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Valentine's Day is Evil!


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Though Valentine's Day is over, I stumbled across this gem and could not resist posting it. Now, I admit that I'm rather Bah-Humbug about Valentine's Day myself ever since I worked in a flower shop in high school. I considered it pointless, but evil never crossed my mind.

You see several shindigs and shows mainly targeted at boys and girls in love.or should I say those who have fallen in love with each other.

Have you not noticed that this day 99% in 100 with the guy going steady and eventually having sex with his valentine?

News sometimes reach the airwaves and public domains as you hear even cases of rape on Valentine’s day.If Valentine was meant for love, should always be sex.?

Can’t you see even little kids that should be innocent in their thinking,they already know valentine to be day to be with a female friends which they take out or spend time with as their val.Parents are not left behind in encouraging their kids to pick and bring home a val for the day.

For a newsletter, the writing is very poorly constructed and it seems she did not even bother to edit.

During the time of Emperor Constantine,that was in A.D 313,he declared Christianity to be a state religion in the then Roman empire.Some leaders in the church wanted to do away with every thing idolatrous and pagan,but some who were liberal fought that such should not be done because this would bring the citizens against the government of Constantine.

Liberals were causing satanic rule even back in the 300s.

Are you a true Christian and after reading this, you still think Valentine is for you,You better quickly do a rethink and be no longer unequally yoked together with unbelievers.For what fellowship has light with darkness or what communion has Christ with belial- baal.Come out from among them!

Aside from the very poor grammar and puncuation, love that she is telling everyone that unless you stop celebrating Valentine's Day, you are not a true believer and not a "real" Christian. I'm sure their Jesus would approve. :roll:


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Aw, crap. Now I need to start celebrating V-day to keep my "godless heathen liberal" credentials up? :(

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Is English the author's first language? I'm having difficulty understanding some of the excerpts you posted. Also, I only read the first paragraph or so of the page, but St. Valentine was supposedly martyred for marrying people, not "for love" (as the "article" states twice in one sentence...)

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Well, I am in agreement insomuch as it's just another excuse for people to give and receive gifts, even if this one does date back to the middle ages rather than being created in the last 150 years or so. It's always seemed silly to me.

It used to be that in Australia there were mostly just a small selection of cards and you could maybe buy roses at some places, but that was it. As Australia becomes more Americanised, every year our Valentines gift/card selections are showing up in more places and becoming more extensive. Same with Halloween. 10 years ago you couldn't find anything in stores to do with Halloween, now most supermarkets have a Halloween display and more and more places are doing it and the displays are getting bigger and bigger.

Even when I'm in relationships at Valentines the most we do is say 'Happy Valentines Day' to each other, which is fine by me. The only time I ever actually got or gave presents was when I was with an American because I knew my partner would be giving me cards and gifts and I wanted to return the favour.

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When Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, wouldn't the people who wanted to keep the pagan holidays be the conservatives and the new Christians be the liberals? People make me so mad.

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Though Valentine's Day is over, I stumbled across this gem and could not resist posting it. Now, I admit that I'm rather Bah-Humbug about Valentine's Day myself ever since I worked in a flower shop in high school. I considered it pointless, but evil never crossed my mind.

For a newsletter, the writing is very poorly constructed and it seems she did not even bother to edit.

Liberals were causing satanic rule even back in the 300s.

Aside from the very poor grammar and puncuation, love that she is telling everyone that unless you stop celebrating Valentine's Day, you are not a true believer and not a "real" Christian. I'm sure their Jesus would approve. :roll:


It seems to read English as a Second Language to me....

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That was difficult to understand. Of course, I understand why some people dislike Valentine's Day and I've heard some good arguments against it. But, I like all the holidays and have fun with them. She is the first person that I ever read claim that the holiday was evil though. Most people that don't want to celebrate usually just ignore the holiday.

There are things that I like that ever single other person seems to love. I just keep my dislike to myself and try not to destroy other people's fun. For example, I am the only person that I know who hates flash mobs. The concept itself just seem intrusive. However, I've accepted the fact that I am the ONLY person with this opinion. Maybe I should write an essay about how god hates flash mobs and everyone involved in these types of dancing will spontaneously burst into flames because they are EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Or I could accept that my opinion isn't the most important thing in other people's lives and being polite means I don't ruin other people's fun

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Seems to me that these fundy types claim anything to do with the catholic church is, "Evil". Candy's blog is a real hoot though, she affectionately refers to most holidays as "helladays". Ive been getting a real kick out of reading her stuff this past several months, especially over halloween and christmas! Frankly Im shocked we havent heard much off these types of blogs about mardi gras, I was sure they would have jumped all over that holiday. Theres nothing like a good mardi gras parade, in my opinion!

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I've become used to the fact that about 90% of the fundie blogwriters I've come across don't exactly have the best handle on punctuation and grammar, but holy hell, this was a special kind of painful! :D

I'd love to see her take on other holidays. I guess I need to keep reading. I'm guessing none of them take on Mardi Gras because it's just too much for them. Kind of hard to type out a blog post when your in the middle of a seizure... :P

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Cupid works for the IRS!

While I'm also a bit bah-humbug about Valentine's Day it's far from an evil holiday. I celebrate the 15th when all the candy goes on half price! :D

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