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There's a new round of rumors that it will actually be announced. I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I preordered it on Amazon as soon as I got to work this morning.

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Whoa, I din't know it was up for preorder already.

I'm so friggin' excited. According to rumor, your character is going to be a Pre-War person who was cryogenically frozen, which explains all the weird flashback-y stuff going on in the trailer. AND it's going to be set in Boston, which picks up on a teeny little plot thread from Fallout 3 concerning Harkness the Android, as the super high-tech institute he was said to have been built in is in Boston.

But more importantly, there's a dog in the trailer and I'm kind of hoping it's like, Dogmeat the 4th.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pip-Boy edition ordered!

I actually watched the live stream on Twitch. You do indeed have a canine companion.

I'm making progress in New Vegas (not that it's really part of the Bethesda storyline). I've stopped and started it a few times; it just isn't as compelling as Fallout 3 was.

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I made decent headway into 3, but not NV because I'm so used to the Deathclaws in 3 being super easy to kill that I keep trying to kill the ones in NV at like, level 7. Even with the Gunrunners Arsenal thing they're too strong for me.

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  • 1 month later...

My husband went to pre order for the pipboy and it has been sold out fooorrreeeevvvvverrr. He was so sad.

Hopefully a gamestop card for his birthday will make him feel better :)

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My gigantic phone is too big for the Pip-Boy. :(

I hear you about the deathclaws. It took me forever to get through the quest in the quarry, and basically did it by sniping and letting Boone and EDE get repeatedly killed. It didn't help that I ran into a glitch in which the deathclaw mother turned into this weird spiky pyramid thing. Thank god for VATS and chems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That Deathclaw mother ascended to a higher plane of existance, that's why you couldn't kill her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pass me a Nuka-Cola, I'm in! I'm going to wait til it comes out until I purchase it though. I don't believe in pre-ordering unless I'm getting a discount for it and while the pip-boy does look really cool, the reality is it will end up as clutter in this house.


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67 days to go. Yes, I am that excited (to get 75% through the game).

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61 DAYS Y'ALL. I'm not, like, a mathmatist, or a calendarologist or whatever the fuck so I use this site: http://days.to/10-november/2015 to help me keep track. Because this shit is IMPORTANT.

My husband is mildly pissed that he went all nuts building me a new computer with a liquid cooled whatever and a zillion gigabyte what'sit and the first thing I'm playing on it? Fallout 3. From 2008.

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  • 6 months later...

It's been out for awhile- I just haven't had time to play it more than a couple hours a week. But I'm obsessed. I dream about it!

Companion thoughts (spoiler tagged, all het for romance so far):


Aww, Dogmeat. Whenever I don't want anyone judging me... you're the best.

Codsworth- so easy to please. Don't be mean, mod your stuff, easy.

I'm so disappointed that you can't romance -Valentine-, he's dreamy.

Hancock- Sola (my nickname for the female Sole Survivor) doesn't meet him at his best. He grows on you.

Piper- Sorry for dragging you straight into the Glowing Sea. Never a dull moment, eh?

X6-88 - You're a pain in my butt.

Paladin Danse- Kinda ditto. But you're cute, for a...



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I dream about it too! I've had to start turning it off a few hours before bed or else I dream about shelters I'm going to craft. It's bad. 



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I haven't bought it yet but have it on my wish list waiting for a sale.  Too busy with Nosgoth and League right now to play.  My friend tells me it's great, though.  

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