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Beau Biden Passes Away at 46


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B. Biden seems like he was a really great guy, dedicated and compassionate. What a terrible loss, a young man of 46. And what a sad time for the family he's left behind.

It's also so sad that the vice-president has now been predeceased by two of his four children. The Biden family has been through so much pain.

I'm relieved to see that, apart from a few stragglers, politicians and commenters alike seem to have risen above politics in this case. The death of someone's child is no time for such things.

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Thank you, crazyforkate. I'd just come here to post this very sad news. My heart breaks for Joe and all the Biden family.

R.I.P, Beau.

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It is the main news again today in the News Journal.

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Having lost a child myself, I find I just want to reach out and smother the parents with hugs and boxes of tissues. It's hard to bury a child.


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