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Xojane: Clickbait gone bad


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Did anyone else see the xojane article that has upset so many people? A woman wrote about the death of her mentally ill former friend, calling the death "a blessing" and saying her friend was beyond help. A lot of sites have written about it, but here's one: http://www.mediaite.com/online/everyone-angry-over-that-xojane-piece-celebrating-a-mentally-ill-womans-death-is-right/

I saw it really early on and it really was shockingly terrible so I'm glad other sites have picked it up. I'm not a fan of xojane at all but I read sometimes because I think the obvious clickbait articles and ensuing drama in the comments can be pretty funny. I mean, the other day there was an article about how all male OBGYNs are perverts! That's prime outrage material right there.

This, though, has made me realize I need to stop supporting this kind of thing with my clicks. This is by far the worst example I've seen, but it's so common to see sites encouraging young women to write really personal essays then leaving them to the wrath of the internet, or encouraging terrible think pieces because they know controversy attracts readers.

Personally, I'm done with those sites and I'm ashamed at myself for having supported it so long just because I thought the drama was funny.

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1 hour ago, Rachel333 said:

Did anyone else see the xojane article that has upset so many people? A woman wrote about the death of her mentally ill former friend, calling the death "a blessing" and saying her friend was beyond help. A lot of sites have written about it, but here's one: http://www.mediaite.com/online/everyone-angry-over-that-xojane-piece-celebrating-a-mentally-ill-womans-death-is-right/

I saw it really early on and it really was shockingly terrible so I'm glad other sites have picked it up. I'm not a fan of xojane at all but I read sometimes because I think the obvious clickbait articles and ensuing drama in the comments can be pretty funny. I mean, the other day there was an article about how all male OBGYNs are perverts! That's prime outrage material right there.

This, though, has made me realize I need to stop supporting this kind of thing with my clicks. This is by far the worst example I've seen, but it's so common to see sites encouraging young women to write really personal essays then leaving them to the wrath of the internet, or encouraging terrible think pieces because they know controversy attracts readers.

Personally, I'm done with those sites and I'm ashamed at myself for having supported it so long just because I thought the drama was funny.

I was shocked when I saw that one there - who knew that Zsu writes for XOJane! :tw_blush:

They've posted some other really terrible clickbait recently, too. I'm remembering the ones about the woman who dated a sex offender and allowed him access to her young daughter. It's hard to fathom the dearth of ethics in the editors who have been approving these posts for publication.

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 I stopped clicking on the Inquisitor for the same reason when two  reporters got outed as Duggar fans. But to celebrate a death of  a mentally ill person is cruel.

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XO Jane has always been really weird. Like Jezebel, they specialize in generating clicks by publishing controversial crap that will cause arguments in the comment section. "It happened to me" and "unpopular opinions" are basically just trolling type articles, IMO. 

I'm kind of over the stuff that's targeted toward feminist women on the internet, though. Either they are just repeating things that I agree with, or they are reinforcing gender roles. (and constantly reminding me that I'm bad at being a women, as I am not a make-up addict with 2.5 children, a wine addiction, a sparkling house and a perfect husband. Nor am I a high powered executive with an interest in fashion who lives in a city and eats brunch with a group of friends every Sunday. I'm feeling good if I remember to sweep the floor a few times a week, wash my sheets, and put makeup on before I get to work.) 

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I feel slimy now, but I read the original article on the Wayback Machine link. Wow. How tone-deaf can that author be? Her bio does include an admission that she can be overly personal in her writing... so, I don't know of I consider this instance particularly exploitative. Just mean-spirited and tone-deaf, on the author's part.

Admittedly, my friends and I are absolutely guilty of snarking on our mutual friends on Facebook... just sort of the reverse ones Amanda Lauren snarked on (the perfect study-abroad-to-college-degree-to-wedding-to-baby-in-like-two-years-type posters). I don't want to let myself think I'm better than anyone else... but I would feel shitty doing that to an ex-friend who is clearly lonely and in a really rough place.

But I do agree the these clickbait sites that aim to publish extreme personal experiences in a way that allows the author to be harassed are profoundly exploitative. I've long since stopped clicking on anything Thought Catalog or Jezebel, but add XOJane to the list (not that I'm an avid reader). Not sending them my clicks anymore.

What I don't get is how these writers are clearly familiar with pop-internet-consumption, and yet can write about mental illness so thickly, in 2016, as if they are not going to get destroyed for it. It's just shitty to think about, whatever the explanation.


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I read it. What a horrific article. Disgusting.

I also have been turned off so-called "feminism" sites. (Not all, but some, including Jezebel, like you mentioned @Maggie Mae) Real feminism is about building each other up, not tearing each other down. For me, among other things, it was the constant hate for people like Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence (neither of whom I particularly like, but don't dislike either) for no apparent reason except being successful young women that made me angry! 

The thing with Jezebel specifically also was that occasionally they would write a controversial headline, and then in the comments the author would argue with anyone who disagreed, and the other writers would pitch in and it became kind of a mean girls club. I much preferred it when Lindy West was there.

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The one good ladymag (the Toast) is shutting down :(

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On 25/05/2016 at 8:17 AM, TShirtsLongSkirts said:

I read it. What a horrific article. Disgusting.

The thing with Jezebel specifically also was that occasionally they would write a controversial headline, and then in the comments the author would argue with anyone who disagreed, and the other writers would pitch in and it became kind of a mean girls club. I much preferred it when Lindy West was there.

I can't say I agree with you about Lindy West, but I haven't read Jez since sometime around her exit. By that time it was mostly a sort of 'hate read' for me. I don't care much for the writing style anymore. I also just don't care about celebrity culture (other than exposing the abuse in hollywood), or what kind of shoes I "NEED RIGHT NOW" or whatever. 

I might also be still holding a grudge that The Kitchenette is done. :(

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@Maggie Mae, I agree about Kitchenette. Getting rid of 'Behind Closed Ovens' basically ruined my desire to ever read Jezebel. And his Thrillist column just isn't the same (though I still read it each week because of course I do).

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Every single article written by that particular author that I've bothered to read has been written in a similar style -- nasty, mean-spirited and spiteful. I think she's just a horrible person in general, and her bile spills out all over the page, burning everything in its path. XOjane mostly just wanted clicks. They got them. *golfclap*

She's an awful person. I hope the other young woman's parents didn't end up seeing/reading that nasty article in the wake of the uproar over it. 

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