature of of it, but it certainly wasn't seen as murder. What the religious right is proposing with regard to abortion is unprecedented, except in Communist Romania, and we all know how well that turned out.

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This makes me feel sick. And I live in a blue state not at real risk for shit like this. But the thought that women who experience miscarriages (like me) may be at risk for prosecution for something that wasn't their fault.... I mean, the day I miscarried is already the worst day of my life. Why the fuck would anyone want to make it worse?!

To those women in Indiana, I'm really sorry. This fucking blows. But you don't have to let them win.

- Contact your chapter of the ACLU - they likely know already, but they take these types of bills and laws very seriously and they will take them to court if needed. Roe v. Wade makes it clear that these types of laws are unconstitutional. Any justice ruling in its favor obviously gives two shits about the Constitution.

- Contact your State Senator and Representative. Make it damn clear you don't agree with this. If the staffer gives you any trouble, get their name and then tell them it's their job to relay messages, not argue with constituents. Then send a letter of compliant to their boss.

- Also, harass Mike Pence and his office in any legal way you can too - like protests or flooding his office with tons of letters protesting the bill. He's a fuckface. He deserves it. So do his staffers.

- Write letters to the Editor for your local paper. Push the local news stations to cover the issue. Hell, make the national news pay attention too.

Basically, be as loud and obnoxious about this as possible. The more noise you guys make the less likely they are to actually make it a reality. And even if they do get it to pass, the abundance of attention will help when it's challenged in Court.

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Protection at Conception is impossible.  Women have miscarriages far more often than they carry to term.  What's next?  A murder inquiry every time someone loses a fetus?  NVM didn't read the other posts before I posted.  Sorry, FJ.

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13 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Anti-abortion activists don't seem to realize how much extra government resources would be necessary if abortion was treated as the worst thing ever. 

Exactly. I would really like to see the numbers this guy crunched to let us know just how much money this is going to cost the taxpayers. They'd need more police officers, detectives, jails, court rooms, judges, etc. to make something like this feasible. 

Oh who the hell am I kidding, this man hasn't done any actual research on the cost to the taxpayers. Party of fiscal responsibility and limited government, my ass. 

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13 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

What the religious right is proposing with regard to abortion is unprecedented, except in Communist Romania, and we all know how well that turned out.

I'm not sure they know, or would even believe us if we tried to explain it to them. :pb_sad:

A few years back, I watched a movie set in Romania during the time when contraceptives and abortion were illegal. The movie was about one of the characters trying to procure an ilegal abortion. It was extremely bleak and disturbing.

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I wonder if economic pressure from outside could be helpful.  I'm thinking of the pressure on North Carolina after their stupid bathroom bill.

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6 minutes ago, mamallama said:

I wonder if economic pressure from outside could be helpful.  I'm thinking of the pressure on North Carolina after their stupid bathroom bill.

This could be a good idea! 

Also, to add to my suggestions above:

- Keep track of when your politicians hold Town Hall meetings or have events near you. Show up and make your views heard. It's one of the only ways you'll actually be able to directly address the politician. Phone calls are your next best bet, followed by emails and snail mail.

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13 minutes ago, mamallama said:

I wonder if economic pressure from outside could be helpful.  I'm thinking of the pressure on North Carolina after their stupid bathroom bill.

Indiana was also boycotted by a lot of places when Mike Pence signed a law that would allow businesses to discriminate against gay people. 

I'm reaching a point where I don't even want to live in this state anymore. I was always proud to be from Indiana, but the Republicans here have spent the last few years making this state into something that I can't be proud of anymore. 

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4 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Indiana was also boycotted by a lot of places when Mike Pence signed a law that would allow businesses to discriminate against gay people. 

I'm reaching a point where I don't even want to live in this state anymore. I was always proud to be from Indiana, but the Republicans here have spent the last few years making this state into something that I can't be proud of anymore. 

I live in Indiana and I hate it.  This state is a garbage dump.  We're stuck here for at least another year, but we plan on moving as soon as possible.

This stupid law will just put more kids in danger.  I know if it passed, it would be a cold day in hell before I got any pre-natal care.  I would run the risk of being jailed for a miscarriage.  The cause of most miscarriages can never be determined.  That would leave women very vulnerable to false imprisonment.  I would hide a pregnancy as long as I possibly could.

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1 hour ago, Childless said:

I live in Indiana and I hate it.  This state is a garbage dump.  We're stuck here for at least another year, but we plan on moving as soon as possible.

