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And again this woman gives me an acute rash - Kendal


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Well, here we are again, Kendal in blind adoration of her own miserable little life. Sacrificing herself for the benefit of motherhood and the keeping of her house.

Get real woman, there is nothing special about being a mum and cooking and cleaning is not exactly a mission in life.

What a bore and a pietist.

Once she asked what I had accomplished in my life, I told her a few things, I donated a kidney to my son, about my education, cooking from scratch, having a career and succesfully raised my sons into decent, educated and pleasant human beings.

That was nothing she said, it had nothing to do with my spiritual efforts and what I did for the lord.

And still, she blabs on and on about the sanctity of motherhood, but that applies only for Kendull of course, I mean as long as she beats the hell out of her children and deprives them from having a life or an education.

What an appalling hypocritical creature she is.


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no one really does anything for the lord. I mean no one really knows what the lord wants. it all ends up doing it for yourself and using the lord to justify it.

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She has to elevate her "keeper at home" role because she doesn't have anything else. The fact that latraviata and so many other evil worldly women have actually accomplished great things with their lives must really put her panties in a twist. So it has to be all about the Lord, so she can feel superior. Bleh.

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She has to elevate her "keeper at home" role because she doesn't have anything else. The fact that latraviata and so many other evil worldly women have actually accomplished great things with their lives must really put her panties in a twist. So it has to be all about the Lord, so she can feel superior. Bleh.

Exactly, right on!

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Dear Kendal: I am a Christian, and I do not see motherhood as a mission field. I see motherhood as a form of activism. I'm very intentional about teaching my children about other faiths, about acceptance (not just tolerance) about feminism, gay rights - and also Jesus, because I am a Christian and hope my children will be too. When they are older, I will teach them about women's autonomy and why abortion must remain legal and freely available (we live in Canada, it is free) I already teach them about how to take care of the planet and make good choices in what we buy and what we put into our bodies. I see my parenting as a form of activism - my political, intentional, strategic contribution to ensuring the world my children live in isn't ruled by the likes of you.

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Guest Anonymous
Well, here we are again, Kendal in blind adoration of her own miserable little life. Sacrificing herself for the benefit of motherhood and the keeping of her house.

Get real woman, there is nothing special about being a mum and cooking and cleaning is not exactly a mission in life.

What a bore and a pietist.

Once she asked what I had accomplished in my life, I told her a few things, I donated a kidney to my son, about my education, cooking from scratch, having a career and succesfully raised my sons into decent, educated and pleasant human beings.

That was nothing she said, it had nothing to do with my spiritual efforts and what I did for the lord.

And still, she blabs on and on about the sanctity of motherhood, but that applies only for Kendull of course, I mean as long as she beats the hell out of her children and deprives them from having a life or an education.

What an appalling hypocritical creature she is.

http://www.thefatherknowsbest.com/2011/ ... field.html

Exalting herself as "keeper at home " (blech) is vital to Kendall's mental health. If she ever admitted to any truth in what you and others have said, she'd also have to admit that her sole accomplishment is to devise new ways to oppress her children.

*edited becaiuse the "d" key on my keyboard is currently on a sit-down strike.

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Kendall bores me but...

Dear Kendal: I am a Christian, and I do not see motherhood as a mission field. I see motherhood as a form of activism. I'm very intentional about teaching my children about other faiths, about acceptance (not just tolerance) about feminism, gay rights - and also Jesus, because I am a Christian and hope my children will be too. When they are older, I will teach them about women's autonomy and why abortion must remain legal and freely available (we live in Canada, it is free) I already teach them about how to take care of the planet and make good choices in what we buy and what we put into our bodies. I see my parenting as a form of activism - my political, intentional, strategic contribution to ensuring the world my children live in isn't ruled by the likes of you.

THIS I found inspiring. As a fellow progressive-woman-of-faith, these are exactly the goals I hope to aspire to. Thank you.

