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An Editorial About the Christian Right's Persecution Complex


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This popped up in my Facebook feed courtesy of Rachel Maddow. I don't have a huge amount to add except that I'm in complete agreement, and it's kind of a relief to see that this ridiculous routine of crying persecution whenever someone does something that evangelical Christians don't like is finally beginning to be called out for exactly what it is. One of the money quotes:

For the social conservatives and the religious right movement, a sense of victimization and a profound persecution complex aren't just hallmarks of their ideology, it's been elevated to a near art form. Nobody -- nobody -- feels sorry for themselves as dramatically and effectively as far-right evangelical activists.


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Some of the comments are very lolwut.

FATHER doesn't force Us to Follow Him How Can We force Any One Else to Follow HIM and How can You Speak a Living Word with a Gagged Mouth or even sip The Living Water?

I can't even tell if this agrees or not.

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Part of the persecution complex is fed by churches preaching the it is us against the world mantra. The whole onward Christian soldiers thing that seems to be laughable in a way. On the one hand God is love, but every knee shall bow in reverance to my power.

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FATHER doesn't force Us to Follow Him How Can We force Any One Else to Follow HIM and How can You Speak a Living Word with a Gagged Mouth or even sip The Living Water?

Say what now? What does this even mean? :-? :think:

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Say what now? What does this even mean? :-? :think:

Drink the kook aid. ;)

ETA: You know, that kook part was a typo and I was going to edit it to read 'kool aid' but kook words just as well.

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That's actually pretty funny considering those are the same people who like to accuse other people of having a "victim complex."

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You know, at the gym today the TV nearest to me had CNN on, and there was a segment on a man from Iran (I think it was Iran) who converted to Christianity and was holding underground services because he could be thrown in jail for it. From what I caught, he and his family immigrated to the US, but he went back to Iran to work in an orphanage and was captured by the Iran government and is now in jail there for eight years for preaching Christianity. That, my dear fundies, is Christian persecution.

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You know, at the gym today the TV nearest to me had CNN on, and there was a segment on a man from Iran (I think it was Iran) who converted to Christianity and was holding underground services because he could be thrown in jail for it. From what I caught, he and his family immigrated to the US, but he went back to Iran to work in an orphanage and was captured by the Iran government and is now in jail there for eight years for preaching Christianity. That, my dear fundies, is Christian persecution.

“Christian persecution†to fundies includes the frustrating fact that they can't jail Muslims just for being Muslims in the US. How dare they be allowed to build mosques in this country!

At their core, all extremists are essentially the same.

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You know, at the gym today the TV nearest to me had CNN on, and there was a segment on a man from Iran (I think it was Iran) who converted to Christianity and was holding underground services because he could be thrown in jail for it. From what I caught, he and his family immigrated to the US, but he went back to Iran to work in an orphanage and was captured by the Iran government and is now in jail there for eight years for preaching Christianity. That, my dear fundies, is Christian persecution.


And I devoutly wish that all the U.S. citizen fundies who think they're being persecuted now would go live in a theocracy run by people who are not Christians for a couple years. Maybe then they would get a clue about why the separation of church and state is important.

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