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Zimmerman was acquitted because women are paranoid bitches


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(I'm pro-second amendment) and appearently women should'nt have guns while men should, because women are so brainwashed by rape culture they'll shoot up anyone who walk by :pull-hair: :wtf:


The Zimmerman verdict has simultaneously provoked outrage and elation from an infantile public alienated from reality. I admit I’m no legal expert and legal jargon sends me scrambling to Wikipedia, but I think I know enough about the issue now to express a (semi)coherent opinion on the matter. A commenter called Aakash makes an interesting comment on Robert Lindsay’s blog. He writes:

“George Zimmerman is guilty of involuntary manslaughter at the very least. Even though at the very moment that he shot the punk ass kid he might have been acting out of self defense (if his narrative is to be believed), there was no reason to pursue the black thug in the first place. “

Lots of people have been saying this and the argument has its merits. Zimmerman had no reason to follow Martin and was explicitly advised against it. His vigilante game tragically resulted in the death of a child when the entire debacle could have been avoided if he simply hadn’t done anything. The option of doing nothing is generally the most overlooked and yet arguably the one alternative that should be considered first; take it from the Tao Te Ching. There is no doubt that Zimmerman should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter as it was he who set in motion the chain of events and thus it should have been he who was taken to task for it. Some of our readers will no doubt object to this position and argue that it is unbecoming of a pro-white blog. Nevertheless just because we are pro-white doesn’t mean we have to surrender our capacity to bifurcate moral right from wrong. Martin was certainly an unruly miscreant but he certainly didn’t deserve to die. I have discussed this issue with Bay Area Guy and we have both come to this same conclusion. Sadly, the US intelligentsia is invested in destructive identity politics, white bashing, and race baiting. But we will leave that for another post.

Now that the obvious stuff is out of the way, lets move on to another comment on that same page, by a commenter called Tulio, who writes:â€

We can’t set a precedent that it’s okay to murder someone because you are losing a fight. We’re talking about a one on on fight. Martin had no weapon, he was 30lbs lighter. If you need to pull out a gun and kill someone who you outweigh by that margin you are fucking pathetic. And so what if his head was slammed into the ground. I saw the photos, I saw some cuts and blood, but nothing that indicated a life-threatened injury, no deep head-splitting gashes

This begs the most obvious question: why wasn’t he charged with manslaughter when this was a textbook case of the offense? I think the key to this puzzle lies with the all female jury. I’ll lay long odds that if a simulation of this trial were presented before a separate host of male and females jurors, that the males would reach a verdict of guilty 90% of the time while the females would reach the opposite verdict 90% of the time. To most sane and rational men, Tulio’s position up there rings true. However, to most women born and bred on rape culture paranoia, Zimmerman’s actions were morally justifiable, or atleast to a point where they did not elicit a guilty verdict. Since the entire setting occurred at night, in isolation, with one party dominating the other, the female jury quite possibly perceived it as a â€rape analogy†(to borrow a phrase from a friend). Those that have spent time at University would be adequately familiar with female paranoia.

Western women are paranoid, schizophrenic, and possess an inflated victim-hood complex. A few months ago Joe Salazar got into trouble for remarking that women on campus should not be allowed to carry concealed firearms as they were likely to act on their paranoia and shoot an innocent passerby. The feminist thought police were all over him, predictably so, and the man had to issue an apology for stating the obvious. Between the bogus rape culture and the inflated victim-hood, it seems unlikely that western women are capable of thinking rationally. Their moral particularism and solipsism casts additional doubt on their capacity to reason with a clear mind. Sadly, the high cost of political correctness must be borne as Zimmerman walks free while American society has yet to bear the burden of another mockery of justice.

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Gee, let's look at some of these points, shall we? I have some time before work starts to kick my ass today:


Some of our readers will no doubt object to this position and argue that it is unbecoming of a pro-white blog.

Ain't nobody got time for this one.


...women born and bred on rape culture paranoia...
Between the bogus rape culture and the inflated victim-hood, it seems unlikely that western women are capable of thinking rationally

Is it me or is this asshole really saying, "I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling feminists"?

Oh, and it's always amusing when he throws in a few high-end fancy words like "moral paritcularism" and "solipsism." He used those terms. I don't think they mean what he thinks they mean. They do not mean, "I am right because I am a penis-wielding white American." Being right because he has a penis (a white penis!) is enough for him. Perhaps he finds meaning in the smaller things in life.

By denying that the meddling feminists have a right to their opinion, he is, himself, committing solipsism. He also commits moral particularism, by refusing to acknowledge that no greater moral principles exist (truth, justice, goodness), that only what he focuses on and decides is of moral value.

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FYI, as a woman, I would perceive Zimmerman as the 'rapist' and Martin as the 'rape victim' purely based off the fact that Zimmerman was following Martin and was the aggressor in the altercation....not to mention that Zimmerman was armed.

This guy suffers from thinking that using 'big words' will lead to most humans not paying attention to his argument and de facto agreeing with him 'cause he sounds so smart.

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FYI, as a woman, I would perceive Zimmerman as the 'rapist' and Martin as the 'rape victim' purely based off the fact that Zimmerman was following Martin and was the aggressor in the altercation....not to mention that Zimmerman was armed.

This guy suffers from thinking that using 'big words' will lead to most humans not paying attention to his argument and de facto agreeing with him 'cause he sounds so smart.


Never use a twetny-five cent word when a five cent word will do- paraphrased Mark Twain quote that I can't google right now because job.

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FYI, as a woman, I would perceive Zimmerman as the 'rapist' and Martin as the 'rape victim' purely based off the fact that Zimmerman was following Martin and was the aggressor in the altercation....not to mention that Zimmerman was armed.

No no, Martin was the scary black man...

I expect the gun is a can of mace, or something.

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