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Shooting in Chattanooga, TN


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A gun man opened fire at a Naval Reserve Center in Chattanooga, TN. He then went on to another military reserve center in nearby Cleveland, TN. 4 naval officers and a Chattanooga city cop injured. Mayor's statement any moment. No links, it's on ever news channel and website. Take Your pick.

ETA: Shooter caught and killed per CNN just now.

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A friend of mine works nearby and they were on lock-down.

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Is your friend ok? My husband has relatives who live there. They checked in and are ok. The media is hinting that this may be a terrorist attack of some kind.

ETA: 4 dead including the shooter and 3 wounded. So sad.

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Yes, she's okay. She's near the naval center and texted us that cops with bulletproof vest and rifles came through the building telling everyone to stay locked in and away from the windows. It's sad and infuriating that events like this are almost commonplace in this country. :cry:

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Absolutely horrific. Hope anyone with friends & family in the area hears from them soon, and that their loved ones are safe.

CNN is saying it's being treated as a domestic terrorist attack.

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CNN now reports 4 Marines were killed. May they rest in peace and their service to our country remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with the families. So sad.

Also, according to CNN, this is looking more and more like terrorism. Whether it's domestic or foreign is unknown. FBI and ATF are taking jurisdiction.

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I lived there for college, and many of my friends and loved ones are still there. In fact, Mr. FF is there right now for the next few weeks. It has devastated the whole community, which I'm sure goes without saying.

My newsfeed is a hodgepodge of those who knew the victims, and those who knew the shooter. It's a whirlwind from both sides.

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My father was in the Marines back during Vietnam. I can honestly say that it takes a very special type of person to be granted entry into the Marines - someone who is bold and brave, compassionate and strong, who would willingly lay down their life to protect another and who never hesitates to do what is needed to get the job done. I admit to be completely biased in this subject, but the young soldiers who lost their lives must have been among the very best this country has to offer if they were allowed to wear that uniform.

Rest in Peace Devil Dogs. Your service and sacrifices are incredibly appreciated by this Northern Yankee. Semper Fi!

To the Chattanooga community - I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find peace and understanding with time.

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It's eerie my niece in laws BF knew this guy and we live in a small town. He's expected to be questioned about the guy's past.

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I am increasingly terrified for my own son (Air Force) and all stateside active duty service men and women. Just a few months ago when my boy was home on leave, he was advised not to wear his uniform off base (especially near airports) as the ISIS threat was real and great. Silly me, I thought I only needed to up my worrying in a few months when he is deployed.

This military family thing surely isn't for punks. My heart goes to the families of all four slain marines and for those of the injured as well.

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Oh no! May he rest in peace

These military personnel need to be armed in the same way that law enforcement is. Civilians no, men and women in uniform, yes. Also, these military centers do not need to be in strip malls. They need their own building.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping because I just saw that Tim White, Franicia's husband, is the commander of that center and was there that day AND he returned fire on the shooter! He is ok. The seewalds just posted it on Instagram and then @timandfranicia did too. They are Duggar friends, been there many times, and they're most well known for naming their daughter Heistheway, pronounced Hi's the way.

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