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Sunshine Mary takes a stand against ugly modern women


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Sunshine Mary is upset about fat women wearing shorts and other summer fashion faux pas: sunshinemaryandthedragon.wordpress.com/2013/07/28/girl-game-standing-against-ugliness-summer-fashion-and-gardening-edition.

Being well-dressed is a beautiful form of politeness. Modern women often dress like slobs, and they use being comfortable as their excuse. This shows a certain want of manners, and furthermore, it is perfectly possible to be both comfortable and properly dressed.

She offers photos from her own wardrobe to help women who can't seem to dress themselves nicely along with tips on what not to wear.

Specifically, let us take summer shorts as our first example of modern ugliness. Most American women are overweight. The average American woman, according to the CDC, is 5’3″ and weighs nearly 165 pounds, giving her a BMI of just over 29 (healthy BMIs are between 19 and 25). Shorts are the worst possible thing a chubby woman can wear; an above-the-knee skirt is a much better choice and will keep you just as cool on a hot day.

Our second modern ugliness to consider is the scourge of sweatpants in public. If you are addicted to your sweatpants, try a maxi skirt like this one instead. I own this exact skirt; it is made of knit jersey fabric, which feels just like sweatpants. I paid $15 for it, and it’s perfect for those days when one didn’t quite have enough time to shave one’s legs in the shower. Much nicer than sweats, don’t you think?

In the comments section she admonishes women to smile

Something as simple as telling a woman, “Smile!†is considered to be street harassment by feminists.

Apparently feminists believe that Resting Bitch Face is the correct expression for women to adopt.In fact, they celebrate their angry countenances:

She also offers photos of appropriate underwear and some gardening tips that are actually quite good for those who might enjoy some light summer reading.

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I recently discovered Sunshine Mary and I find her so baffling and disturbing. She so desperately wants approval from the woman-hating misfits who post constantly on her site. The most disturbing thing, however, is that this woman-hating lady has five (5!) daughters.

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You know, the smiling thing really does get to me. There is guy working the toll booth that always tells me to smike, and I have made many comments to him and he keeps doing it (my assumption is that he doesn't remember me and asks all females). When a man asks me to show an emotion that I am obviously not feeling, it really pisses me off. I typicaly do not feel like smiling when I pay the sidx dollar toll, after dealing with traffic on the turnpike and a long day of work.

Jesus would not be focused on what people choose to wear. I'm not a believer, but I know if he were around, he'd focus on much more than attire.

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I'm shocked that SSM has read (or at the very least is familiar with concepts from) Shulamith Firestone's Dialectic of Sex. That's the first feminist text to point out the sexism inherent in telling women they should smile in public (which is obviously patronizing and annoying and assumes that female bodies are public property). It is perhaps unlikely that she has read the actual text, which, btw is thought-provoking and incredibly interesting, but I guess I just didn't expect her to know about what is a fairly specific radical second-wave complaint that isn't usually discussed outside of WMST circles or similar.

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Hahaha! Just got through the comments and apparently that loser Frank (who should withdraw himself into the wilderness for humanity´s sake) from geekinthewilderness is posting there, linking to his experience with some Hippie-themed Walm...err... Whole Foods minion whose job forced her to have to chat with him for about 15 minutes or so (can I find that girl and send her my condulences?)


How about telling him the next time he gives you this BS "Actually, every time I see you I want to burst out laughting, but I have too much respect for even the minor law enforcement." :mrgreen:

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In her first example I don't see anything wrong with the teeshirt and sweats for a college girl. The two women in dresses look fine for work but for grocery shopping? No, I don't see any reason to put on a dress to go grocery shopping, running errands, or attending class (the 3 examples she uses). What's wrong with sweat pants for grocery shopping or running errands? Now, I do think some people go about running errands dressed like slobs. I especially hate when I see thongs showing, it's embarrassing. But I can only be in charge of how I dress.

