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George Zimmerman to Auction Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin


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“Prospective bidders, I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon. The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012,” Zimmerman wrote on the auction site, GunBroker.com. “This is a piece of American History. It has been featured in several publications and in current University text books.”




According to Zimmerman, money from the auction will go toward causes he supports.

“I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric,” he said.

I really wish they had thrown this piece of shit in prison.

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Just now, SnazzyNazzy said:

He is just a vile piece of human excrement. 

He's vile along with his supporters. I'm afraid of how much the gun will be sold for. This news has ruined my morning. I'm absolutely disgusted with society today. :(

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I actually left the "gunnie blogosphere" over Zimmerman because SOME people, when the initial news broke, said, "Let's see what evidence comes out and make a decision then," while a shitload were members of the, "DEFENSE! LIBERTY! 'Murrica!" camp. Just. Couldn't. Even.

More on topic...Jesus, what a fucking asshole. 

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I saw this this morning. I honestly don't really have much to say about it. There are still people out there who think he's some innocent victim of circumstances. Willfully blind -- that's the only thing I can think of because he has shown who and what he is time and time and time again. 

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The gun broker cancelled the auction;



GunBroker.com, the website that was going allow George Zimmerman to sell the weapon used to kill unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin, has cancelled the auction, News6 reports. Bidding was set to begin on Thursday morning.

A link to the auction where buyers could purchase the gun is now disabled.

According to News6, the Kel-Tec PF-9 handgun that Zimmerman used to shoot and kill Martin in 2012 was supposed to go up for bids on the site GunBroker.com.

But the auction was pulled from the website Thursday morning. Now, a message comes up that says, “Sorry, but the item you have requested is no longer in the system.” GunBroker’s social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter have also been either disabled or made private.

Fuck you GunBroker.com for even allowing this on your site in the first place.  And a double Fuck You George Zimmerman.

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my first thought at seeing the thread title was, "Fuck you, George Zimmerman."

for all his crap about defending himself, did it never occur to him or his supporters that perhaps Mr. Martin, alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood on a rainy day, followed and approached by a stranger in a truck, was the one engaging in self-defense?  (well, of course it never occurred to Zimmerman, because he's a disgusting asshole.)

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45 minutes ago, SnazzyNazzy said:

He is just a vile piece of human excrement. 

That's an insult to human excrement.  I anxiously await the day he either fucks with the wrong person and ends up in jail or worse.

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I fully expect George Zimmerman to eventually be put in prison for some other crime like OJ Simpson. He, not Martin, is the real thug, and he probably thinks that the law can't touch him.

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How this piece of shit is still out in the wild is a fact that amazes me. I thought he at least would be smart and hide

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The thing is, even if people (ignorantly) don't think Trayvon's murder was racially motivated, how can anyone support this POS? He pursued a child and killed him. The whole thing just breaks my heart. 

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4 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

The thing is, even if people (ignorantly) don't think Trayvon's murder was racially motivated, how can anyone support this POS? He pursued a child and killed him. The whole thing just breaks my heart. 

I know. There's no way around it--it's the weapon that killed a teenager. Full stop. 

If you are celebrating owning that gun, you are celebrating the death of a child. Even if someone truly believes (and I'm highly cynical anyone honestly believes this) that Trayvon was a troubled young man and attacked Zimmerman, how is that gun anything but part of a senseless tragedy?

And yeah, Zimmerman is a thug who seems to have some serious behavioral problems. He had run ins with the law before and after the Martin incident. Now that he thinks he's above the law, I'm sure there will be something else. 

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10 minutes ago, nausicaa said:

I know. There's no way around it--it's the weapon that killed a teenager. Full stop. 

If you are celebrating owning that gun, you are celebrating the death of a child. Even if someone truly believes (and I'm highly cynical anyone honestly believes this) that Trayvon was a troubled young man and attacked Zimmerman, how is that gun anything but part of a senseless tragedy?

I think it should be a requirement that outside of military service if a gun is used to kill a person - even if it's 100% justified - the gun should be destroyed as soon as any investigative actions are over.  And that should apply to both law enforcement on and off duty and civilians.  No exceptions.  For exactly this reason, to keep ghouls from Zimmerman from profiting from their acts.

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Deleted because ... I really don't want to give that man any more attention that he deserves.

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5 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

I think it should be a requirement that outside of military service if a gun is used to kill a person - even if it's 100% justified - the gun should be destroyed as soon as any investigative actions are over.  And that should apply to both law enforcement on and off duty and civilians.  No exceptions.  For exactly this reason, to keep ghouls from Zimmerman from profiting from their acts.

you're my new hero.  I want to like this a thousand times.

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Maybe Zimmerman could marry Casey Anthony and they could have a reality show called "America's Most Hated Couple." And it could be on TLC, since that network seems to have even fewer morals that most channels. 

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8 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Maybe Zimmerman could marry Casey Anthony and they could have a reality show called "America's Most Hated Couple." And it could be on TLC, since that network seems to have even fewer morals that most channels. 

those two breeding is enough to scare me to god.

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3 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Maybe Zimmerman could marry Casey Anthony and they could have a reality show called "America's Most Hated Couple." And it could be on TLC, since that network seems to have even fewer morals that most channels. 


3 hours ago, doggie said:

those two breeding is enough to scare me to god.

If that did happen I just hope those two wouldn't get it in their heads to make a sex tape and try to raise money off of that.  God knows they are both stupid enough to be talked into thinking that would be a good idea.

Now excuse me because I am...


Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 6.08.53 PM.png

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To paraphrase a tweet I saw about this, "The words George Zimmerman should be followed by the words torn apart by alligators."

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Yeah well fuckhead didn't take the hint.  That piece of shit now has the gun listed elsewhere...



Zimmerman initially posted the 9mm pistol on GunBroker.com on Wednesday night, more than four years after he shot and killed Martin, an unarmed black teenager.

But on Thursday morning, that listing vanished from Gunbroker, which later said in a statement that it wanted “no part” in the sale of a firearm whose use in the fatal 2012 shooting in Florida sparked a nationwide debate over race relations and “stand your ground” laws.

Undeterred, Zimmerman found a new place to sell the weapon.

Todd Underwood, owner of UnitedGunGroup.com, confirmed Thursday afternoon that Zimmerman’s gun is now listed on his site, which Underwood described as a “pro-Second Amendment community” created this year after Facebook banned private gun sales.


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