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People supporting Rapists!


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http://ca.news.yahoo.com/posters-suppor ... 01987.html

Link not broken because it's a news story.

Not only was this poor girl raped by 4 boys but she was then publicly humiliated, called names, and harassed to the point where the dear girl committed suicide :( Now there are posters going up in the girls neighborhood supporting the boys saying that "the truth will come out". Their assertion is that the sex was consentual. Guess what guys, even if it were that gives them no right to shame and publicly humitiate her, how can grown adults support this type of behavior. Rehtaeh was only 15 when it happened and drunk, so not only was it rape because she was only 15 but because she was drunk at the time and could not consent. They circulated pictures of her... :cry: Once again shades of a male dominated culture come shining through, must be the females fault for tempting those innocent males who have no self control. :angry-banghead: :disgust:

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Is there a stronger word for these "people" stronger than "assshole" or "douchbag?"

Shitstains? Twatwaffles? Rape apologists?

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I keep trying to think of words for these people, but I just can't. She killed herself over what they did to her. What is wrong with this world?

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HI! Long time lurker and first time poster. This infuriates me for so many reasons I really don't know where to begin. A local paper in NS posted the article too :

http://www.cumberlandnewsnow.com/News/L ... s-family/1

(link not broken because it's a news article). The reply by "Prairie Pagan" is another victim blaming idiot. Teens never, ever lie to their parents about where they're going to be, and my goodness, nothing says "rape me!" like tattoos and piercings, right? :roll:

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