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British woman has to go to ER for adult toy removal.


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Previously, on ER....



Student teacher Emma Phillips is warning couples to be careful when using sex toys.

The 24-year-old blonde university student landed in the emergency room after a raunchy romp with boyfriend Lee Miller went awry.

A 7-inch sex toy got stuck inside her. The British couple tried to get the thing out themselves but instead went to the hospital.

"After an hour of trying - we knew were going to have to go to hospital. We were both a bit shocked,” she told the Daily Mirror.


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Some tales should never be told in public or in the media. This is one of them. I glad the lady in question is ok now, but her story is out there now, for all her future employers and pupils to see.

The whole unfortunate event should have been kept within the walls of the A&E department.

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Why the hell is her hair colour relevant?  (As a blonde, this is disturbing.) 


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1 hour ago, Gobsmacked said:

Some tales should never be told in public or in the media. This is one of them. I glad the lady in question is ok now, but her story is out there now, for all her future employers and pupils to see.

The whole unfortunate event should have been kept within the walls of the A&E department.

Agreed. With the explosion of fourth-rate reality shows, we've learned that there is a disturbing percentage of people who would do almost anything for fifteen minutes of fame.

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7 minutes ago, MarblesMom said:

@47of74 always finds the most interesting stories!   :D  

Yes.  Yes I do.  I figure as long as I'm shocked/horrified/laughing uncontrollably I might as well share it with the rest of the world. 

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You can come sit over here by me.  We are of the same mind set.

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Hahaha I'm sure ERs see this all the time. Well not all the time, but it happens often enough. My brother said when he did his ER rotation in med school he dealt with someone who had a sex toy inside them. I'm sure every doctor has seen something like this at least once while in training, and ER doctors deal with various objects stuck inside people that shouldn't be there all the time. Didn't Scrubs have a whole episode on this or something?

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I should give this woman credit for being honest. She didn't claim that she fell on the sex toy and that's how it ended up inside her. I've lost count of how many of these stories I've read where people use that excuse.

Patient: I was working in my garage, and I slipped and fell. When I got up, there were 3 wrenches, two batteries, and a bottle of ketchup inside me.

ER Doctor:  Do you hear music playing? Is that "Oops!... I Did It Again" by Britney Spears?

Patient: Oh, that's me. I also fell on a music box. 

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TLC or discovery health or whatever the new name for discovery health has Sex Sent Me to the ER.


It is a lovely guide of how not to safely have sex.

Like...sitting on the lid for a closed off well. Crash. The lovers got stuck at the bottom of that well.


And things getting stuck in inappropriate places happens every couple episodes. So I bet it happens relatively often as far as sex related injuries go.

So just sayin', there is already a show for this. With a couple seasons. Men try to make things more foolproof, nature comes up with more foolish fools. Haha.

And there is a reason why Safe is the first part of the Safe, Sane and Consentual. And it needs to be from all parties. From there...what people do in their bedrooms? Whatever man. It's a free country. But the show made me realize safety doesn't just mean in regards to std and pregnancy protection. But physical safety too. So hey. Good job learning channel, you made me think and learn a little.

@47of74 I adore your funny news postings! They are a bright spot for me lately even if I haven't really been posting so much as lurking.

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1 hour ago, Starry said:

TLC or discovery health or whatever the new name for discovery health has Sex Sent Me to the ER.


It is a lovely guide of how not to safely have sex.

Like...sitting on the lid for a closed off well. Crash. The lovers got stuck at the bottom of that well.


And things getting stuck in inappropriate places happens every couple episodes. So I bet it happens relatively often as far as sex related injuries go.

So just sayin', there is already a show for this. With a couple seasons. Men try to make things more foolproof, nature comes up with more foolish fools. Haha.

And there is a reason why Safe is the first part of the Safe, Sane and Consentual. And it needs to be from all parties. From there...what people do in their bedrooms? Whatever man. It's a free country. But the show made me realize safety doesn't just mean in regards to std and pregnancy protection. But physical safety too. So hey. Good job learning channel, you made me think and learn a little.

@47of74 I adore your funny news postings! They are a bright spot for me lately even if I haven't really been posting so much as lurking.

One of my friends and I would get together weekly to devour frozen pizza and watch Sex Sent Me to the ER episodes she DVRd. The acting was so horrible it was hysterical! And of course the stories were epic and at times hard to believe. I especially enjoyed the young couple who had a pet name for his member, they called it "Paulo". One night while enjoying sweet fellowship she came down hard on Paulo and broke it. So they're at the ER and she freaks out and calls church friends for prayers. The church friends all show up and form a prayer circle around the injured man, wanting to know what's wrong. Needless to say, it's obnoxious and a hoot all at once. Ahh, great times. 


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OMG. What did I just watch!!!!!!!!

That poor man!! It's a wonder they are still married!!! How he faced his neighbours again I can't imagine. The acting it cracking, first rate!!!!

