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Heart-breaking sitch, requesting thoughts & prayers


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The sweetest, most adorable couple I've ever met are going through an unthinkable time.

Their oldest has suddenly isolated herself from them and her siblings, is telling people that they've been abusive.

What's heartbreaking is that one of the parents in an earlier marriage had a child so disabled by autism that the child is institutionalized.

It would appear that tragic family history may be repeating itself.

All we can do is listen, hug, offer support however. I'm unclear at this time how prayer works but there certainly seems to be some kind of energy that can flow and encourage, if not heal.

Thanks for any time you can give for them.



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I'm sorry, MJB. I don't have any wise words but I'll send love and positive thoughts everyone's way (including yours!).


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:hug4: I will lift your people up in prayer. May this family see peace soon.

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What do you mean about history repeating itself? How is a person with autism like a person who is reporting they have been abused?

Is the person reporting abuse getting appropriate support? Is there an investigation going on?

It sounds very complex and troubling.

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She said "is telling people that they've been abusive". I took from that that the kid tells people his or her parents are abusive, the parents that MJB thinks are the sweetest couple. Am I reading it right?

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That's right, Pretzel. Everyone, I simply ask for all good hopes and thoughts and prayers for these folks. I've no more to discuss. Thank you very very much.

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I won't lie...I get really nervous when people are quick to dismiss abuse claims. At the least it needs to be investigated - maybe it's been looked into, IDK, but Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar "have the sweetest family ever" and look what was going on behind closed doors. :(

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I'll pray that the truth comes out, whatever that may be.

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Yeah, and my claims about verbal and emotional a use by my father are lies because he's such a godly man who loves me so much.

Maybe the couple really is innocent, but frankly he description of them I the op is a huge red flag to me because often people who abuse are described that way.

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Sounds like my dad and his wife. I used to get letters (!) from people trying to intercede on their behalf. They are just the nicest people. No one can imagine why I don't talk to them. Every now and then they have their church pray for me. I have even had people from my mom's family get on me because my dad and his wife are just heavens sweetest angels and I won't have anything to do with them.

Kids get to say what their experience was. If you love these people-great. That does not define the kid's experience with them.

I'll pray for the kid.

And just in case my "father" and evil step monster ever read this- fuck you. You know what you did (and do). I don't care if everyone in the world cries for you. I never have to see your yammering gobs again. No one can make me. Also, fuck you some more.

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