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Why would a fundie family be against Potter as evil but ok with LOTR? Is LOTR something like the Narnia series?

I thought it was magic too...

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Many people are convinced that Lord of the Rings is a biblical allegory (which per the author it isn't) and assume that Rowling is not a Christian like Lewis and Tolkien were (which she is.) 

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Well I reckon sometimes it might be just because they've never read either series and are going by the words of their preacher who read the LOTR when he was young and survived without demonic possession but is convinced that Harry Potter is evil because he saw more people in the line for the newest edition than in his church the next Sunday. 

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15 hours ago, Mercer said:

Many people are convinced that Lord of the Rings is a biblical allegory (which per the author it isn't) and assume that Rowling is not a Christian like Lewis and Tolkien were (which she is.) 

That's interesting since there are a good number of parallels between Harry Potter and Christianity. Rowling even acknowledged the role Christianity played in inspiring the novels soon after "Deathly Hallows" was released:


15 hours ago, iheartchacos said:


Why would a fundie family be against Potter as evil but ok with LOTR? Is LOTR something like the Narnia series?

I thought it was magic too...


Could it be because it takes place in a world so different from our's? Just grasping at straws over here. :pb_lol:

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I agree that it makes no sense. I do know a fundie lite family like this, and my best guess is that the parents read LOTR themselves as teens when their beliefs were less extreme. However, once they took their turn towards fundie territory, the word of their pastor against HP was enough.

I would think if they actually read the books, the ending would remind them of another story they know...

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On 7/31/2016 at 8:49 PM, Mercer said:

Many people are convinced that Lord of the Rings is a biblical allegory (which per the author it isn't) and assume that Rowling is not a Christian like Lewis and Tolkien were (which she is.) 

Wasn't Tolkien a Catholic, though? I'd imagine there are some fundies against LotR for that reason. Also, so stupid that people assume Rowling isn't a Christian -- does Google not exist for fundies? 

10 hours ago, turquoise said:

I do know a fundie lite family like this, and my best guess is that the parents read LOTR themselves as teens when their beliefs were less extreme.

I'd guess it's something along these lines, too. LotR was old news when many of these fundie parents were growing up, whereas they were parents with young children starting to get heavily involved in fundie beliefs when Harry Potter was getting all the press. And plenty of people who weren't super fundie were against Harry Potter despite never reading it because "witchcraft." I vaguely remember the news showing a book burning of Harry Potter, and my parents saying how ridiculous it was because the series was all about doing good not evil. 

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