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From a 'moderate, sane' white nationalist:


Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, then you’re no doubt aware that black South African anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela died at the ripe age of 95. His death has been all the rage within the media for the past week or so. Even if you shun current events and don’t have a strong liking for history, then there’s still a good chance that you saw him depicted by Morgan Freeman in the film “Invictus.†Conventional wisdom tells us that Nelson Mandela was saint. Having languished in prison for 27 years, he emerged from his imprisonment to peacefully usher in a post-apartheid South Africa. Though some white nationalists may revoke my pro-white card for this, I can’t help but respect the man for his perseverance and accomplishments. He strikes me as one of the few non-white activists who genuinely embraced universal progressive values, as opposed to simply subscribing to liberalism out of naked self-interest.

However, I’m not going to spend much time talking about Mandela or South Africa. Rather, I’m going to discuss the many white liberals who continue to revere the man. As it turns out, gentle and conciliatory Nelson Mandela was also much more radical than many people realize. In addition to embracing communists and forming a guerrilla army, he also expressed solidarity with leaders such as Muammar Qaddafi. For those Jewish liberal Zionists out there, he was also pro-Palestinian and supported Palestinian aspirations for statehood. For those white American patriots who support the flag, Mandela once asserted that “if there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.â€

Just to clarify, I am not passing judgment on Mandela, nor am I condemning him for his various views. I have no love for Israel myself, and Dota and I both hold U.S. imperialism in low esteem. Rather, The point I’m trying to make is that white liberals who unquestioningly worship the man are demonstrating a certain dangerous naivete. Mandela is hardly the first covert radical that white Americans have whitewashed (no pun intended) and loved. MLK, for example, was far more of a radical than the simple non-violent, “judge by the content of your character†activist as he’s often depicted. Mainstream white conservatives and wine and cheese liberals may be more cautious to embrace MLK if they knew that he was a staunch advocate of quotas and affirmative action, among other things.

My point is that one should always exercise a certain degree of healthy skepticism. As one of Dota’s favorite games Deux Ex once put it, “trust no one. Question everything.†Just because people espouse views that happen to validate your worldview doesn’t mean that you should treat everything they say as a pearl of wisdom. For example, when I was at UC Irvine, I bore witness to UCI’s annual Israeli Apartheid Week, which was organized by the local Muslim Student Union. While I’m very critical of Zionism and organized Jewry, there was no way I could throw in my lot with the MSU and various other leftist student organizations behind the Israeli Apartheid Week. Even though they were bashing Israel one day, as non-white leftists they would inevitably turn their guns on the white man. Likewise, I implore our readers to not unquestioningly accept everything we say, even if they may agree with most of our views. There could very well be issues on which we greatly diverge.

If you’re a white nationalist, don’t uncritically embrace Jared Taylor. If you lean towards the manosphere, don’t blindly treat Roosh or Heartiste as sages. If you have conservative Christian leanings, don’t pray at the altar of Ted Pike or Brother Nathanael. Here at Occident Invicta, one of the great values of the West that we seek to uphold is that of critical thinking and individual rational autonomy. We encourage everyone, whether they’re our friends or foes, to exercise this critical thinking.

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Dear God, I can't believe I'm about to say this, I think he's right about not celebrating the dead and making them saints. Humans are unique and complex, and no one is all good or bad. The young Mandela was more radical and did throw his lot in with some individuals who today we find questionable. He seemed to mellow with his age and imprisonment and grew disenchanted with the more radical acts that were undertaken by his then wife Winnie who had taken up the banner for the cause. As we age we get more life experience which leads to wisdom. Those of us that were gung ho radicals in our youth that believed the ends justified the means now realize that you change more minds and hearts without violence, oppression/suppression, and extreme rhetoric. King, , Mahatma Gandhi, and Mandela are worthy of admiration and being held in high esteem, and history has born witness to their legacies and examples. Yes, learn about their beginnings and the mind and life changing events in their lives to better understand what shaped them into the celebrated people they became who were able to affect such enormous changes.

I hope that made some sense. The benadryl I took earlier has made me fuzzy.

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