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Undercurrent of Rage/Anger


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Maybe I spend way too much time on the internet but it seems like an awful lot of posters have an undercurrent of rage and anger going on. Some folks get way too defensive -- almost in an aggressive way -- about everything from the pledge of allegiance to their religious beliefs. Not sure why we can't all live and let live but that doesn't seem to be the American way. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Anyone feel like this is the case?

EDITED: I am not referring to the FJers posts. I am referring to many of the fundie blogs we talk about on here.

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I often feel like I skew passive-aggressive when I post, but honestly that isn't my intent at all. I think it's just I'm not a good enough writer to convey what I'm thinking and have it come across how I want it to without putting lol or haha or a smilie.

(you mentioned the pledge of allegiance, which is a thing I just posted about and was not angry or trying to be rude or anything at all)

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Maybe because we are discussing very contentious, sensitive topics and we are all opinionated folks. If we were all super laid back and didn't care passionately about things, we wouldn't be here worrying about what fundies are doing.

Sure, I will admit I have been ragey at times. Some things merit it.

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I often feel like I skew passive-aggressive when I post, but honestly that isn't my intent at all. I think it's just I'm not a good enough writer to convey what I'm thinking and have it come across how I want it to without putting lol or haha or a smilie.

(you mentioned the pledge of allegiance, which is a thing I just posted about and was not angry or trying to be rude or anything at all)

I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. I was not referring to people who post on this site. I'm referring to the bloggers we talk about like Sunshine Mary, Lori, kidist and those types. Most of their posts seem bordering on hate to me. They certainly don't seem to like themselves or their sex.

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No, they often don't like themselves or their lives. Passive Aggression is a classic response to the combination of powerlessness and having to keep sweet.

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I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. I was not referring to people who post on this site. I'm referring to the bloggers we talk about like Sunshine Mary, Lori, kidist and those types. Most of their posts seem bordering on hate to me. They certainly don't seem to like themselves or their sex.

Ohhhhhhh, well never mind me over here. Carry on!

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I think it varies from blog to blog, but I certainly see rage in many of the people we discuss. There seem to be lots of other things in the recipe for some -- self-righteousness, fear, a need for perfect, universal rules, and holding the role of perpetual victim, for example.

It's a dull cliche to write off someone as "just bitter, has no life," etc., and I try not to do it. But many of these bloggers sound so angry or desperate, or outwardly calm but holding in bottled-up rage, that it is hard not to go there.

Some of them seem like they are holding together their personalities, theology, and philosophy with the mental equivalent of paper clips and duct tape.

And, if they seem genuinely happy and cheery, it all seems to be based on fantasy, like ignoring actual scientific evidence of how the world works.

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I think its the keeping sweet. They cant let their rage out in healthy ways, so it just builds up inside.

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Maybe I spend way too much time on the internet but it seems like an awful lot of posters have an undercurrent of rage and anger going on. Some folks get way too defensive -- almost in an aggressive way -- about everything from the pledge of allegiance to their religious beliefs. Not sure why we can't all live and let live but that doesn't seem to be the American way. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Anyone feel like this is the case?

EDITED: I am not referring to the FJers posts. I am referring to many of the fundie blogs we talk about on here.

Saw this and thought it was interesting.

http://theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=9554 Part one

http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=9555 Part two

An article about the effects of statins on personality and if it may be playing a role in politics.

Interesting read, I thought.

Didn't break links as it is a news source

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Lol sorry I misunderstood. Ironically I think it may be a sign that I AM getting too ragey. :lol:

A lot of the fundie women who blog are definitely angry. A lot of it has to do with the fact that they have created these prisons for themselves and want to pretend that it's actually heaven. When they see us non-fundie women living their lives, being free and NOT getting struck down, it angers them because it makes it clear that there actually IS another way. And if there is, why are they forcing misery on themselves? Why are they destroying their bodies with a dozen pregnancies? Why are they having unsatisfying sex with assholes who treat them like shit? Righteous indignation is the only defense they have. The facts are not on their side, and I think that deep down even many of them realize that.

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Ever play pretend that your life is one thing when it's something totally different? It's really freakin' stressful. I never felt so free as the first time I told someone that my dad was a terrible person, I didn't care about him and that was that. Sure beat all those years of pretending to be a happy, happy, joy, joy family.

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Ironically I think it may be a sign that I AM getting too ragey. :lol:

I can identify. I get really sad or ragey over some of the stuff covered at FJ. Can't stand to read the Sunshine Mary or Thinking Housewife blogs, because just the quotes here get me too worked up. But when that happens I can get off the internet and cheer myself up by being an independent woman who makes her own choices. Fundie women have no relief ever. No wonder there's a bitter, resentful undertone, if not worse. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Total-Eclipse-of-the-Sun Mary.

Even so, they still pale compared to Men's Rights Activists. They're not just angry, they're vile, vicious and violent. Of course fundie women have a lot more experience at suppressing their emotions than rageaholic MRAs. I don't know who is worse off.

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My experience teaching in a fundy-lite school was that these people live in a culture of fear. They are constantly told about a world that is out to get them and destroy their children. And they are exhorted to be mad about it. We were all supposed to listen exclusively to the local Christian radio station and, for one year, I shared an apartment with another teacher who had it blasting through our apartment every single morning. I finally asked her to turn it off because the morning show was just a litany of what we were supposed to be angry about and afraid of that day. When you start your day like that...

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Had this problem. Got into what started out as a friendly debate on modesty. I argued that Jesus didn't judge people so you can't honestly look down on people for the things they wear or decide they aren't "good enough Christians" because of the way they dress. This person started getting nasty about it and actually had others point out to him how nasty he was getting. He insinuated that I was dumb and turned into a really nasty bully. I ended up telling him off, informing him that I no longer tolerate abuse in my life or abusive people and blocked him (facebook). It was actually a good moment for me, shutting someone down who thinks he's better than everyone else because he's Christian as I was bullied both at home and school as a child and refuse to take that kind of abuse ever again.

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