Her next example, shorts vs skirts/skorts. She is right that when chubby women wear shorts their inner thighs chafe but it's their thighs. Who is going to wear skirts playing with their kids, taking kids to the playground, doing yard work, etc? Most women are going to wear shorts in the summer. I do have to admit I'm seeing more and more skirts and dresses this summer, is anyone else? They're cute sundresses for the most part, with the hem being different lengths. I'm too old for them but they look really cute on younger women. I gave up shorts at age 50, I wear capris now. She doesn't even mention those.

Her third example is wearing jersey maxi skirts instead of sweat pants. Maxi skirts, really? Again, for work or church OK but for play, no. Who wants to take a long walk in a maxi skirt? Or ride your bike? Or chase after your kids? Or garden?

I like the morning glories growing over the picture window. Or you could use other flowering vines. I wish I had a picture window and wasn't in a 2nd floor apartment. I'm going to suggest this to my daughter for next summer. And I'm all for replacing grass with flowers. Every once in awhile I see a yard that is nothing but wild flowers, love it.

Wow, she gets A LOT of comments. They take longer to read than her blog entry.

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So where did SSM go for awhile? Apparently she stopped blogging for a period of time, then returned after Aunt Giggle's abuse. What's the story behind this?

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People ordering women to smile makes me think of this Not Always Right story:

(Note: I’m a customer and overhear this exchange while waiting in line.)

Barista: Here’s your change. Have a nice day.

Customer: You know, you haven’t smiled once.

Barista: Sorry.

Customer: I’m so sick of the attitude of people in the service industry! Is it so hard to give your customers a smile as you’re pouring water through beans? You all are so arrogant, it makes me sick!

Barista: *eyes begin to well up*

Customer: Why aren’t you smiling?!

Barista: …because my father died last night.

(At this point, you could hear a pin drop. The customer is literally glared out of the shop, forgetting her coffee.)

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If shitstain Mary doesn't want to look at my "chubby" ugly size 12 thighs in shorts, she is welcome to look elsewhere.

I live in a part of the country where we wear shorts 6 months out of the year. I will wear an occasional skirt or dress for variety. Shorts keep me just as cool but without the ever present danger of wind bowing up my skirt.

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Even if all women were to revert to wearing skirts and dresses exclusively, there will always be someone to criticize the current styles and fashions. Given that almost all of SSM's followers are socially awkward male misanthropes, it is highly unlikely that a change in women's fashion will help them find girlfriends. People like Deti* and Frank will never be happy with the ways women dress/act because ultimately their misogyny comes from internal failings and insecurities.

* Deti is a poster who has written on SSM's blog that women should always fake orgasms to make their husbands feel more manly. It seems like finding out your wife was faking would make you feel less manly, but what do I know? He also has some ridiculous phrase like " women should keep their weight down, their hair long and the makeup on." As if it's every woman's personal responsibility to make sure that Deti has enough eye candy to look at every day.

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:lol: I get obvious sustained stares from men whenever I nip into the shops after the gym in my lululemon tights & a T-Shirt. Moreso than when i'm done up in a pair of heels & a frock. There is no chance that i'm going to go home get changed & then go back to the shops. I've got better things to do with my time.

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I wish I could unread the comments. For someone who calls herself sunshine mary, she has managed to cultivate a lot of hatred (towards women) in her comments section.

I've always thought that if the only way you can get someone to smile is by demanding it or provoking an awkward [fuck off] smile, you mustn't be a very likeable person. If I'm enjoying a conversation I'll naturally smile.

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Could we please see a photo of "Sunshine Mary"?

There's one on her blog. Go there and click on the "Service with a Smile" post from a week or so ago. It's at the bottom of the post. She used to use her photo as her gravatar but switched it recently.

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A "meh" face with plastic surgery topping and a hostile creeper´s aura that practically jumps through the screen.

(My expectations got confirmed, thank you, @snuggles911, for directions :D )

You ain´t gonna sell us boiling meat for tenderloin, Shitstain Mary - And your asshole of an husband won´t buy that either in the long run (but you have made your bed yourself, so...), even if you go fully-blown Jocelyn Wildenstein "to be beautifulz for yah män" !

