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Catholic bishops pray to relieve dry California


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These things just kind of piss me off or just make me wonder what people really think of god. I mean So god causes this and he waits for people to pray before he fixes it. or he does not know not know it is happening till prayer points it out? or he knows it is happening and does nothing till enough people pray? I mean go lets babies starve to death but he is supposed to stop a drought that may well have been caused by man? I guess as long as you can feel hopeful that's the main thing.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Catholic bishops called for divine intervention Tuesday as California endures what appears to be its third straight dry winter.

The California Conference of Catholic Bishops asked people of all faiths to join in prayers for rain as reservoirs in the state dipped to historic lows after one of the driest calendar years on record.

Some cities already are restricting water use, while prospects for another dry summer have raised alarm about agriculture and wildfires.

The first Sierra Nevada snow survey of the winter last week found the water content in the statewide snowpack to be just 20 percent of average for this time of year. Without relief, state water managers said they will be able to deliver just 5 percent of the water sought by agencies that supply more than 25 million Californians and nearly a million acres of irrigated farmland.

Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto, president of the bishops' conference, suggested a prayer for God to "open the heavens and let His mercy rain down upon our fields and mountains."

"Our reliance on water reveals how much we are part of Creation and Creation is a part of us," Soto said in a news release that included four other suggested prayers for relief and for the wellbeing of those most at risk from a water shortage. The bishops said a drought, if it comes, will affect people's livelihoods, health and quality of life.

Concern is growing in California even as much of the rest of the nation huddles in a deep freeze fed by blasts of Arctic air.

National Weather Service meteorologist Drew Peterson said Pacific storms keep breaking up due to a high pressure system over California. Weak systems could bring some precipitation on Thursday and Saturday to Northern California's mountains, but it won't be enough to make a dent in the drought, he said.

There may be no precipitation at all south of Sacramento through mid-January, though there are signs of a stronger system working its way in during the third or fourth week of the month.

"At least it gives us something to be hopeful for," Peterson said. "If we don't start seeing some significant precip anytime soon, we're going to have to start thinking about some serious water measures."

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These things just kind of piss me off or just make me wonder what people really think of god. I mean So god causes this and he waits for people to pray before he fixes it. or he does not know not know it is happening till prayer points it out? or he knows it is happening and does nothing till enough people pray? I mean go lets babies starve to death but he is supposed to stop a drought that may well have been caused by man? I guess as long as you can feel hopeful that's the main thing.

Your post is all over the place, and I'm not sure what you're snarking on. Catholic bishops pray. It's not unusual or extreme.

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Your post is all over the place, and I'm not sure what you're snarking on. Catholic bishops pray. It's not unusual or extreme.

And at least they're praying for something that makes some sense. I mean, they could be praying for a parking spot close to the door on one of their rectory stock-up trips to Sam's Club.

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I know I am rambling. I am trying to say if god is so great why does he need begging before he will go anything. Really it comes down to god is the servant of man but none can admit it.

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I know I am rambling. I am trying to say if god is so great why does he need begging before he will go anything. Really it comes down to god is the servant of man but none can admit it.

Why should anyone "admit" that or anything regarding their God to you? You don't have to believe in God. No one is forcing you to. So don't force your beliefs on others. It would be nice if you had religious tolerance.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with Bishops praying for water. I think its weird to pray for tiny little things, as if God is your butler.

I hope it breaks, but not to excessively. Fire is bad, but flooding is also bad. As we found out in SE Australia between 2009 & 2011.

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I hope there is more precipitation. I'd like some good skiing this year....

Keep praying, Fathers!

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I remember at my baptism class the minister saying not to be disappointed if God doesn't answer your weather requests because "while you are praying for rain for your garden, someone else is praying for sun for their holiday".

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I can't find offense in religious leaders praying about an issue that affects the entire community they live in. Catholic priests pray every day for "peace in the world", so it is not as if they do not acknowledge they need to pray for the needs of other communities.

What is gross is to hear people praying for parking spots and iPhone cases. If you are a believer, you are supposed to be addressing the Creator of the universe; not a genie in a bottle.

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I'm not snarking on Catholic bishops or people who believe in the power of prayer, but I understand, I think, what Doggie is saying...If there is an omnipotent god, why do we need to remind him/her/it of our needs? Shouldn't they already know them? I guess the question is, and it's a serious question, what is the point of prayer? Personally I can see the point if the deity isn't omnipotent or closely involved in our personal lives- then they would need reminding about our needs. Serious, non-defensive answers would be appreciated.

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I'm not snarking on Catholic bishops or people who believe in the power of prayer, but I understand, I think, what Doggie is saying...If there is an omnipotent god, why do we need to remind him/her/it of our needs? Shouldn't they already know them? I guess the question is, and it's a serious question, what is the point of prayer? Personally I can see the point if the deity isn't omnipotent or closely involved in our personal lives- then they would need reminding about our needs. Serious, non-defensive answers would be appreciated.

That is how I took his post too. If God is in control then he already knows the people need water but He has to wait till people plead and beg(prayer) for Him to send rain? Or is God so unaware of what is going on that He doesn't realize people need water so he needs a little reminding so he can get on the ball and send rain?

When I was Christian I believed that God knew all, but if we didn't ask He wouldn't provide our basic needs(like water/food/shelter). So my belief was that God knew He just wouldn't help you out unless you were one of His children and you prayed for Him to supply your needs. You also needed to be really, really thankful after he met your needs because He could have just let you die. Plus God really likes adoration. We are nothing compared to God and everything we have(including our life) is owned by Him. We are His and He can do whatever He desires with our life. So no complaining if God doesn't answer your prayers. He doesn't have to.

So that would have been my answer to what is the point of prayer back when I was a Christian. .

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That is how I took his post too. If God is in control then he already knows the people need water but He has to wait till people plead and beg(prayer) for Him to send rain? Or is God so unaware of what is going on that He doesn't realize people need water so he needs a little reminding so he can get on the ball and send rain?

So that would have been my answer to what is the point of prayer back when I was a Christian. .

thanks much better said. I have been sick and my writing skills are even worse.

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No, God does not need reminders. Humans pray to develop a way of accessing the transcendent. The theory being that praying for community needs is the first step in repairing the rift between the divine realm and human realm. Our bad actions have consequences beyond us individually, our good actions are believed to impact for the healing of the world.

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thanks much better said. I have been sick and my writing skills are even worse.

Perhaps it was because you were sick. We've all been there, and when we're sick, we write like we're punch drunk. However, I think if I used your same words on a Muslim and said what you said, it would be hurtful, offensive, and rude. I would never go up to a Muslim and tell them what pisses me off about their god, nor would I ask them to explain something like Mohammed and pedophilia, while adding in that no one will admit that he was one. It's none of my business, and I'd like to think that I have tolerance for other people's beliefs, as long as no one is getting hurt.

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Since the bishops can reach masses of people, I think it would also be beneficial to ask people to not only pray but to also start conserving water. I've seen a lot of "such-and-such city is considering asking residents to conserve water". Now is not the time to consider asking people to conserve water. Now is the time to tell people to cut back. Actually, it's well past that time. Conservation efforts should have already been in place. Nobody needs a luscious green lawn. Or flowers native to whatever-rainy-place. Or a freakin' pool that you can't even go in during certain summer days because it'll actually raise your core temperature (in certain parts of California). Yes, those things are nice, but we're in a drought and it doesn't seem like municipalities are being proactive in doing something about it. And, no, Jerry, you can't make it rain. We already know that. That's not what people are asking you to do. /rant

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