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Mission done right, or: why prenatal care


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is not something to toss out the window on account of doctors conspiring against everything you believe in.

Here's the story of a Doctors Without Borders OB/Gyn who volunteers in Sierra Leone. She talks about her missionary parents, about the incredible decrease in maternal deaths with just a little bit of prenatal care, and about how legalizing abortions is a huge factor in preventing morbidity and mortality.

Not breaking link because Jezebel.

http://flygirl.jezebel.com/what-its-lik ... 1719108749

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I have a lot of respect for MSF/Doctors Without Borders. I think they're one of the organizations that are doing things right when it comes to aid work. They were really instrumental in handling the ebola crisis this past year.

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Loved reading this, 'tho horrified by the conditions some women struggle to give birth in. As the Ob/gun said, if every American could participate in this kind of mission for one week, many of these circumstances would be cleared up, because people would insist on it. Good point. We are so mindlessly lucky in the developed world.

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MSF is my charity of choice.

Notice the bit where they trained someone to do c-sections while they were there? That's how it's done -bring in an expert and have them train people so it's self-sustaining.

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Genital mutation is only to remove a woman's pleasure so she won't cheat. I wish this shit would be banned. And we don't know what we have until it's gone. If America's would participate in this they will see how lucky they are compared to women in Sierra Leone

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