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"17-year-old guy: I Was Balling Through The Whole Thing"

Marian the Librarian

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One young man's response to one of the films screened at Dougie's movie-fest. I swear, that's what it says on Doug's blog... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited to add: followed immediately by "Hollywood Makes Men the Laughingstock!" I swear, I don't make the news, I only report it...

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One young man's response to one of the films screened at Dougie's movie-fest. I swear, that's what it says on Doug's blog... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now I'm *really* looking forward to the festival awards these evening.* Is there a Christian Porn category? Hand-sex, maybe?

*And not just because it will provide multiple opportunities to snark on Doug Phillips (who is a tool).

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Ah yes, that Christian film festival highlighting the best in fundie film-making. I \wonder why fundies both to watch films when they have to stoop to watching dribble with high school production values in order to watch films which satisfy their morality standards.

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Screencap before he changes it!


Dear Doug Phillips (is a tool), this one is TOTALLY on you. I believe the poor young man whom you have now publicly humiliated meant BAWLING, as in "crying". Unfortunately, being the tool that you are, you dont know the difference between crying and fucking. GOOD WORK!

edited to break link.

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But what does it really mean?

Tangent: Over the summer I had an intern listening to some jail recordings and two men were talking about their "hoes" and various other life events critical when one party has been locked up for a capital felony. Apparently at some point in the convo they began to reminisce about the good ole days of robbing people and were discussing a particularly lucrative day. The exact line was something like "bro, we were fucking balling!" My poor intern couldnt for her life figure out what to put in her report... until I showed her urban dictionary... and she put it in context of the conversation and figured out they were discussing the fact that they were "flush with cash." Ah... memories...

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But what does it really mean?

I work with inner-city teenagers, so this was what I immediately thought of. A bit ironic since I usually zero in on mistakes like that- it's the 'does not mean what you think it means' reaction. :doh:

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That's all I got.

Me, too. :laughing-rolling:

Well other than...

**Doug Phillips is a Tool!**

And that. :lol:

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Trying to watch the awards show now. I'm going to be bawling from boredom in the next 5 minutes.

I don't recognize any of the half-comatose members of the audience, but the entire Phillips clan is being trotted out as presenters. Doug Phillips is the host, surprisingly short, and, of course, a tool.

Oh nooooz...he's about to do some presentation on Hazardous Journeys. I need liquor.

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Trying to watch the awards show now. I'm going to be bawling from boredom in the next 5 minutes.

I don't recognize any of the half-comatose members of the audience, but the entire Phillips clan is being trotted out as presenters. Doug Phillips is the host, surprisingly short, and, of course, a tool.

Oh nooooz...he's about to do some presentation on Hazardous Journeys. I need liquor.

Time to come up with a drinking game. :obscene-drinkingcheers:

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Trying to watch the awards show now. I'm going to be bawling from boredom in the next 5 minutes.

I don't recognize any of the half-comatose members of the audience, but the entire Phillips clan is being trotted out as presenters. Doug Phillips is the host, surprisingly short, and, of course, a tool.

Oh nooooz...he's about to do some presentation on Hazardous Journeys. I need liquor.

If you were balling it would go faster.

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And the big. overblown "D" in his signature looks like a sideways butt.

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The Hazardous Journey this year is on Manhood, Risk and Dominion (sorry, no ladies allowed). He's comparing it to the work of National Geographic (only much, much more Godly, with no nekkid pictures or anything like that). They seem to be invading, I mean, exploring 15 different countries. Be afraid...

Ooh, Geoffrey Botkin in da house! Big excitement!

I think I have some rum in the kitchen...

Edited to add: Rick Santorum in da house. Standing ovation. No sign of his Duggar remora yet. Rum may be insufficient.

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My fundy FB friend just updated that "The Drop Box" left her in "tears of joy". Thought it was apropos, though she did not say bawling/balling, unfortunately.

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Heavens know I don't want to be fair to Doug Phillips Is A Tool, but I believe it's his buddy, Adam McManus - godly windbag extraordinaire -- who is responsible for this gaffe because Adam has been live-blogging the whole shebang for Dougie all week.

Say, maybe Doug Phillips (Is A Tool) will BALL BAWL OUT his buddy for this epic failure of a post! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doug Phillips Is A :music-tool:

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Oh, geez I'm so going to hell, heck I was half way there anywhoo. But to be fair, Dougie practically served us this one on a silver platter all wrapped up with a pretty bow on top!


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