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the devil birthday cake (cue twilight music)


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someone needs to b locked up.


An Arizona woman noticed something strange written on a sheet cake that was purchased from a membership-only wholesale store in the Mesa area. The woman bought her 6-year-old son a dinosaur birthday cake from Costco and they found “666†written on the cake. The retail giant has removed the cake from their online ordering system today.


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I see a child's parent in the Mesa area who needs to get a life.

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IDK about this parent specifically but Mesa is heavily populated with Mormons.

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I see ferrets. :mouse-shock:

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A dinosaur's cartoon legs and feet is what I see. The real problem? Adam and Eve aren't pictured with said dinosaur.

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It must be some kind of rorschach test because I see penises (peni?)

I must be some kind of pervert, because I am also seeing penises on a kid's birthday cake. :?

I'm also seeing two parents who want to get mad over nothing, and possibly get the price of the cake reimbursed. Free penis cake for all!

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Is it me or are people getting weird about cakes lately? :?

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I was expecting a Satanic cakewreck. The color scheme is most certainly the work of the devil. By the way, is the birthday boy's name Noah, Nash, or something else altogether?

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According to my google maps search, Mesa is next to Tempe and thus to the wacko church of the bigoted pastor aka PP.

Wouldn't surprise me if they were members.

Seriously, if you look hard enough, you can see all kinds of stuff on things and images. Those parents must be pretty obsessed with the devil. :cray-cray:

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IDK about this parent specifically but Mesa is heavily populated with Mormons.

That's also what I was thinking, as it's a very Mormon community. The parent could either be Mormon, or since the PP's church is relatively close, that family could be from his congregation. It just shows that if you have too much time on your hands, you can find weird things in cakes, or decide like that crazy Mormon mommy blogger, that Disney movies have a "gay agenda."

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first the marzipan teddy bear vaginas and now the Beelzebub´s house number on a doopy dino cake...

It´s the rapture, you guys, I tell you! ( or is it the VelociRapture? :lol: )

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It's clearly an homage to the heart on Pluto. Fundies just don't keep up with these things.


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:lol: I just see a cute dino. maybe they could have worked on the feet but sheesh

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I saw a few legs and wondered where the last is, and then realized I should see the sign of the devil, or penises.

Maybe dinos are the devil because evolution and bible.

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Living in hell (or at least on the exhaust vents from it) has clearly cooked their brains. This is also my theory on PP...

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I think I found her Facebook page. She doesn't look fundie at all. Her boyfriend, John Albrecht, works for an online publication that ran a story about it. And he provided the picture for the story. :whistle:


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I often drove Route 666 (the 6th highway to branch of Route 66) between Gallup, NM and Monticello, UT....back when it was still Route 666.

In 2003,

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson led politicians from the highway’s three states in petitioning the federal government to change the highway’s numbers. They argued that the biblical link between 666 and Satan was bedeviling the economic well-being of the towns along the sickle-shaped highway.

Now it's Route 491. It didn't help.

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well this was a hoax it seems


The story that the Costco company pulled a cake design because a Christian Arizona mother complained that its design looked demonic was a hoax perpetrated by a freelance writer and his girlfriend.

The story was picked up by Inquisitr.com and relayed by multiple news sources, including Raw Story.

As of press time, Inquisitr had taken the post down and Albrecht was angrily trying to justify his actions on Facebook.

“To the stalkers stalking my Facebook page,†he wrote, “I am aware and have known that the US Costcos do not have an online ordering system. They removed the cakes from their Australian stores. The US Costcos require an ordering form. But these stalking trolls already know this because I linked the Australian Costco online ordering form in my Inquisitr article. I am also aware of the history of ‘616’ and the change to ‘666.’â€

The original Inquisitr article claimed that Costco had pulled the dinosaur cakes in the U.S. and in particular from the stores in the Mesa, AZ area.

Eckert has taken her own Facebook profile offline, but a screen capture of the now-deleted timeline proclaims that she is in a relationship with Albrecht.

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