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Casons may be the next TLC family


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Christi Cason is expecting #18. [edited to add: #17 and presumably #18 were conceived with Clomid. Christi is 44.] They did one of those 1 episode specials years ago, and have been trying hard to pimp themselves out to the media with appearances anywhere they can. They are NOT fundy - Lots of F*#@ language, gay son, etc. Someone has posted on her FB

Just found out that one of my large family friends is being filmed by TLC & will know by September if they are going to have their own show. So excited for them! Not sure I could live on camera all of the time. But, I know that Christi Sanders Cason can handle it

grin emoticon

They are a fun family & will be a blast to watch on tv! Love ya Christi Sanders Cason. Congrats (hopefully)

Christi replies

Awww TY Marla!!! 22 weeks with baby #18 yeah, it could be fun, and I think we are just a average American Family with a ton of kids, so just a different family not replacing the Duggars.

we are thinking short term one season would be perfect maybe 2 and usually a short lived series in not bad it is the long term ones, but we will see I hope.
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I want to see a non fundie large family! I love large families but so many large family blogs are offputting because while I am interested in how things are done with so many kids, I don't want to get God rammed down my throat and I don't want to read about people beating the shit out of their babies.

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we are thinking short term one season would be perfect maybe 2 and usually a short lived series in not bad it is the long term ones, but we will see I hope.

It's adorable that you think that, Christi, but it never really shakes down that way. Even if you don't start out a famewhore, the money and notoriety will get to you. And if there are any skeletons in your closet, they will definitely fall out, so think about that beforehand.

1. Unless they find a way to make themselves clearly distinct from the Duggars, they will never get past a pilot episode. Most of the die hard Duggar fans (the ones who still defend them now) like them specifically because of their perceived wholesomeness. If people want to watch a larger than average family curse at each other and deal with modern day problems in a scripted way, they can just turn on the Kardashians.

2. If the show does take off and genuinely develops a fan base, they will not quit by choice. With that many people to provide for, the money is too good. Plus it opens doors to other money-making ventures that only require trotting out your children for public amusement. Even the "better" and more responsible reality tv families (like the little couple) have not stopped doing their show, despite medical issues and a desire for some kind of privacy/normalcy for their children.

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Why is a big family so appealing to people? Is it the visual of people loading case after case of canned food into the car or the mounds of laundry--"Wow, look at us!! We do eleventy loads of laundry each day!!", or "See how we sling the children into a triple/quadruple bunk bed!!" "Watch us go out to eat and freak out the waitress, coz, you know, big families do it a LITTLE different..."?

Seriously, I just don't get the appeal--fundie or non fundie, why is a big family something so fascinating that people want to watch them do dishes, go shopping, pretend to study/do schooling and take fake paid-for trips? The singing family with the tragic fire back story, and the grifters living on the bus were complete fame whores and I assume the Casons are too, otherwise they wouldn't be filming with TLC, but I just don't get the appeal. But then I don't understand the appeal of the never ending supply of shows about little people, either.

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Can't TLC come up with an idea besides big families? or little people?

A big family composed entirely of little people (you know there's got to be one out there somewhere)? Awhile back I saw an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive in which the subject was a mother-daughter hoarding team. The latter had dwarfism and some other health related problems and hoarded stuffed animals to fill the emotional void in her life. If only the mom had been morbidly obese and fundie, TLC would have had all their bases covered in that one episode.

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She has used Clomid evidently for the last two pregnancies, both when she was past 42 (according to an interview with MSN.) You don't have to be a Gothardite to be a Baby Collector. Who uses Clomid to get pregnant at 44 when you already have 17 children? They have stated they want 20. :cray-cray:

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I don't know about the husband, but Christi absolutely is a baby-hoarder and a fame whore and always has been. I first ran on to her online around 2000, she would pop in and out of every parenting forum she could find announcing each pregnancy & birth with a lot of WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! #Bazillion is on its way!!!!!!!!!! or WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!111 #Eleventy is here!!! Can't wait for the next one!!! Then she would be gone again until the next one. There was never any trying to make friends with the other moms on the forums or posting about her kids after their conception/birth. They've been working hard at pimping themselves out, been on the Doctors and I think some Japanese show fairly recently. I don't think they're a very likable family behind the scenes, lots of anger/profanity/pretty much feral kids. I'm sure TLC will portray them as the model American family, of course.

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She has used Clomid evidently for the last two pregnancies, both when she was past 42 (according to an interview with MSN.) You don't have to be a Gothardite to be a Baby Collector. Who uses Clomid to get pregnant at 44 when you already have 17 children? They have stated they want 20. :cray-cray:

Who is writing for clomid? and how do they pay for it? I was curious if I was still ovulating regularly(early 40's) and went on a few boards and saw women buying clomid overseas (like Vietnam was a popular place). it was kind of scary because the women would say the pills didn't look the same but they were so deseperate they would take whatever they were sent. Some were over 40, some just wanted twins.

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Are they the ones that had something like 11 boys and was hoping the next was a girl?

No. The Casons have 10 boys and seven girls.