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This Kendal isn't very bright, is she? I commented and she replied, twisting what I said. Here is my response:

Where did you get that from my comment? Is English your first language? You said "We often think we need to leave the home to be true missionaries and do kingdom work. What a lie!" It's not a lie, and if you think it is, then you are calling Jesus a liar. Jesus explained what kind of work He wanted done. It can be found in Matt 25. All of it entails leaving the house. Honestly, my comment wasn't difficult to comprehend.

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I think she blocked me from commenting... everytime I try, its trying to make me sign in

I think there's some kind of bug in blogger. I have had difficulties commenting on blogs for almost two weeks now.

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She has to elevate her "keeper at home" role because she doesn't have anything else. The fact that latraviata and so many other evil worldly women have actually accomplished great things with their lives must really put her panties in a twist. So it has to be all about the Lord, so she can feel superior. Bleh.

I have quite a few things I have done in my life, that have nothing to do with "accomplishments" or working towards the accomplishments I would like, and yet I do not regret them and I think they were worthwhile. The difference is that I don't sit around yelling about the fact that they were worth it, and when I realise there are other things I'd like to accomplish, I work to accomplish them. A lot of these 'culture changing' SAHMs seem to have a chip on their shoulder. I do not deny that society can treat women like crap for doing things that aren't "men's work"*, but they seem to think it happens a lot more than it does. You like being a SAHM. Great. So do it. Be happy. I think a lot of them WANT TO DO MORE, and that's WHY they have to keep focusing on how it's what God wants and it means they're better than some other women.

I admit that we do have problems where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't, and both "sides" are sniping at each other, but it does seem, when you read "I am so blessed and fulfilled, stupid society saying I should work!" time and time again on every single fundie mommy blog... why are you going on about it? If it's fulfilling and great, it's fulfilling and great, if you don't need to achieve anything else, you don't need to achieve anything else, who are you really trying to convince?

*although please note that it is usually the SAHMs [edit] complaining about that fact who KEEP it that way. Women's work is undervalued and underpaid: childcare and provision and maintenance of infrastructure for clean food and water are expected tasks; women aren't supported in their paid work when they are expected to take on their extra duties of unpaid women's work; and the SAHMs complaining don't go "we need better childcare and flexible hours for women who are working, we need equal pay", they want to make things worse.

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All women who are married and have kids or who have jobs suck. You're doing it wrong. Being divorced - not just single, but divorced - and unemployed is the only right way to live.

What she is saying is that her choices, circumstances and her life are the only right ones and everyone else is wrong. See how stupid that sounds when substituting someone else's life in the equation? Putting down others to boost, justify and validate yourself is as old as time. It's just taken on new levels with the Internet and everyone's ability to do it for an audience.

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I don't see motherhood as anything but that.


I love my children and I enjoy being a mum and never thought of it as being 'a mission field'or the most difficult job.

Kendal and her husband had to discipline (spanking included) a 5,6,7 year old for an entire day, they are obviously not blessed with any parental skill whatsoever.

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Kendall bores me but...

THIS I found inspiring. As a fellow progressive-woman-of-faith, these are exactly the goals I hope to aspire to. Thank you.


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I completely agree with y'all that Kendal is over the top in many ways. (not even touching on the discipline posting 'cause that one confuses the heck outta me)

But... I DO think there is something special about motherhood and moms who are able and willing to stay home with their kids ARE special and working hard and such. It might not at all be what the OP meant, but I read it as "Being a mom is nothing special..." and I think that's false.

This isn't to say being a working mom, or even childless woman, isn't special, but just in different ways. I don't think SAHM moms are somehow inferior or "less" than moms who go out to work.

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Guest Anonymous
Dear Kendal: I am a Christian, and I do not see motherhood as a mission field. I see motherhood as a form of activism. I'm very intentional about teaching my children about other faiths, about acceptance (not just tolerance) about feminism, gay rights - and also Jesus, because I am a Christian and hope my children will be too. When they are older, I will teach them about women's autonomy and why abortion must remain legal and freely available (we live in Canada, it is free) I already teach them about how to take care of the planet and make good choices in what we buy and what we put into our bodies. I see my parenting as a form of activism - my political, intentional, strategic contribution to ensuring the world my children live in isn't ruled by the likes of you.

