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Final Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight


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Me! I'm so sad he's leaving. Where will I get my reliable news??? Why can't he stay until the election cycle is over? I think he thought it would be like all the other elections he's covered, but we have a clown car of candidates lead by the supreme clown himself.

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I am!!!

I am going to miss him. Have been watching him forever. :'(

JON DON'T LEAVE US!!!!! /sobs

- does anyone know what he'll be doing now that he isn't going to host the Daily Show?

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I'm still deciding! If I do I'll be watching a historic moment in TV history, but run the risk of not being functional enough to get to work tomorrow. If I don't I can pretend that he never left for a few more hours, but I'll miss out on my last chance of seeing him on the show Live.

. . . I'd make a joke about this being worse than Sophie's Choice, but that would be in poor taste. . . :lol:

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I am definitely going to watch. I am really going to miss his (and his writing team's) take on, well, everything. Though anyone who has never watched may not realize it, he has been the voice of reason and sanity all these years. First David Letterman and now Jon Stewart. Very sad.

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I am definitely going to watch. I am really going to miss his (and his writing team's) take on, well, everything.

I will miss him. But there is potentially good news. The show is continuing, with Trevor Noah as host, and much of the most recent team is staying.

http://www.vox.com/2015/8/6/9104471/dai ... espondents

Here's Trevor Noah, doing standup:

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I miss my apartment in grad school because you could see the TV from the toilet and I really have to pee and they won't cut to a commercial break.

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Just finished it. Sad to see him go - it was so fun to see all the correspondents from WAY back. Loved Stephen Colbert's part. :group-hug:

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Aww I didn't know he was leaving. That's cool they are still doing it but I always thought he really is what made the show.

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