This stupid law will just put more kids in danger.  I know if it passed, it would be a cold day in hell before I got any pre-natal care.  I would run the risk of being jailed for a miscarriage.  The cause of most miscarriages can never be determined.  That would leave women very vulnerable to false imprisonment.  I would hide a pregnancy as long as I possibly could.

I was thinking about winter and pregnant women slipping and falling, or getting into car accidents because of the weather. Is the state of Indiana going to go after winter for trying to induce a miscarriage? 

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You think Indiana is bad? Alabama is worse. It isn't called Talibama for nothing.

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Ugh I feel for you, he's making sure mike pence's dreams still go on come January. I just mentioned in the Trump post I think how today at a Planned Parenthood event a law professor talked about his book about abortion providers and how people are the worst and just threaten their lives just because of this service. Also where is this funding supposed to come from?!

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8 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

I'm not sure they know, or would even believe us if we tried to explain it to them. :pb_sad:

A few years back, I watched a movie set in Romania during the time when contraceptives and abortion were illegal. The movie was about one of the characters trying to procure an ilegal abortion. It was extremely bleak and disturbing.

4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days?

So effing sad, the secrets, hiding, how alone one must have felt.

I've never had an abortion but my baby boomer mother did, back in the 70s, thankfully after Roe v. Wade.

This is the reason why I am here today, because she was able to seek a safe, legal abortion when she was too young for a child, fathered by a one night stand in her early 20s.

I will fight like holy hell to maintain his as a women's constitutional right in this country. 

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48 minutes ago, SpurgeonSquarepants said:

4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days?

So effing sad, the secrets, hiding, how alone one must have felt.

I've never had an abortion but my baby boomer mother did, back in the 70s, thankfully after Roe v. Wade.

This is the reason why I am here today, because she was able to seek a safe, legal abortion when she was too young for a child, fathered by a one night stand in her early 20s.

I will fight like holy hell to maintain his as a women's constitutional right in this country. 

Yup, that's the one. 

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I never understood wtf is wrong with antichoicers their arguments make no sense. A fetus isn't seen as a person by our government. The whole choose life , choose adoption blah blah blah bs is bs. Many babies go unwanted because they're not babies people want. We also have a failing foster care system.  

Banning abortion only affects poor women. Rich women will always be able to abort. Pretty soon women might be able to abort in their own homes. I never understood this obsession with a fetus. But when the fetus is a teen in foster care or a 12 yo playing with a toy gun they have nothing to say. They make up excuses or spew their racism.  Most prolife movements are funded by donations. So they're making money. I can't believe it's legal to spread false information to the public. Leave women alone. 

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The pro-life movement isn't about saving babies, it is a political movement used to gain votes to punish women. They thrive because there are huge groups of people who will believe anything as long as it comes from a source that claims to be conservative and Christian. They do not like people who question things or do research. 

It is a hard movement to fight because the base are people who mindlessly follow. 

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So, let me get this straight.  If someone were to break into a home with a weapon and threaten the life of the homeowner, said homeowner would have the right to shoot and kill the intruder to save his own life.  But, if my life were being threatened by a fetus, I would not have the right to an abortion.  Gee, whatever could the difference be?  Could it be that the first scenario is one this fucking idiot could experience himself and the second is something he will never have to worry about?  Or perhaps he's a misogynistic fuckwit who sees women only as breeding machines and not as actual human beings with the same rights afforded to him?  I'm going out on a limb and guessing both.

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7 hours ago, Toothfairy said:

I never understood wtf is wrong with antichoicers their arguments make no sense. A fetus isn't seen as a person by our government. The whole choose life , choose adoption blah blah blah bs is bs. Many babies go unwanted because they're not babies people want. We also have a failing foster care system.  

Banning abortion only affects poor women. Rich women will always be able to abort. Pretty soon women might be able to abort in their own homes. I never understood this obsession with a fetus. But when the fetus is a teen in foster care or a 12 yo playing with a toy gun they have nothing to say. They make up excuses or spew their racism.  Most prolife movements are funded by donations. So they're making money. I can't believe it's legal to spread false information to the public. Leave women alone. 

Healthy infants of any race are adopted almost immediately, because adoption is not very popular among pregnant women; black and Hispanic women are actually much less likely to choose adoption than white women. In general, women who choose to continue a pregnancy also want to raise the baby themselves. What conservatives want is a return to the "baby scoop" era of the mid twentieth century when unwed pregnant white women were forced to give birth and then give the babies up for adoption to respectable middle class married couples. As you note, there are many children who do need to be adopted, but they are in foster care and tend to be older. Healthy infants will almost always be able to find adoptive parents, but not necessarily tweens, teens, or even toddlers.

