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Would be Missionary family killed in Car accident.


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How terribly sad. I hope their families are able to grieve in their own ways, despite the pastor or whoever it was demanding that the death of 3 small children and their parents is a victory. Religiously, sure, but as a human, it's horrific and unimaginably painful. It's not helpful to say that, IMO.

I only browsed the blog for a second, but it still irks me when people say they have "a burden" for a certain place. Just say you want to go there!




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On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 1:17 AM, SoybeanQueen said:

How terribly sad. I hope their families are able to grieve in their own ways, despite the pastor or whoever it was demanding that the death of 3 small children and their parents is a victory. Religiously, sure, but as a human, it's horrific and unimaginably painful. It's not helpful to say that, IMO.

I only browsed the blog for a second, but it still irks me when people say they have "a burden" for a certain place. Just say you want to go there!


I feel bad for the families as well. :( 

Saying you have a burden sounds better than saying, "Hey, I'd like to go to Suchandsuch". Stating you want to go someplace makes it sound frivolous, while saying that you have a burden sounds like you're undertaking something Big and Super Important.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand why their ashes are being sent to Japan.  I'd want my family to have the remains if I wasn't being scattered somewhere. Who in Japan will give a tanuki's butt about these ashes?

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I assume it's their family who is sending their ashes to Japan, or maybe the parents left it in a will? I bet it's so that hopefully some Japanese will hear their story and be inspired to convert. 

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Here are the ashes of people who wanted to convince you to join their cult. Come and let us tell you about their lives, their desire to see your country. Doesn't work for me, but maybe someone else might find it inspiring. 

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