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Christian lectures on free speech, tolerance and does t


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Got to love Christians lack of tolerance but expect others to have it for them. Really Some Christians would love to do away with all other beliefs as they can't deal with competition. I think they should have did some torture and converted people right there on the street.

http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion ... nner-video

A Christian activist group placed a banner that reads “A is for Angels†in front an atheist display that states “A is for Atheists†in Chicago’s Daley Plaza.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation created the “A is for Atheists†sign that states: “We celebrate the birth of the Unconquered Sun – the TRUE reason for the season. As Americans, let us also honor the birth of our Bill of Rights, which reminds us there can be no freedom OF religion, without having freedom FROM religion in government.â€

According to ChicagoNow.com, an unidentified female Christian activist stated, “You shouldn’t be protesting the ‘A.’ Protesting the ‘A’ means you are surrendering our freedom of speech. Everybody should have their opportunity to speak here."

“I think you need to go back, go back and read the Constitution," she added. "This is the United States and you cannot abridge freedom of speech.â€

William Kelly, chairman of the Remember America Foundation, called the atheist display "hate speech" and said it might upset to families with children who expected a Christmas tree or Nativity scene, reports RawStory.com.

“I think if you actually read the text of the atheist display it’s actually more hate speech,†stated Kelly. “It’s really not adding anything to the Christmas spirit, it’s really not even telling anybody who they really are or what they believe or what they want for society. They’re just saying they don’t like Christianity.â€

“The message that I’m bringing here today is that, as Christians, and especially at Christmas time, we’re here to spread a message of love,†Kelly said of the Christian banner that obstructed the atheist sign.

Kelly then went on to lecture atheists, whom he is censoring, on tolerance.

“What we’re hoping that it’s possible that if we as Christians show our love and support for our atheist brothers and sisters that maybe, maybe they might be more tolerant toward Christian values, not only you know, at Christmas time, but the entire year, as well,†claimed Kelly.


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William Kelly, chairman of the Remember America Foundation, called the atheist display "hate speech" and said it might upset to families with children who expected a Christmas tree or Nativity scene, reports RawStory.com.

“I think if you actually read the text of the atheist display it’s actually more hate speech,†stated Kelly. “It’s really not adding anything to the Christmas spirit, it’s really not even telling anybody who they really are or what they believe or what they want for society. They’re just saying they don’t like Christianity.â€

...I mean...duh!

After this and the Duck Dynasty Debacle, I'm really inspired to go fucking hard teaching the 1st Amendment in my history classes. People just don't get it.

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...I mean...duh!

After this and the Duck Dynasty Debacle, I'm really inspired to go fucking hard teaching the 1st Amendment in my history classes. People just don't get it.

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I went hard on the First Amendment when I taught government. I was greatly helped by a lecture I got to attend at UVA several years ago with a constitutional law professor explaining the issues with religion cases. There is always tension between the two clauses regarding religion--free exercise vs. establishment. And it is very important to note that the courts have typically come down on the side of avoiding establishment even if it limits free exercise to some degree. Especially when the issue involves children. My high school students could see that the questions are more complex than they view them on their gut instinct when we took apart the two sides as they dealt with both free exercise and establishment.

Free speech, on the other hand, was hard to get them to see very clearly. Scarily enough, many of them were in favor of limiting speech if they personally disagree.

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I went hard on the First Amendment when I taught government. I was greatly helped by a lecture I got to attend at UVA several years ago with a constitutional law professor explaining the issues with religion cases. There is always tension between the two clauses regarding religion--free exercise vs. establishment. And it is very important to note that the courts have typically come down on the side of avoiding establishment even if it limits free exercise to some degree. Especially when the issue involves children. My high school students could see that the questions are more complex than they view them on their gut instinct when we took apart the two sides as they dealt with both free exercise and establishment.

Free speech, on the other hand, was hard to get them to see very clearly. Scarily enough, many of them were in favor of limiting speech if they personally disagree.

That doesn't surprise me. Teenagers tend to be so adamant in their beliefs that it is often difficult for them to see how anyone else's opinions could have any validity whatsoever. To them "different beliefs" seem to equal"lying liars who lie".

Huge generalization of course, many teens aren't so black and white in their views.

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That doesn't surprise me. Teenagers tend to be so adamant in their beliefs that it is often difficult for them to see how anyone else's opinions could have any validity whatsoever. To them "different beliefs" seem to equal"lying liars who lie".

Huge generalization of course, many teens aren't so black and white in their views.

Sad but we see this in adult conservative Christians all of the time. they just can't tolerate anything that does not fit into their narrow views. This is the whole crux of the persecution complex. contradict what we say you are persecuting us and taking our rights away. But hey if we take your rights away it is ok because it is what god wants.

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Or, they could have just ignored it like most mature adults who disagree. Everyone has the right to express their opinion. Of course, most Americans have no clue what their constitution says, so this does not surprise me.

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