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Mother's Day! Let's keep it positive in this thread


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This morning, my baby brother (I am 35, he is 25) and I brought over about $45 worth of bagels, cream cheese and fruit to my mom and dad's house. Our other brother (33) came over an hour later with his new wife and their 3 step-kids, ages 5, 3, and 2. My brother also has a 4 year old from his first marriage, who spends weekends with her mom (she wasn't there, and was missed!!). I was kind of shocked at how sweet and gracious my parents and brother/SIL were over the bagels - I had meant to cook, but I have a cold and thought it would be gross to sneeze on the eggs (plus, let's face it, I'm not the best cook). So I paid for the spread, laid it out, and my baby brother cleaned it all up and washed the dishes.

My mom texted me after I left that she loved me and breakfast was "perfect," and I have to tell you guys - 10 years ago, my mom and I were completely estranged and not speaking. I had drug and sexual trauma issues as a teen and young adult. I was not an easy person to love. In fact, I was kicked out of the house at 17, and my baby brother and I were kept apart with no contact for 3 years, then limited contact for a couple years after that (since I was a "bad influence"), even though we were extremely close growing up and I was living on my own and working a decent job full-time (as a teen, I would take him to the park, let him tag along whenever he wanted, feed/diaper/play games with him - we're 10 years apart). I would send him cards and call the house for him, to no avail.

I guess I just want to share how happy I am that I have made peace with my family, and what a great day it was today. I have never wanted children of my own, but I am so close to and appreciated by my nieces and nephew. I sincerely hope other women had an opportunity to celebrate (and be celebrated by) the mothers, sisters, and children in their lives today. I'm usually not one for Hallmark holidays, but feel like, if it makes my mom and SIL happy - why not?

So ... what did you do?

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I got my mom a new watch from a Fossil Outlet. Nothing fancy, but it does look a bit blingy and has some pink (which she loves). But the big selling point is that, unlike the watch she has been wearing, this one is big enough and has enough contrast between the face and the hands that she can actually see it well enough to read it herself. She has continued to wear a watch she can no longer read for the past 4-5 years (not exactly sure when her vision decline meant she could not see it as she is not real open with us about it all the time). My brother paid for half of it, but is not the kind of guy that shops or would be good at picking out a watch. She loved it!

Husband and I went to take that to her and help with clean up from the water that got in my parents' basement last week on Saturday. My father has been very difficult lately, his new chemo is making his moods worse and the water in the basement situation just added more stress for both of my parents. So on our way there, we stopped and got her a bouquet of flowers, too, just to brighten things up a bit more. Brother will be charged for half of that as well.

Since we needed to help at my parents' house and went to a Garth Brooks concert last night, mother-in-law graciously agreed to postpone celebrating. So we are going out to breakfast with the in-laws next weekend. I am going shopping later this week to get her something. No idea what, just need to spend about the same as my half of my mother's gifts.

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I need some positivity after seeing the Duggar forum implosion. :lol:

For my mom we got her a gift certificate to get a pedicure (with tip and tax included) because she needs to relax a bit once in a while. And we spent time hanging out with her and my younger brother.

For Fiance's mom, all the kids got her scratchies (which she loves), a bouquet of flowers, and a card. We also had dinner at their house so we got a bit more time with them.

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Mom and I don't do mother's day. I appreciate my mom in a way that any expression of my love does not work on that one day in May. I show my appreciation on several occasions throughout the year.

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