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Um, no, those dresses in the first example do not look functional. The first one in particular is snug around the waist and if I am trying to bend down to get cat litter or something from the bottom shelf of a grocery store, I am not going to be as mobile in that dress as in the sweats and t-shirt. Also, if I pick up something that is leaking, or is out of the freezer section, and happen to brush it against myself while loading it into the cart, I would much rather get my t-shirt dirty or wet than a nice dress. And I think the flats she recommends are likely to have less traction than my sneakers, and thus aren't going to protect you from slipping on the 'spill in aisle 7' mopped-up spot. (Not that the flip flops in the 'slob' example would be much better.)

Also, I need pockets. This is why I wear jeans instead of sweats. And as I am forever blotting leaking pens on my jeans, I don't want to wear a dress to class, either.

Subshine (heh, typo, but I'll keep it) Mary will have to deal with that.

How *does* she get so many comments?

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From her comments section: “Smile. Seriously, even if you are having a terrible week, put a smile on your face and find joy in whatever you can. A woman with a lighthearted demeanor will lift the spirit of the men who cross her path. Not to mention, it just might improve your mood. Find something to enjoy in even if it is small, and keep a smile. Too few women smile, and it kills a man’s day to see so many scowls.â€

So basically, we should all grin ourselves into oblivion so that men can have good days.

I am actually in the "dress up" crowd, but I can't for the life of me think how it would affect me what another woman chooses to wear to the grocery store.

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I fucking hate men who tell me to smile. Why should I smile for you? I don't know you. I clearly don't feel like smiling. We're passing each other for 5 seconds, and now I have to perform for you? Fuck off and smile yourself if you want a smile so bad.

And I wear skirts/dresses pretty much exclusively, but I don't care what other women wear. You do you.

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I got asked to smile by some arsehole the other week

its first thing in the am, and I am walking out of a hospital, civvies on, looking knackered

I looked tired and solemn- a bad event overnight, person who died despite all our help, and I was running it over in my mind seeing if I could have done any better/changed things. First night back to work after my most recent miscarriage too- cant help but feeling a bit off the game, face hormonal spots and hair falling out in handfuls

For all he knew I could have been walking away from the deathbed of a family member

'Smile, cheer up it might never happen'

I must confess,I turned on him and asked Why should I smile? dont you think that might be an inappropriate thing to ask a woman clearly walking out of a hospital - that I might have something on my mind bigger than looking pretty and cheery for him?

For that I got an ffff ing mouthful of abuse. glum.

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I got asked to smile by some arsehole the other week

its first thing in the am, and I am walking out of a hospital, civvies on, looking knackered

I looked tired and solemn- a bad event overnight, person who died despite all our help, and I was running it over in my mind seeing if I could have done any better/changed things. First night back to work after my most recent miscarriage too- cant help but feeling a bit off the game, face hormonal spots and hair falling out in handfuls

For all he knew I could have been walking away from the deathbed of a family member

So sorry to hear that.

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And, don't forget that smiling at random men in the street is often misinterpreted. I'm sure SSM would be up in arms if a stranger would smile at Mr. SSM. Her next post would be about what harlots some women are.

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Is it just me or does it strike anyone else that many of the fundie women whose blogs we comment on in this forum are awfully judgmental and come off as women with a superiority complex? The day I start taking fashion tips from Sunshine Mary is the day I have myself committed.

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My face, when at rest, tends to look sad. I don't have the full-on "bitch face" though since my mother does I assume it's coming along as I age:)

I thus am told to smile, generally by older men, ALL THE TIME. And it seriously makes me want to shank them. I smile when there is something worth smiling about, and being criticized by a stranger for my appearance really doesn't perk me up a whole lot.

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She's right on skirts vs shorts, but mainly because of crotch sweat.

I normally wear skirts during summer, but if I have to do something useful it's shorts or capris.

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