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4 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Healthy infants of any race are adopted almost immediately, because adoption is not very popular among pregnant women; black and Hispanic women are actually much less likely to choose adoption than white women. In general, women who choose to continue a pregnancy also want to raise the baby themselves. What conservatives want is a return to the "baby scoop" era of the mid twentieth century when unwed pregnant white women were forced to give birth and then give the babies up for adoption to respectable middle class married couples. As you note, there are many children who do need to be adopted, but they are in foster care and tend to be older. Healthy infants will almost always be able to find adoptive parents, but not necessarily tweens, teens, or even toddlers.

You're right infants are highly adoptable. However black infants are harder to place than white ones. They also cost less. Even in foster care. 


We still live in the baby scoop era. Adoption agencies and hopeful adoptive parents lie to women. They send them out to Utah to relinquish. They're trying to do anything and everything to get that healthy white baby. The black and hispanic community usually help raise the child. Conservatives are pissed women can make choices for themselves. There's no need to be upset for not getting a baby then say there's no kids available. There are kids without families in foster care. The former fetus is now a teen or older kid you don't want? The former fetus is now a kid with medical issues you don't want.


I really wish this stupid movement would end. Just get over it. Abortion is legal and women will always have one. I look at Sweden where abortion is free and legal. Women have zero problems getting it. No protest or anything. 

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7 hours ago, formergothardite said:

The pro-life movement isn't about saving babies, it is a political movement used to gain votes to punish women. They thrive because there are huge groups of people who will believe anything as long as it comes from a source that claims to be conservative and Christian. They do not like people who question things or do research. 

It is a hard movement to fight because the base are people who mindlessly follow. 

Christians were never prolife. It didn't become popular until the 80s. They followed the Catholics view. You're right it's used to gain votes. Conservatives and antichoicers will believe anything. I swear I saw a woman post she aborted at 49 weeks and they said that should be illegal. The fetus. The fetus. Just like the Planned Parenthood videos. It's sad they make money off of miscarriage and stillbirths. Other woman's pain. And most people who claim prolife already aborted.

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1 minute ago, Toothfairy said:

Christians were never prolife. It didn't become popular until the 80s. They followed the Catholics view.

That's not quite accurate, Catholics really being Christians and all.  The term protestant might be more fitting. 

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1 hour ago, Toothfairy said:

You're right infants are highly adoptable. However black infants are harder to place than white ones. They also cost less. Even in foster care. 


We still live in the baby scoop era. Adoption agencies and hopeful adoptive parents lie to women. They send them out to Utah to relinquish. They're trying to do anything and everything to get that healthy white baby. The black and hispanic community usually help raise the child. Conservatives are pissed women can make choices for themselves. There's no need to be upset for not getting a baby then say there's no kids available. There are kids without families in foster care. The former fetus is now a teen or older kid you don't want? The former fetus is now a kid with medical issues you don't want.


I really wish this stupid movement would end. Just get over it. Abortion is legal and women will always have one. I look at Sweden where abortion is free and legal. Women have zero problems getting it. No protest or anything. 

I am not optimistic about the future of abortion rights in the US. We have a group of people who think that abortion is the worst thing ever and anyone who supports abortion rights is in favor of "baby killing." They won't stop until abortion is flat out illegal or until it's been regulated out of existence as a legal option. This same enthusiasm doesn't exist on our side, and we can't even have a grown up conversation about abortion from a public health/public policy perspective because the other side will scream "baby killers." 

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1 hour ago, Toothfairy said:

Christians were never prolife. It didn't become popular until the 80s. They followed the Catholics view. You're right it's used to gain votes. Conservatives and antichoicers will believe anything. I swear I saw a woman post she aborted at 49 weeks and they said that should be illegal. The fetus. The fetus. Just like the Planned Parenthood videos. It's sad they make money off of miscarriage and stillbirths. Other woman's pain. And most people who claim prolife already aborted.

Just gonna throw this out there, but I am SO GLAD pregnancy lasts an average of only 40 weeks. I don't even want to think about how miserable I'd be feeling if it were any longer. 

Also, who the fuck doesn't check basic facts before making something up?! I mean, come on lady. That's just lazy right there.

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