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Judgement Calls


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This is a thread started because of a post on "Quiver Full of Chatter" about "South Park." I wanted to title this thread "Shows you Probably Shouldn't Let Your Kids Watch but Do Just So You Do Not Have to Admit You Enjoy Them." But, that title was waaaaay too long.

So....I admit it. I let my kids watch Southpark because it's hilariously witty. The others I enjoy, (for the sake of my kids, of course) are:

Deadliest Catch

Family Guy

King of the Hill

Family Guy

Do any of you have shows you shamelessly use your kids to watch?

i-Carly (Hard to admit, even here)

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Guest Anonymous

No kids, so I have to own my TV choices, dammit. :P

But if I had teenagers, I would probably let them watch Teen Mom. For educational purposes, of course!

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