Aside from the whole living in Canada part, my mother could have written this. Wackos like Kendal, etc. make me even more grateful for her!!

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Yeah, sorry, but being a mom is nothing special. And this is coming from someone who is a mom. Women have been moms since the beginning of time. It's not really a big deal. It's a much bigger deal in my mind when a woman (or any person for that matter) does something that most people do not or cannot do (i.e. Olympic athlete, astronaut, neurosurgeon, etc.).

Being a parent (not just moms, but dads also) is a lot of work, but it's nothing out of the ordinary.

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Well, here we are again, Kendal in blind adoration of her own miserable little life. Sacrificing herself for the benefit of motherhood and the keeping of her house.

Get real woman, there is nothing special about being a mum and cooking and cleaning is not exactly a mission in life.

What a bore and a pietist.

Once she asked what I had accomplished in my life, I told her a few things, I donated a kidney to my son, about my education, cooking from scratch, having a career and succesfully raised my sons into decent, educated and pleasant human beings.That was nothing she said, it had nothing to do with my spiritual efforts and what I did for the lord.

And still, she blabs on and on about the sanctity of motherhood, but that applies only for Kendull of course, I mean as long as she beats the hell out of her children and deprives them from having a life or an education.

What an appalling hypocritical creature she is.


I haven't read this whole thread, and maybe slightly off topic, but...

succesfully raised my sons into decent, educated and pleasant human beings.

Latraviata, That is a huge accomplishment. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I had to say that.

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I haven't read this whole thread, and maybe slightly off topic, but...

succesfully raised my sons into decent, educated and pleasant human beings.

Latraviata, That is a huge accomplishment. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I had to say that.

I won't, thank you.

An accomplishment without divine intervention, other than Kendal we are atheists.

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Yeah, sorry, but being a mom is nothing special. And this is coming from someone who is a mom. Women have been moms since the beginning of time. It's not really a big deal. It's a much bigger deal in my mind when a woman (or any person for that matter) does something that most people do not or cannot do (i.e. Olympic athlete, astronaut, neurosurgeon, etc.).

Being a parent (not just moms, but dads also) is a lot of work, but it's nothing out of the ordinary.

I strongly disagree with you (and I have never had a time when I did NOT work outside the home since I was 19, and I am 58 now). And I have a profession.

But being a Mom IS very special. Not saying that everyone should be a Mom, nor that other things aren't special, but you are very wrong to say that being a Mom is nothing special.

Or maybe we define "special" differently.

BTW Being a grandmother is pretty special, too. If I could, I would be a SAHG- LOL. (new grandmother here)

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She has to elevate her "keeper at home" role because she doesn't have anything else. The fact that latraviata and so many other evil worldly women have actually accomplished great things with their lives must really put her panties in a twist. So it has to be all about the Lord, so she can feel superior. Bleh.

I have dealt with people like Kendal online and in real life. These are the type of people that say that their "love and work" for the Lord is what makes them so special in what they do and that they are better than others because they are Christian. They bascially can't see how someone without religious beliefs can do certain things like raising children or having a positive impact on the world.

I have no problem with SAHM's. I have a few friends and relatives who SAHM's for different reasons, but they don't think or act they like they are any better than working moms or married or unmarried who don't have children. But SAHM's like Kendal and some of these bloggers annoy me to because they label working moms as sinners or they have called working moms abusers and other names that don't even fit.

In the past I have gone to various sites like IMDB and other places and often people are always putting Christian celebs and athletes on a pedestal and they try to make those people sound better than non religious celebs or athletes. I have seen people online defend Kirk Cameron like he is the most special thing on Earth just because he is a Christian and I have seen people bash other celebs for not being religious or for being involved in secular activities.

Kendal has put herself on a pedestal and likely her followers or friends also put her on a pedestal. I haven't checked out her comments but I wouldn't be surprised if I found comments praising her for being SAHM and a Christian. I'm an atheist and I have several friends that are Christians and they don't feel that being religious makes them better or special.

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