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If my children are gay.


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Don't know if this has been posted yet but a Christian pastor's promises on what he would do if his children were gay has gone viral. If only these fundies would take note of this but sadly they won't.

What I love about this article is the fact that he states homosexuality is not a lifestyle and quotes the bible that those who are gay were born that way.

He says the following

If my kids are going to be gay, well they pretty much already are.

God has already created them and wired them, and placed the seed of who they are within them. Psalm 139 says that He, ‘stitched them together in their mother’s womb’. The incredibly intricate stuff that makes them uniquely them; once-in-History souls, has already been uploaded into their very cells.

Because of that, there isn’t a coming deadline on their sexuality that their mother and I are working feverishly toward. I don’t believe there’s some magical expiration date approaching, by which time she and I need to somehow do, or say, or pray just the right things to get them to 'turn straight', or forever lose them to the other side.

They are today, simply a younger version of who they will be; and today they’re pretty darn great.

I have major respect for this Christian pastor. If only some of these fundies we snark on would get the picture but clearly they will not.



Amean..what love :clap:


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