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Cannabis is safer than Alcohol!!!


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No not a random thought, tonight it's 3am in the UK and it is the General Election. Results come in throughout the night.

The landscape in Scotland is different to the other UK countries which tend to be a Labour v Conservative affair. SNP is winning big here (Scottish national party.)

Anyway long winded way to say that the Cannabis is safer than Alcohol party whilst gaining a few votes are not going to be in power come morning!!!!!

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I just saw the results. Wow. Labour went down hard.

So what do you think of Mhairi Black?

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I just saw the results. Wow. Labour went down hard.

So what do you think of Mhairi Black?

Young :lol: I think she is very young.

Labour has been out of touch in Scotland and the Tories...well. I think a lot of the YES campaign (Referendum) diehards are looking upon this election as a sign pointing yet again at devolution. It's not. That was a pretty clear 55-45 against. I think this election was Scotland saying that Westminster has to realise change is needed.

This is what secured Black her seat. Not her sparkling Twitter feed or skills as a political candidate.

Douglas Alexander was a big scalp to get and by a student!

No seat for the Cannabis folks bless them all :lol:

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Young :lol: I think she is very young.

Labour has been out of touch in Scotland and the Tories...well. I think a lot of the YES campaign (Referendum) diehards are looking upon this election as a sign pointing yet again at devolution. It's not. That was a pretty clear 55-45 against. I think this election was Scotland saying that Westminster has to realise change is needed.

This is what secured Black her seat. Not her sparkling Twitter feed or skills as a political candidate.

Douglas Alexander was a big scalp to get and by a student!

No seat for the Cannabis folks bless them all :lol:

Actually, no. It was 55-45 against *independence*. Plenty of No voters were, and are, in favour of further devolution within the UK. I agree, however, that a lot of SNP support has nothing to do with independence or devolution but because the voters support the SNP's social and economic policies or are disillusioned with the main Westminster parties. It probably helps that Nicola Sturgeon said that regardless of the results in this election she had no intention of holding another referendum.

I can't believe there's actually a party called Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol. They got more votes than the BNP, at least.

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