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OH Dear Lord, No. Ted Haggard on Wife Swap


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:orcs-censored: Really? This is what passes for entertainment in these great United States?

I know I tend to overreact when I hear this sort of thing, but at this moment I am ready to call the cable company and cancel. Everything. And wtih the money I save, trade in my 27-inch for a real big screen on which to play DVDs or streams of Downton Abbey, etc., or Kill Bill, etc., depending on my mood. I'm already down to a couple of classic movie channels and Fox (for "Raising Hope") as my favorites, as is.

So much for the media part of my angst. For the fallen-celebrity-preacher part: Phew. How desperate are they for money?

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Raising Hope is a great show. I do love me some Martha Plimpton.

Actually, they had me at the premiere when the lady guard was talking

about Hope's mom. Hope's mom was a homicidal maniac on death row.

Talking about her, the lady guard said, "Your girlfriend is a sly one. For her last meal, she's requested a McRib and a Shamrock Shake. Now, what are the chances of those two speciality items being offered at the same time? It will be years before she's executed".

For some reason, I find that hi-larious. But I am easily amused....

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It would be much more fun if Ted Haggard (one of my favourite fundies, btw!) would swap "wife" with Anderson Cooper. :P I SO will have to watch the show!

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Yah, I was gonna say, to make this show right they'd have to do a "wife swap" with Dan Savage's husband Terry.

Ted Haggard is as gay as they come. Gay, gay, gay. GAY!

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That's just sad. Gayle Haggard must have no self-respect whatsoever. I read her book, and I liked her, but she's horribly delusional when it comes to Ted and what she deserves out of life.

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Why have I never heard of this show before? lol love me some trashy television.

Oh, you should watch The Soup - snarking on the trashiest of trashy television. Love it!

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  • 3 months later...

I'm quilty of watching it LOL! It also aired last Friday but with Tracey Gold and Carnie Wilson.. That episode was much funnier..... ;) ... Also I'm glad I'm not the only one adicted to Raising Hope!! Love that show!!

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As someone who once went regularly to Ted Haggard's church, please excuse me while I curl up in a ball and die of embarrassment.

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I know I tend to overreact when I hear this sort of thing, but at this moment I am ready to call the cable company and cancel. Everything. And wtih the money I save, trade in my 27-inch for a real big screen on which to play DVDs or streams of Downton Abbey, etc., or Kill Bill, etc., depending on my mood. I'm already down to a couple of classic movie channels and Fox (for "Raising Hope") as my favorites, as is.

MJB, you should do what I did - got rid of cable and have an internet ready Vizio tv with an antenna. I get the "basics" - ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. - to watch the Oscars, weather reports on local news when it's severe and...that's it, really.

I subscribe to Netflix & Hulu. Netflix to discover and catch up on shows. Hulu for the current season. I do get DVDs with Netflix. So it's 7.99 for Hulu, 16.94 for Netflix. Plus, I have a Vudu account where I can rent more current movies (3.99) or even download them (usually 14.99). So instead of a 100 in cable bills, I pay about 24 and then I supplement with RedBox or purchasing movies on Amazon half-price.

And I honestly don't feel like I've missed anything at all. I share this with everyone as I think the cable companies are thieves and we'd be better off learning how to live without 'em.

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Why is it the wife that gets swapped? I ink it would be much more amusing to swap the husband and make him work in someone else's house?

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Why is it the wife that gets swapped? I ink it would be much more amusing to swap the husband and make him work in someone else's house?

Word McWord.

And I could swear I first saw the Wife Swap concept on Chappell's Show--as a comedy sketch.

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I am so happy this was posted because I was contemplating making a thread to bitch about the episode.

I only watched it because I love Gary Busey. 8-)

Now.. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but it pissed me off to no end when Ted introduced one of his sons as his "special needs son." Can someone explain to me what it is about these religious people that they feel the need to point out that their child is special needs? Like it makes any bit of difference.. Or maybe they all think they're soo speshull because they take care of their "special needs child" instead of throwing them to the wolves.

End rant.

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I don't miss cable either. With Discovery and History becoming "the other" TLC channels, I was reduced to PBS. And PBS is free...so I got rid of cable and now have a digital antenna. We have a cord that hooks up the laptop to the tv so we can stream stuff from the internet to the tv. We used to do netflix, but after the last price increase my husband cx the subscription and we just now get DVD's from the redbox down the street.

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MJB, you should do what I did - got rid of cable and have an internet ready Vizio tv with an antenna. I get the "basics" - ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. - to watch the Oscars, weather reports on local news when it's severe and...that's it, really.

I subscribe to Netflix & Hulu. Netflix to discover and catch up on shows. Hulu for the current season. I do get DVDs with Netflix. So it's 7.99 for Hulu, 16.94 for Netflix. Plus, I have a Vudu account where I can rent more current movies (3.99) or even download them (usually 14.99). So instead of a 100 in cable bills, I pay about 24 and then I supplement with RedBox or purchasing movies on Amazon half-price.

And I honestly don't feel like I've missed anything at all. I share this with everyone as I think the cable companies are thieves and we'd be better off learning how to live without 'em.

We do something similar, and really don't miss much of anything. Get very basic cable for local channels (and because they won't give us their internet without it, but it's only $15/mo.) and then do Hulu+ and Netflix. A few things can be found on websites (like Project Runway). We don't watch sports.

I will have to figure out how to get my fix when MadMen returns, but I think some neighbors will let me take up couch space. :)

Cable is a complete rip off.

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We don't watch tv except my daughter loves Biggest Loser and I watch Family Guy so no cable here. My kids order movies from the library every week and our local video store charges only .50 for old movies and $1 for new so they watch movies all the time.

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