Thankyou for cheering me up Jillymuffin. I needed a good chortle today!!!!

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56 minutes ago, Gobsmacked said:

OMG. What did I just watch!!!!!!!!

That poor man!! It's a wonder they are still married!!! How he faced his neighbours again I can't imagine. The acting it cracking, first rate!!!!

Thankyou for cheering me up Jillymuffin. I needed a good chortle today!!!!

Glad I could help. It was the young woman pointing and exclaiming loudly, "His penis is broken!!!" that truly made it epic. Oy. 

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6 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Hahaha I'm sure ERs see this all the time. Well not all the time, but it happens often enough. My brother said when he did his ER rotation in med school he dealt with someone who had a sex toy inside them. I'm sure every doctor has seen something like this at least once while in training, and ER doctors deal with various objects stuck inside people that shouldn't be there all the time. Didn't Scrubs have a whole episode on this or something?

My sister did a stint in the ER for a while, & she told me a story of a patient that had gotten a dildo stuck in an uncomfortable place. And apparently, after said item was removed from the patient's rectum, he (or his friend) called the hospital & asked for it back.


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      God that would be mortifying. We live 10 minutes from our hospital and I swear half the staff live in our town. My son needed stitches and the ER doc was his friend's dad. 

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5 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

I should give this woman credit for being honest. She didn't claim that she fell on the sex toy and that's how it ended up inside her. I've lost count of how many of these stories I've read where people use that excuse.

Patient: I was working in my garage, and I slipped and fell. When I got up, there were 3 wrenches, two batteries, and a bottle of ketchup inside me.

ER Doctor:  Do you hear music playing? Is that "Oops!... I Did It Again" by Britney Spears?

Patient: Oh, that's me. I also fell on a music box. 

Hahaha. Excellent work, @Cartmann99!  I am rofling!

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6 hours ago, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

One of my friends and I would get together weekly to devour frozen pizza and watch Sex Sent Me to the ER episodes she DVRd. The acting was so horrible it was hysterical! And of course the stories were epic and at times hard to believe. I especially enjoyed the young couple who had a pet name for his member, they called it "Paulo". One night while enjoying sweet fellowship she came down hard on Paulo and broke it. So they're at the ER and she freaks out and calls church friends for prayers. The church friends all show up and form a prayer circle around the injured man, wanting to know what's wrong. Needless to say, it's obnoxious and a hoot all at once. Ahh, great times. 


Wow, this trainwreck of a show proves my first post about folks wanting their fifteen minutes of fame. :pb_eek:  I really want to believe that the only viewers this show has are those like us who mock this nonsense. :pray:

Woman: Remember that time you fractured your penis and you were totally embarrassed that the prayer circle from church showed up at the hospital? There's a show on television that wants to do a reenactment of it!!!!" 

Man: Which show is this?

Woman: It comes on after the one about the plumber who makes sculptures out of the hair she recovers from customer's drains, and before the one about people who have pets with gambling problems.

Men: Let's do it!!

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My ass recoiled in horror when I read this story. Nothing comes NEAR my ass unless it is tissue paper, or (not that I've needed one) a degreed medical professional who had to examine me there. 

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I really hate that the media encourages people to overshare things like this that should be private. The couple had every right to use a sex toy, and unfortunately things went awry so they needed medical attention. Nothing to be embarrassed about, but it should have all remained confidential between them and their doctor. Instead, they were encouraged to permanently humiliate themselves for their fifteen seconds of minor notoriety. I realize it was the couple's choice to share this, but it seems like the media culture encourages this type of poor choice, the more audacious the better.

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4 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Wow, this trainwreck of a show proves my first post about folks wanting their fifteen minutes of fame. :pb_eek:  I really want to believe that the only viewers this show has are those like us who mock this nonsense. :pray:

Woman: Remember that time you fractured your penis and you were totally embarrassed that the prayer circle from church showed up at the hospital? There's a show on television that wants to do a reenactment of it!!!!" 

Man: Which show is this?

Woman: It comes on after the one about the plumber who makes sculptures out of the hair she recovers from customer's drains, and before the one about people who have pets with gambling problems.

Men: Let's do it!!

I agree, thankfully the names are changed and in many cases the people in the scenes (including medical professionals) are actors. Very bad actors. 

Here's one that tests the limits of stupidity. 


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1 hour ago, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

I agree, thankfully the names are changed and in many cases the people in the scenes (including medical professionals) are actors. Very bad actors. 

Here's one that tests the limits of stupidity. 


:pb_eek: I'm speechless at the stupidity of these two. I really hope they don't plan on having any children. :pray:

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I am on my phone and don't feel like grabbing the video but the lady who tried to basically give her lady parts a spa day and then hubby didn't wash the bowl or pot he made chili with well enough so she ended up having a reaction to the spicy pepper  bits...in her lady parts...yeah. Yeaaaaaah. I think mine tried to run away with that one lol.


It is such a terrible show. But I love it anyways. Definitely a guilty pleasure show lol.

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