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NZ Earthquake

Mrs Ms

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Not the funnest time to be in NZ at the moment. It's currently a bit unsure if it was one or two to start the whole thing off as the aftershocks are so widespread. Almost 12 hours later and the aftershocks are only now dropping below 5 or higher, though there are still so many of them.

https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news (tv news site)

http://www.newshub.co.nz (tv news site)

https://www.geonet.org.nz/quakes/all (earthquake and tsunami tracking centre)

http://www.stuff.co.nz (news site)


I live at the top end of the country and this is the first time I've known anyone personally who lives in the region (my brother moved just north of Christchurch in the last year) Not been able to get hold of him for 6 hours was awful (he is completely fine) I can't imagine how horrible it is for the people who are actually affected! :pb_cry: 

Kia Kaha to all who need it


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Just now, catlady said:

@Mrs Ms, I hope you hear from your brother soon. 

Sorry, thought I made that clear. He is a bit sleep deprived and shaken (no pun intended) but otherwise all good. Thanks for the concern :) 

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Just now, Mrs Ms said:

Sorry, thought I made that clear. He is a bit sleep deprived and shaken (no pun intended) but otherwise all good. Thanks for the concern :) 

You did; i went back and edited.  Good to hear!!

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My Nephew lives in Christchurch. We heard this evening that he is ok. He said that the house shook for five minutes. The dog woke him up by jumping into bed with him!

He was off to work (New Zealand morning time, our early evening) when my Niece (his sister) spoke to him. Hopefully we will get an update tomorrow morning ( Scottish time).

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About 2 hours ago, my bother had only felt the initial one and one aftershock as he was allying asleep again. He is a farmworker and been up since 3.30am local time, so it looks like Christchurch is doing all right this time. Or any aftershocks in the region were so weak that he didn't feel them doing farm work. He also didn't know of any damage to their property.

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I've seen some pictures of the damage; that is some really scary shite to live through.

Love & blessings to those effected.  :my_heart:

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Mt best wishes to NZ.  My condolences to the families of the 2 that died.  I hope everyone injured recovers well and that NZ can rebuild. 

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