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If you thought Steven Sitler's situation was bad....


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What. the. fuck.  That is horrific.  A fine and some hours of service?  So a pedophile can start a family?  What the fuck is wrong with the judges out there?

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So he is giving an admitted pedophile an opportunity to grow his own victims?

:angry-banghead: What is wrong with that judge?!?!

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3 hours ago, Khan said:

Please tell me this is a spoof site a la The Onion?

I don't think so. Googling the guy's name (Richard Arrowsmith) turns up several other news stories with the same info, although admittedly no major US papers have picked it up yet. (I"m not as familiar with which UK papers are the most credible.) 

Someone needs to get the judge some pedophilia awareness training. Is that a thing? It should be a thing, as should rape awareness, domestic violence awareness, and emotional abuse awareness.  People making these kinds of decisions need more exposure to the MO of abusers and the common reactions of abuse survivors.

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The real question is who the hell would procreate with this monster?  Why would you purposefully expose children to him knowing what he is?

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He is also banned from working with children and was ordered to sign the sexual offenders register.

My head is spinning around on my shoulders.  He's banned from working with children, but it's apparently fine (as someone noted upthread) to grow his own victims.  

But then, he appears to be white middle or upper middle class and looks "respectable".  What could possibly go wrong?   

Law enforcement needs to be going over his previous history of contact with children to look for victims.  

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