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Glenn Beck Gives Obama A Deadline


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Glen Beck claiming he has proof the federal government carried out the boston marathon bombing as a false flag opperation. He said that Obama has till monday to admit it or his show will reveal the evidence for his conspiracy theory!

Well Monday is finally here. Click the link below to see his big reveal!

It is three minutes too long. Seriously, I couldn't get through it.

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I think I just lost brain cells listening to that!

Do those who believe in this man not catch that he CHANGED his theory between last week and Monday? Last week, the theory was that he had PROOF that a "bad, bad, bad" Saudi man was hired by the US government to commit the bombing. Monday, it's the radical Muslims again...funded by the Saudis....OH, and the 19 year old is RECRUITING US nationals so that they cannot be traaced to the radicals when they commit terroristic acts.

Never mind, I just remembered I have friends who worship Beck and believe every word out of his mouth. Now I remember why I moved them out of my FB feed.

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It's super cute that Beck thinks he's somehow still relevant.

Edited to add follow-up question: It's Tuesday now. Did he reveal his super-big secret?? I'm on the edge of my seat over here ...

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Here is a really good article on the Beck crazy.

This way you can read about the impact of this nuttiness without watching Beck.

http://www.alternet.org/glenn-beck-come ... out-boston

Keep in mind, this was after unethical right-wing bloggers had already harassed the Saudi bombing victim online, publishing his name, home address, and what they claimed were Facebook pictures of the 20-year-old Saudi national student. The same student police had cleared of any implication in the blast. (His only crime this week appeared to be his Saudi origin.)

And who led the early crusade against the bomb victim? Murdoch's New York Post, which erroneously reported he was a "suspect" who had been taken "into custody."

This is pretty low and even though I am not one of those who published his name, I'm embarrassed that someone in my country did.

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I hear the worlds "Murdoch" and "Glenn Beck" and immediately tune out. Whatever they say or promote, the opposite is more likely to be true.

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I'm sure Obama is terrified. :roll:

Yep...as soon as he stops laughing, he'll contact Glenn Beck right away with THE TRUTH!!!! :lol:

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Glenn Beck is a sack of shit. I don't care if you're conservative, or a conservative person in the media, but I do despise bullying tactics like his. Luckily his audience seems to have faded a bit. One can hope, right?

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The other day he was going on about how he "doesn't do this for money" and segued right into an advertisement for The Blaze (his new network, because no one else wants him). He's so transparent and pathetic.

And an asshole. His radio show is mean spirited at the best of times, and downright evil at the worst. You know, they laugh at kids? A junior high student was interviewed about something, and Glenn Beck and Scott and Stu went on and on and on about how stupid the CHILD who answered the question was because they said "like" a few times and stumbled a little bit. They go on constantly about how "This man (Obama) is NOTHING LIKE US" and they do it in such a way that I can actually see why some people fall for it. I think that he is much, much, much more dangerous than Rush, just based on the demographics and the way he delivers his "message." At least the majority of younger Americans can see through Rush's facade, where as I don't see that with Beck. Because Beck CAN come off as "funny" (not really to me, but I can see why some might think so) or a "nice guy" (again, not to me, but I can see why occasional listeners might think he's not so bad) and every once in a while he makes a point I agree with. (One of these points was that Swiss Chard should never be fed to humans, but I digress ;-))

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The other day he was going on about how he "doesn't do this for money" and segued right into an advertisement for The Blaze (his new network, because no one else wants him). He's so transparent and pathetic.

And an asshole. His radio show is mean spirited at the best of times, and downright evil at the worst. You know, they laugh at kids? A junior high student was interviewed about something, and Glenn Beck and Scott and Stu went on and on and on about how stupid the CHILD who answered the question was because they said "like" a few times and stumbled a little bit. They go on constantly about how "This man (Obama) is NOTHING LIKE US" and they do it in such a way that I can actually see why some people fall for it. I think that he is much, much, much more dangerous than Rush, just based on the demographics and the way he delivers his "message." At least the majority of younger Americans can see through Rush's facade, where as I don't see that with Beck. Because Beck CAN come off as "funny" (not really to me, but I can see why some might think so) or a "nice guy" (again, not to me, but I can see why occasional listeners might think he's not so bad) and every once in a while he makes a point I agree with. (One of these points was that Swiss Chard should never be fed to humans, but I digress ;-))

When we lived in Iowa, we didn't want cable so I listened to a lot of talk radio. Beck has a weird sense of humor that occasionally can be funny. Of course, he wasn't so radical until after 9-11. He also is very good at somehow making it sound like there are continual dangers to our freedoms around every corner. I haven't decided if he is a brilliant but evil troll or if he believes the crazy stuff he spouts.

Despite his craziness, I wish that more progressives would listen to him just to understand how he works.

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The other day he was going on about how he "doesn't do this for money" and segued right into an advertisement for The Blaze (his new network, because no one else wants him). He's so transparent and pathetic.

And an asshole. His radio show is mean spirited at the best of times, and downright evil at the worst. You know, they laugh at kids? A junior high student was interviewed about something, and Glenn Beck and Scott and Stu went on and on and on about how stupid the CHILD who answered the question was because they said "like" a few times and stumbled a little bit. They go on constantly about how "This man (Obama) is NOTHING LIKE US" and they do it in such a way that I can actually see why some people fall for it. I think that he is much, much, much more dangerous than Rush, just based on the demographics and the way he delivers his "message." At least the majority of younger Americans can see through Rush's facade, where as I don't see that with Beck. Because Beck CAN come off as "funny" (not really to me, but I can see why some might think so) or a "nice guy" (again, not to me, but I can see why occasional listeners might think he's not so bad) and every once in a while he makes a point I agree with. (One of these points was that Swiss Chard should never be fed to humans, but I digress ;-))

He came under fire last year when Obama came out against gay marriage and said his daughters inspired his change of heart. This shitstain then MOCKED Obama's daughter Malia on his radio program, talking in a squeaky voice pretending to be her and basically acting like a schoolyard bully. He gave an "apology" afterwards, saying he knew it was wrong to pick on a child and said he wouldn't do it again. Clearly, he was full of shit.

So this asshole is one of the "false flag" tinhatters now? Or is this just an attempt to stay relevant?

Edited for riffle

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How about when he compared murdered Norwegian teenagers to the Hitler Youth? You know, in a country that had many of its citizens murdered by Hitler's forces.

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This is pretty low and even though I am not one of those who published his name, I'm embarrassed that someone in my country did.

Murdoch? Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised. This is the guy who ran News of the World, after all. He's the reason I will never get Sky as long as he runs it, because I'm not giving that sick bastard money.

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Murdoch? Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised. This is the guy who ran News of the World, after all. He's the reason I will never get Sky as long as he runs it, because I'm not giving that sick bastard money.

I really wish he would go away. He's part of the reason we have crappy news in the United States. Everyday, I check BBC News because I need more detail, not quick soundbites interspersed with pranks that husbands have played on wives. celebrities and whatever attractive but horrible woman is one trail at that time

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Hey I'm always up for a good conspiracy but....... come on :roll:

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So did he ever present this "proof" he had that the government was behind this?

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Beck, Trump, who's next? It's like being attacked by a posse of clowns.

Insane Clown Posse! AnywhereButHere FTW!

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I believe in the theory of Occam's Razor, which posits that all things being considered, the simplest explanation is the correct one. A true conspiracy would take a lot of people to pull off and none of the people would be allowed to speak about it. Unlikely. Two men exploded two bombs. No conspiracy here.

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