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Creepy stalker boss goes all possessive


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http://www.inquisitr.com/2260575/stay-t ... oes-viral/

Opinion is divided about 50/50 round the web whether this is genuine or not. If it's true, what a creep! I think I'd want to be warned if I was "Julia". Boss probably can't understand that this is exactly why women don't queue up to go out with him.

If not true, then congratulations, writer. There is an empty desk at the Onion with your name on it! You will go far with your imagination.

I'm on the fence. I've met guys with this attitude, but they're not usually smart enough to become the boss. On the other hand, maybe he figured "Alex" would feel too scared and threatened to make it public.

What do readers reckon? A hoax, or a genuinely deluded wanker?

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I had a very creepy and possessive boss who was convinced we were dating when we were not. So long story short, I can see this being true. It sucked to be in the position I was in so if it is true, then I really feel for the lady.

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For a while I internalized it. I felt ashamed like I had somehow brought it on myself. I would tell him to please stop texting me. But being at work was awkward. And then it eventually became scary. We would sometimes close alone at night and I felt unsafe. I ended up telling another manager, and getting transferred to another location. But even that manager was like "are you sure you weren't dating?" This was a few years ago and I've moved to a different state since then, but before I moved it was always a thought in the back of my mind. It's hard to explain to people what kind of fear it was. And I wasn't the only female worker he did it too. She gave a statement as well, which I felt help validate my story.

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It really angers me that there's still so much ignorance/victim blaming when it comes to sexual harassment/stalking! I'm sorry you went through that, but glad it did get sorted.

This story in my OP was originally posted on Reddit by "Alex", seeking advice; and some of the comments on there are vile. Many seem to be along the lines of "blame women" and sympathising with the poor little boss for not being allowed to act like a man thanks to the influence of feminism. User Oth_Trip_Throwaway goes into a rant about this, saying it's "appalling" that there's a lack of sympathy for the guy who sent the e-mail and that he just needs "better advice" because of his "issues, shitty life and trouble interacting with women." Never mind that this could completely put Julia off interacting with men, or that Alex himself might be afraid to so much as talk to a woman again for fear of some tyrant threatening him! Here's the thread, if you can stomach it:

https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/com ... t_the_new/

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It really angers me that there's still so much ignorance/victim blaming when it comes to sexual harassment/stalking! I'm sorry you went through that, but glad it did get sorted.

This story in my OP was originally posted on Reddit by "Alex", seeking advice; and some of the comments on there are vile. Many seem to be along the lines of "blame women" and sympathising with the poor little boss for not being allowed to act like a man thanks to the influence of feminism. User Oth_Trip_Throwaway goes into a rant about this, saying it's "appalling" that there's a lack of sympathy for the guy who sent the e-mail and that he just needs "better advice" because of his "issues, shitty life and trouble interacting with women." Never mind that this could completely put Julia off interacting with men, or that Alex himself might be afraid to so much as talk to a woman again for fear of some tyrant threatening him! Here's the thread, if you can stomach it:

https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/com ... t_the_new/

Okay, so let's say this is real (and I have no clue if it is or isn't, but I've known people who were like this, so it's believable at least).

A male boss wrote this obnoxious email to a male employee. The male employee made this email public. There's no evidence that the female employee knows anything about it. But Reddit Red Pillians have decided that it's all her fault anyway? Well of course they have.

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Okay, so let's say this is real (and I have no clue if it is or isn't, but I've known people who were like this, so it's believable at least).

A male boss wrote this obnoxious email to a male employee. The male employee made this email public. There's no evidence that the female employee knows anything about it. But Reddit Red Pillians have decided that it's all her fault anyway? Well of course they have.

And nobody seems to have asked her for her thoughts on the matter. By boss's own admission, they're not technically dating but he considers her his girlfriend anyway. That's not normal.

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