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Can't TLC come up with an idea besides big families? or little people?

A big family of little people?

A little family of big people?

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There was a documentary about the Casons years ago, around the same time one the Duggar documentaries came out. They aren't fundie, but I think they do attend a church. I

Chris Jeub, was in contact with them years ago. I think they met the Casons, at least once. Dave Cason came to FJ once, when FJers thought that the family was fundie.

I don't really follow the Casons that much. I'm looking at the blog now and I see that they moved to Indiana and that the blog hadn't been updated in two years.

In a way, it would be funny if they got a reality show. Lori Alexander, who is a fangirl of the Duggars, Bates, and Willis families, wouldn't be happy with this family. She would pissed about the gay Cason son, cursing, and other things that Casons do that she wouldn't be supportive of.

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If Cason baby #18 is born a little person, it will be a home run for TLC!

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She has used Clomid evidently for the last two pregnancies, both when she was past 42 (according to an interview with MSN.) You don't have to be a Gothardite to be a Baby Collector. Who uses Clomid to get pregnant at 44 when you already have 17 children? They have stated they want 20. :cray-cray:

What kind of medical practitioner prescribes such? How unethical. Or is she one of those people who is buying it off of the web?

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A big family of little people?

A little family of big people?

I think they have that.


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A big family composed entirely of little people (you know there's got to be one out there somewhere)? Awhile back I saw an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive in which the subject was a mother-daughter hoarding team. The latter had dwarfism and some other health related problems and hoarded stuffed animals to fill the emotional void in her life. If only the mom had been morbidly obese and fundie, TLC would have had all their bases covered in that one episode.

So morbidly obese fundie little people. Or devil worshiping little people might be a nice change. Or giants that are devil worshipers. Maybe some Wiccan families with dozens of cats?

I may enjoy watching a person with dozens of cats, as long as they were well taken care of.

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So morbidly obese fundie little people. Or devil worshiping little people might be a nice change. Or giants that are devil worshipers. Maybe some Wiccan families with dozens of cats?

I may enjoy watching a person with dozens of cats, as long as they were well taken care of.

They have to do the extreme couponing thing too!

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So morbidly obese fundie little people. Or devil worshiping little people might be a nice change. Or giants that are devil worshipers. Maybe some Wiccan families with dozens of cats?

I may enjoy watching a person with dozens of cats, as long as they were well taken care of.

An acquaintance of ours said that a TV contact her about filming Pagan and Wiccan family daily life. This acquaintance is know to embellish but I could see TLC ZOMG LOOK A FAMILY OF...WITCHES...going to school! Lighting a candle! OMGEE SAMHAIN DINNER!!

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I think they have that.


OMG, I love the sets they photographed these women in. They look like the Hobbiton sets from LotR. :shock:

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Can't TLC come up with an idea besides big families? or little people?

TLC is also into polygamists. And Say Yes to the Dress. But not Muslims anymore.

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An acquaintance of ours said that a TV contact her about filming Pagan and Wiccan family daily life. This acquaintance is know to embellish but I could see TLC ZOMG LOOK A FAMILY OF...WITCHES...going to school! Lighting a candle! OMGEE SAMHAIN DINNER!!

They should do that because when I think of witches, non Harry Potter kind, I think of the menstrual meat mounter. I am sure that is not normal behavior for Wiccans. I have only known one person IRL who seriously practiced Wicca but I really just knew her on a polite superficial level.

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They should do that because when I think of witches, non Harry Potter kind, I think of the menstrual meat mounter. I am sure that is not normal behavior for Wiccans. I have only known one person IRL who seriously practiced Wicca but I really just knew her on a polite superficial level.

As an actual Pagan, it wont happen. If they do, they will find the biggest wackos or make crap up like they usually do, because in real life most Pagans are boring. Trust me, school runs, picking up dry cleaning, going to shops, is just as boring when Pagans do it, and I don't even have a billionity, kids to giggle about and use for attention. Sadly, only MMM could get a show except for all the legal issues, nudity and fucks that come out of her mouth.

Pagans in a nutshell are pretty average people, who tend towards polytheistic pantheons, like to go out in nature instead of churches, tend to freaking love incense, and have a freaking ton of books. At least that would cover most of the ones I know.

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As an actual Pagan, it wont happen. If they do, they will find the biggest wackos or make crap up like they usually do, because in real life most Pagans are boring. Trust me, school runs, picking up dry cleaning, going to shops, is just as boring when Pagans do it, and I don't even have a billionity, kids to giggle about and use for attention. Sadly, only MMM could get a show except for all the legal issues, nudity and fucks that come out of her mouth.

Pagans in a nutshell are pretty average people, who tend towards polytheistic pantheons, like to go out in nature instead of churches, tend to freaking love incense, and have a freaking ton of books. At least that would cover most of the ones I know.

Just my $0.02 but the bolded does sound like most (but not all) of the Pagan's I know, myself included.

I have, unfortunately, met several whackadoodles like the Menstrual Meat Sitter, and I agree that any TLC show featuring Pagans is likely to feature every crazy sideshow personality the producers can find!

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